MovieChat Forums > Magicdave > Replies
Magicdave's Replies
You are, of course, entitled to your opinion. But if you read it carefully, there is only one mention of God in the entire text, and it says "whatever you conceive him to be".
You conceive him to be an a$$hole.
That's your right, whether it's right or wrong.
Remember, according to the Bible, God gave man free will, to do as he saw fit. Not everyone has a good thought as to how to proceed and many take a dark path in life.
We all make mistakes. But every mistake (or failure) is an opportunity to learn. Some people never do.
The Three Stooges were an inspiration for this movie. Good catch!
To the OP:
None of us can really tell what another person is really like until we spend some time with them.
Celebrities, when it comes right down to it, are not much different than you or me. They just are in the spotlight a lot more. And are more attractive to the media, for better or worse. And I believe that all that attention can be exhausting.
Well, that's history now!
Well, we found out that wasn't true.
Boy, that's sad that some people think that just because a man is a good singer and dancer, he must be gay.
Wow! You are only 6 years younger than me? And you use curse words to make a point? I would have thought that at 67, you would have more class.
That means in 1984, you were 26 or 27. I guess that figures.
Didn't say I don't like your opinion. I stated that you didn't like the film, and that's fine.
Disrupting an auditorium so much you had to be escorted out is what I have a problem with. When I was younger (I am 73 as of this post), I knew kids like you. Anything to get attention.
I agree. Crystal has shown some serious acting chops in the past. His comedic skills are better, but he is still a fine dramatic actor.
It has been said that every clown wants to make an audience cry at least once, and every dramatic actor wants to make an audience laugh.
Didn't like the movie? That's fine. Your opinion and you are entitled to it.
But, do you think that it is a good thing to make a spectacle of yourself? Do you really crave attention so much that you have to do things like that? I feel sorry for you.
Your opinion, and you are entitled to it. Personally I loved it. I was underwhelmed with Shin Godzilla. It was too bureaucratic for my taste.
With all due respect to Ian McKellan, who I think is a tremendous talent, I think Michael knocked it out of the park as Eric Lensherr in the X-Men films.
The scene where he encounters the former Nazis in South America and utters the line "Let's just say that I am Frankenstein's monster and I am looking for my creator" still gives me goosebumps every time I watch it.
It wouldn't have been a MUSICAL!!!
Oh, I don't doubt that there are still some good journalists out there. Willie Geist is one. And he is a part of the Today show. I am not familiar with Bret Baier, but it's nice to know that there are still some who follow the path set down by journalists like Walter Cronkite and Charle Kuralt.
I agree with you. I personally loved "The Shadow".
That is what I have always thought. That for safety sake, all movie weapons are made to look like they are shooting, but that they could never chamber a real round. I guess I was mistaken.
Hear hear!
When I was a youngster, my sister and I always looked forward to three holiday specials.
It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown, A Charlie Brown Christmas and Mr. Magoo's Christmas Carol.
Obviously, the OP is just trying to provoke a reaction. If this was a mature adult, there would be no negative post from them.
Possibly. We shall learn soon.