MovieChat Forums > Politics > Unvaxxed Glenn Beck Gets Covid 2nd Time

Unvaxxed Glenn Beck Gets Covid 2nd Time

"Early in the pandemic, Beck said he “would rather die” of the virus than “kill the country” by not returning to work.

It’s starting to go into my lungs today and a little disturbing. I’m on all the medications and treatments and everything else,” Beck said on Mark Levin’s radio show Wednesday.

“It’s all good,” Beck added while letting out a cough.

Beck first announced last week that he was again sick with the coronavirus, and complained in an Instagram post there aren’t enough monoclonal antibody treatments. He later said on Levin’s show that the treatment has not been helping with the latest variant of the virus. (The Washington Post reported there is some evidence the treatment is ineffective against omicron)

“No, the monoclonal doesn’t seem to be working for the new strain,” Beck said on Levin’s show before listing off other drugs, including ivermectin, which has not been proven to treat the coronavirus. Beck previously helped spread the false claim that the anti-malarial drug chloroquine was a cure for the virus. It is not.

Despite having gotten the virus a second time after refusing vaccinations, Beck tried remaining upbeat on Levin’s show.

“I’m not going downhill,” Beck said. “I mean, I think I’m feeling better. It’s just getting into my lungs ... you will want to avoid that.”"


Well, if he wants to play Russian Roulette, don't let the door hit you on the way out. Guess we'll see if he'll win that certain HCA or not.


Surviving covid twice? What kind of sorcery is this?


Despite having gotten the virus a second time after refusing vaccinations, Beck tried remaining upbeat on Levin’s show.

So what? They don't stop transmission lol.

Talk about a cult...formation psychosis anyone?


They do. They're not 100%, but nothing is.


LMAO the highest vaxed areas have the highest cases... Japan has abandoned them for Ivermectin/HDQ. FL, TX, CO, and now VA have dropped all covid restrictions/vax mandates...expect more states to follow. Even the media is starting to turn on them, and Israel is warning the world to not do #4 boosters.

Worst, 'vaccine', ever lol.


Are you pretending that vaxxxed people don't catch this magical virus?

Fkn Racist.
