MovieChat Forums > Politics > Why Do Fox News Viewers Hate Democracy?

Why Do Fox News Viewers Hate Democracy?

Rep. Tom Malinowski (D-NJ) tweeted on Monday afternoon that his office has been receiving phone calls from viewers of Tucker Carlson’s Fox News show asking why the United States is not siding with Russia.


Why are CNN and MSNBC viewers so racist?


They have an average IQ of 85.




Is that why we're trying to save it from democrats?


Fox News is owned by Murdoch who is a multi-billionaire. Oligarchs hate democracy.

Fox viewers are too stupid to know the "Let them eat cake" agenda and propaganda of Murdoch are not in their best interest.


Why does doggiedaddy keep showing up and stinking MC up like the turd that he is?


It's more tribalism than anti-democracy, and the tribe is desperate to criticize Joe Biden.


Desperation is not necessary.


Fox News is trying to inform us about the evil of your cult. They are very much pro democracy


I guess none of you Trumptwats bothered to actually read the article...Or did the point simply fail to penetrate your feeble minds? 🤣🤣🤣🤣

To reiterate:

"Rep. Tom Malinowski (D-NJ) tweeted on Monday afternoon that his office has been receiving phone calls from viewers of Tucker Carlson’s Fox News show asking why the United States is not siding with Russia."

And add to that:

I know that's a lot of big words for y'all to process, but I have faith in you!


And why should I believe him? The DemoKKKrats are a bunch of liars.

Also the behavior of people who happen to watch Fox News is irrelevant to the mission of Fox news, dingleberry.


While the GOP is clearly the party of truth...🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

That's over twenty per day!


Logical fallacy on your part. Even if the GOP does lie that doesn’t mean the Demokkkrats don’t. Nice non sequitur , dingleberry


It's extreme in the GOP and it causes deaths. You should ask yourself why are you defending Trump when he lied to you 30,573 times in four years.


Your cult has murdered over 62 million babies over 10 times the body count of Adolf Hitler


Abortions outside the U.S. are irrelevant to you which is the reason you don't count them. That proves you don't care about abortions, only subjugating American women.


But you want to kill all of the babies so who are you to have any moral authority?


Abortions outside the U.S. are irrelevant to you which is the reason you don't count them. That proves you don't care about abortions, only subjugating American women.


First of all A) I never said they didn’t matter, but we have no authority over those countries, that’s the difference, B) you and your cult want to kill all of the babies so you have no moral authority in the issue of me trying to save anyone from your cult.


So what? You have no authority over a stranger's body. That hasn't stopped you. When are you going to stop abortions worldwide?


Except it’s not just the woman’s body, it’s the baby’s body as well.

The United States is literally not capable of stopping abortions in other countries, shit for brains.

And besides you want them all dead so who are you to judge anyone?


Why Do CNN News Viewers Hate Democracy? Why are the democtrats called democrats when they are the ones opposing against democracy?


And whose sock are you?


Your moms..



Drapes don't match the carpet.

Try again.


A bit slow, eh? Let me simplify: Ukraine is a democracy, Fox viewers want to side with Russia, now do you get it?


Their reasons for siding against Ukraine may not be because they are a democracy. Just because they side for or against them doesn’t mean their either agree or disagree with everything about them. Libtards seem to think everything is all or nothing which is one reason why they are so stupid.


Fox news and some of the GOP including Trump have been siding with authoritarian leaders like former KGB spy Putin and Hungary's dictator.

"Trump endorses authoritarian Hungarian leader Viktor Orbán, praising him as 'strong' and 'respected by all'"

"Tucker Carlson Defends Hungary's Orbán When Geraldo Questions Him About Authoritarianism"


You clearly didn’t read my response


Your response is wrong.

Ukraine is a democracy. Russia is an autocracy. America supports democracy. That's not rocket science.


Again you are apparently too stupid to read what was a very straight forward response .

Also your cult hates democracy that’s why they are allowing illegal immigrants to interfere in our elections.


You deflect when you lose an argument.

"Their reasons for siding against Ukraine may not be because they are a democracy"

It's not rocket science. Ukraine is a democracy. Russia is an autocracy. America supports democracy.


LOL, when your premise is based on “it’s not rocket science” that proves you are just connecting the dots in the direction you have to to reach the conclusion you want. You know Iraq wasn’t a Democracy but your cult bitched and moaned about the Iraq war for years.


You're deflecting.

Ukraine is a democracy. Russia is an autocracy. America supports democracy.


LOL that wasn’t your attitude when Bush was in office.

And it’s not a deflection, it’s me proving that you don’t mean what you say.
