The Wanderer asserts that the local EINSATZ guys were unlike many other occupiers, who got all pretty well with the Norwegians. That's an odd statement. Unlike the Danes, who rolled over and accepted occupation happily, to the extent that they were able to keep most of their political and economic structures in place (and even held parliamentary elections under occupation) and to obtain lucrative contracts for providing food to the Reich, the Norwegians carried out extensive and effective Resistance. While fraternization between outsider soldiers and natives is not unheard of, I doubt that there was much coziness among the fjords.
Ah another somebody who's an "expert" here on imdb talking out of his backside.
Here's a little history lesson, there was a very active resistance in Norway and the vast majority were not communists. Both my wife's grandfathers were heavily involved with the Norwegian resistance, and neither were communists.
Here's a suggestion, learn some history before making a pronouncement, or better yet go and spend some time in Norway and learn about history firsthamd.
The breadth of the resistance movement in Norway is documented extensively. And not just active resistance (sabotage, attacks on German personnel and property, spotting for the RAF - such as for the attacks on the Bismark and Tirpitz and the anti-shipping operations along the coast of Norway, intelligence gathering, etc) but civil disobedience. Also, the amount of young Norwegians attempting to escape from Norway to fight with their forces in exile in Great Britain.
Communism has never enjoyed widespread popularity in Norway (if you don't believe me look it up) and the assumption by the idiot above that those that were involved with the resistance movement were only communists is absolute twaddle.
I'd suggest that it might have been better if the poster above had either visited Norges Hjemmefrontmuseum in Oslo or actually read something about the Norwegian resistance before he confirmed his ignorance by posting the drivel he did.
Robborak is right. There were little to none active restistance in Norway until 1943. And the resistance groups that were actually getting something done were communist groups like Osvaldgruppen. Milorg did not agree with Osvaldsgruppens active resitance before years after Norway was occupied.
Later Osvaldgruppen helped the less organized and experienced groups like Milorg carry out operations that they couldn't manage on their own.
You ask a Norwegian today about this and I bet 90% of them have heard about Milorg and not Osvaldgruppen. This is because they were communists. It's a shame that some people like the above poster still does not know about this. History are written by the winners, that goes for us Norwegians too.
Yet again somebody who is selective both in their information and incorrect in their statements.
I'll say it once again, the resistance in Norway was one of the most active in occupied Europe and this is well documented. Also the assumption that the only people resisting the occupation were communists is also a load of nonsense.
All of this as I have said is very well documented. Tore Gjelsvik's "Norwegian Resistance: 1940-1945" and Fuegner's "Beneath the Tyrant's Yoke: Norwegian Resistance to the German Occupation of Norway 1940-1945" are two starting points that you may wish to actually read rather than relying on Wikipedia. Even better visit Norges Hjemmefrontmuseum.
I heard you the first time. I'm just pointing out that it's not correct. I'm guessing some of this is gonna be easier for people to talk about when the people involved at the time is not around any more. We have built up a proud although incorrect myth about the Norwegian resistance that helps us not having to face some of the things that went on. Like a country totally unprepared for war that just rolled over for their invaders and how we abandoned the jewish population.
You might have heard me but you're not listening. And as it happens you are the one who is incorrect. Norway had one of the most active resistance movements out of the occupied countries and it was not made up of a majority of communists as was initially posted here, and to which I have responded. As I also stated this is now widely documented. I gave two recognised published sources (and a museum) which support what I have posted here. You don't seem to have a lot of published evidence to back up what you've been spouting.
Yeah it's imposible to find sources as credible as Norges Hjemmefrontmuseum run by Arnfinn Moland :)
"In 2000 he accused Norwegian newspapers of printing untrue stories about the Norwegian resistance movement, because "relatives of Nasjonal Samling symphatizers" sat as editors in these newspapers. The statement was sharply criticized by editors such as Harald Stanghelle, Steinar Hansson and Gudleiv Forr."
You don't believe everything we say? Then you are a nazi. What a fantastic historian he is. With people like him writing our history everything should be in safe hands.
It was also "widely documented" (in Nazi Germany) that being a Nazi was the best thing you could be BUT THAT DOESNT *beep* MAKE IT SO!!!
But you don´t sound like a reasonable or logical thinking human being so a discussion with you makes no sense at all.
And you were not prepared for war? Do you really believe that? You exactly knew what was coming but did nothing to prevent it. I don´t know for sure but I bet that many people prefered Hitler over communists after the Winterwar. Whatever. Don´t accuse the guy above of not knowing nothing because he knows more than you do.
Be proud of 2 days of norwegian resistance! HAIL NORWAY! REDEEMERS OF THE WORLD!
People like you make me sick. Thats like saying Vichy France was part of the anti german resistance
The same goes for the French resistance. Mr Rooborak should study history before making such an sweeping statement. I suspect he knew very well but just want to stir a bit the dormant readers! i suppose in the same vein i can say there was no resistance in Russia too ! having say that the film is crap.basura, rubbish, Drek, de la merde. Salut
Danes did not "roll over and accept occupation happily" - what utter crap.
The Danish army was completely outdated and had virtually no fighting men - no armor *at all* and only a handful of antiquated anti tank guns.
Denmark was threatened into compliance, and cooperated with the Germans - as most would with a gun to their head. There was widespread danish resistance in the later years of the war (sabotage, weapon drops, etc) and even before then, lots of "passive" resistance was going on. Espionage, workers forced to work for the germans doing very ineffective or faulty work, and so forth.
Denmark did not "fight" the Germans at the occupation (except for a few border skirmishes), but to say Denmark "rolled over happily" is an insult. The King and government were forced to cooperate - the alternative would have been far worse - as they had just been invaded by a force that might as well have come from outer space, technology and military superiority-wise.
Yes, the winner gets to write the history books, and indeed a small group of danish officers chose to serve in the Wehrmacht - at the time not a bad career choice - but there were hardly ticker-tape parades to welcome the Germans as they rolled over the border (technically, they paradropped over Aalborg first, but who's counting :)
It's easy to judge someone after the fact, but if someone gets jumped by 10 armed guys in an alley, and runs like hell, you don't call him a coward for not taking them on with his bare hands. Unless you've watched a few too many Rambo-movies as an impressionable youth.
Denmark is not proud of what happened during the early years of the war, but there were quite a few noteworthy efforts against the Germans - for example the widespread "underground" smuggling of persecuted Jews to neutral Sweden. Having your country occupied by hostile forces is not "easy" for anyone - men, women or children. I'm pretty sure most Germans aren't proud of what happened in the war, but to say that they were all "too happy to join the nazis and kill millions" might also be just a bit cheeky.
Robborak - Clearly you are either a Neo Nazi, Nazi Sympathiser, Historical revisionist or some other form of lowlife who wishes to portray the Nazis in a positive light, something which is not there in any way, shape or form. So please do the world a favour and crawl back under whatever rock you crawled out from.
The reason Germany had war declared upon was that Germany was a threat to Western Europe as a whole, also there was historical precedent for German aggression ie WW1.
Russia at that point in time was a technological backwater and therefore posed little or no threat, to the extent that Germany almost conquered Russia, which was only stopped by the use of slash and burn retreats, help from the western allies in terms of supplies and technical advisors and the severe Russian winter, which has prevented several armies from invading Russia in the past.
Also why did Britain not declare war on Romania? They chose to side with the Germans also as did other Eastern European nations. Mainly as Germany was the main threat, rightly taking out Germany led to the fall other Nazi supporting nations.
Resorting to name-calling? Was that necessary to get your point across? So just because someone has a different opinion then yourself on recent world history they are automatically a low life?
The Russians were not a threat? I guess that Cold War didn't really happen at all.
Go up to any Eastern European and tell them how great Communism is and how they should be greatful that the Allies fought for 'democracy'. Only that they didn't give a damn that half of Europe was enslaved by the USSR, and that paved the way for Communism to establish itself in China and North Korea, resulting in the deaths of hundreds of millions over the decades.
You are not aware of it, but judging by the hostility displayed towards my post which has absolutely nothing in it praising Germany, shows clearly to everyone reading that your hold a heavy bias. The facts made you uncomfortable, but that's good, I hope that you are not too far removed from reality that you can not research further and maybe see a bit deeper, that the real truths of the War are not all what they seem, rather then just venting off at the slightest percieved provocation.
Ofcourse that was not their intention, but look at the facts: everything that Soviet Union liberated remained under Soviet Union as their satelites. At the very beginning of Soviet Union, Trotsky fantaziced of world wide SU with it's capitol in Paris. To realize that plan only Poland was in the way, Germany was very veak after WW1.
The civilian locals did not do much of resisting to the Nazis, neither did nazis did a lot of pilaging in return. yes, there were some resistance made and norwegians didnt cooperate, but there was no open war front. the occupation was rather brief and the nazis did not manage to do too much damage. their goal was the natural resources industries really.
--------------------------------------------- Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.
Although we had an active resistance, the nazis brought paid jobs to a lot of poor people. These were meager times and people needed food on their table. And at least early in the war, people did not know about the horrible artocities done by the germans (most of the atrocities hadnt even been done yet). Even Norways best known war hero was fighting alongside the nazis against the communists in the finnish winter-war. News didnt travel fast either, as the press was controlled by the nazis, and owning a radio was punishable by death, in worst case -so news didnt travel fast. To many, the communists seemed an equal or bigger threat. The nazis were just another political faction that not much was known about, other than that they were fighting the communists. Also Norwegians were treated better than many other people by he nazis, as we were considered pure aryans. Perhaps purer than the germans themselves. So even though most people resented the occupants, many chose to make `the best`out of the situation in order to survive. After all, most people want just want life to go on as normal as possible, even in war time..