MovieChat Forums > Snator > Replies

Snator's Replies

Your moms.. No, demigenderfluid morplgorps have not been around since the beginning of time. There are only 2 genders. But you can be straight or gay.. For further explanation: Uhm no, he wanted him to tell the truth about him, dingus... Why Do CNN News Viewers Hate Democracy? Why are the democtrats called democrats when they are the ones opposing against democracy? I stand corrected.. In D&D it`s spelled oliphant though: OliphAnt... Well, they both have a delusional main character who is not in full contact with reality.. That a movie is called similar doesnt mean that the plot has to be step by step comparable.. He died, that happened. If you want to talk about a crime, talk about the bombing of Libya.. Because the students are ill informed and/or wants to ditch school.. Why fight omicron? It`s hardly any more dangerous than the common cold, AND catching it will give far better immunity than the vaccine will.. You DO know that the common cold is also a corona virus, right? Surviving covid twice? What kind of sorcery is this? Beeing the global expert on false-flag operations, the US would know ;) -But seriously: how would the US know if Russia was preparing a false flag operation? You`d think the russians would keep quiet about it.. Sounds more like the US are preparing the media for a false flag operation of their own - which they will blame Russia for.. OP must be dense... Both the 1984 movie and this one is awesome. And i fully get the story in both.. It`s just not as dumbed down and `murican that many people is used to today. It actually reqiures a fully functioning brain to watch..