MovieChat Forums > Snator > Replies

Snator's Replies

He described lights in the sky and a series of loud concussions and fires over the horizon. No mention of fallout or war. So im guessing it was several large meteors hitting earth. "Canned goods don't last nearly as long as people think" -In the army we ate 20+ years old canned food rations consisting of meat, fat and peas, sy yes, it does. "Expiry dates" doesnt nesceserilly mean that it is bad afterwards. Well, the sky will clear eventually.. Bullcrap. At my cabin i have coke-cans that are 4-5 years old and are still fizzy.. How convenient for your leftard agenda that you omit the fact thet unemployment in the US went down to its lowest since 1968 under Trump, until covid hit. Hipocrites like you disgust me. Although we had an active resistance, the nazis brought paid jobs to a lot of poor people. These were meager times and people needed food on their table. And at least early in the war, people did not know about the horrible artocities done by the germans (most of the atrocities hadnt even been done yet). Even Norways best known war hero was fighting alongside the nazis against the communists in the finnish winter-war. News didnt travel fast either, as the press was controlled by the nazis, and owning a radio was punishable by death, in worst case -so news didnt travel fast. To many, the communists seemed an equal or bigger threat. The nazis were just another political faction that not much was known about, other than that they were fighting the communists. Also Norwegians were treated better than many other people by he nazis, as we were considered pure aryans. Perhaps purer than the germans themselves. So even though most people resented the occupants, many chose to make `the best`out of the situation in order to survive. After all, most people want just want life to go on as normal as possible, even in war time.. That actually makes sense.. Why is not all american movies produced in every other language on earth? Rheee-tard.. "one doesn't have to be "obese" to qualify as being "severely overweight" " Eeeh, yes you absolutely do.. Do you live in backwards-land? Besides this guy was just slightly obese, or near slim even, by american standards ;) "The main protagonist is played by an American" Errrr NO! -He is played by a norwegian, as is 98% of the cast. We DO learn english in school in Norway, fyi.. "Some people have good reason to not want subtitles" I know. They are called illiterates. Have you never known true love? Besides: imagine how tender the flesh in her lady-parts must be.. The snow is dead When the tank shoots the baby strollers and the baby flies through the air, screaming. 1:48 Fluffer. He will just writ "whataboutism" again, like he does every time his double standards er exposed. Remember, you are dealing with a Gretard Wokeclown.. Whataboutism is the term deranged woketards like yourself uses every single time your double standards are beeing exposed.. "You're a white racist"/"You're a racist for calling me a racist" is a standard black supremacist "i know you are but what am i" reflex response to anyone who calls out their bs. There is a BIG difference in saying that human CO2 release can have a certain involvment on the climate, and go full retard and say that we are experiencing a "climate crisis" which renders us all doomed unless we all pay carbon taxes and drive EV`s. And the 97% consencus myth has been disproven again and again, only the most uninformed has not caught wind of that yet: Let me guess.. Are you going to try to claim that there is a 97% consensus next? :D