Magicdave's Replies

Nope. No President has that much power. She also picked up a TANK in the first movie. Christmas shopping with my parents when I was a kid was fun. I miss the warm winter nights of going to the local stores and just walking through the malls window shopping. Now, not so much. It has become too long, starting in October for Pete's sake! For me, ever since I was a kid, the Christmas season always starts on Thanksgiving Day and ends on New Year's Day. I assume you have seen it completely? I love the "Grumpy Old Men" movies! A great comedic swan song of two legendary actors. Never cared for the gimmick of 3D. Give me a good story every time. Maybe because they inhabited the house? Personally, I think that taking time off to be the Governor of California started it. Out of the movie audience vision. I believe that what continued the fall was his infidelity when he was Governor. A lot of people (me and my wife included) lost a lot of respect for him. Absolutely. You are welcome I am dressing up as a cereal killer. I will POST any time later after I KELLOGG a couple more victims. I will stab the LIFE out of them. They have run out of LUCKY CHARMS. Arghhhh! Drink up me hearties, Yo ho! Interesting that you should think it was dumb for her to take "ugly" roles. Any actor or actress, in order to improve their skills, have to step out from their comfort zone from time to time. One example: Watch the movie "Monster". It's a film about the female serial killer Aileen Wuornos and it starred Charlize Theron, who is one of the most beautiful women in Hollywood. She had to "ugly" up to play Aileen. Why would she do that? Because, as an actress, she has to take risks in order to improve. What did playing an "ugly" get her? The Academy Award for Best Actress. Just watched him last night in "Halloween". John Carpenter scored big getting an actor the caliber of Donald Pleasance to agree to appear in his film. Interesting thing about him in that movie. You will notice that his name appears before the title. Something I also noticed in the TV show "Taxi". Judd Hirsch's name appears before the title. I think those instances were things that the producers did to entice the star to appear in the movie/TV show. Noone is trying to make him an action star. He takes those projects because they do not require the type of acting commitment that movies like "Schindler's List" need and they are an easy paycheck for him. Now you are asking why he does the easy stuff instead of the hard stuff? The death of his wife Natasha Richardson was a devastating blow to him and I read that he almost gave up acting after it. Now, he wants to relax in films. Yes, and that's why I mentioned the books by Rupert Alister about the great character actors and actresses of the past. "The Name Below The Title". There are several books and are available on Kindle on Amazon. I agree with you on that point, but the point of my post was, without taking anything away from Lithgow or the other fine character actors of today, that if it wasn't for the great character actors of the past, the Oscar category for Best Supporting Actor would not exist. Yes he is. LOL! That's funny! Thank you.