MovieChat Forums > emori > Replies

emori's Replies

This looks so bad by Spielberg standards. This man used to make movies like Jurassic Park, Schindler's List, Jaws, E.T. , Saving Private Ryan... And now its this? Like what happened to him? His last memorable film was War of the Worlds in 2005! 17 years ago!!! His last legendary film was Saving Private Ryan in 1998. Something happened to him after 2005. Like his mojo and talent just died. He tried to make some sort of come back to blochbusters with Ready Player One but the magic simply was not there anymore. This movie looks like a new low for him. Who is this for? Its like they got low budget boring b-list movie and then put epic music on top of it to make it look epic and now think that anyone would be stupid enough to buy it and go and watch. Why on earth would anyone watch? There are lot of crazy people in USA so everything is possible. That woman could be too stupid to think of any repercussion of her actions. What movie told me the best is that people should never hire ex-cons ))) For this particular reason. The insulin sister was such an idiot that I rolled my eyes. She kept whining for no reason. And was the other one suicidal? And she told her sister that she is one. And then stupid insulin sister starts arguing again, gerts mad at suicidal sister and tells her to go away. How can anyone be that stupid? Of course that sister went away and almost killed herself. When she stubbed the villain - OMG. What did she expect? That villains will run off? Just petty revenge? Of course villain will go and do something bad to them. She should have exchange engagement ring to insulin shot. But she just gave it away. I feel like Margot Robbie has been already replaced too ))) Came out of nowhere and for few years she was everywhere. And then she kinda disappeared for the last two years. She is not everywhere now. Its like they replaced her with Ana De Armas. After all Margot Robbie is 32 now. Maybe thats the reason. Well she has 3 movies coming up where she stars with famous a-listers. So she may crawl back to spotlight. Yeah. That was stupid plot hole. I was fast forwarding boring stuff. So initially I thought that tower was long abandoned when they started climbing. There was no way that someone from working stuff would climb that dusty tower to fix anything. That tower looked like it was abandoned for 30 years. But then suddenly they showed that lights were working. Thats stupid. That lamp would go out of order once or twice a year and someone would have to change it. It was lazy writing. Light should have never worked. You know they wont. Its woke Hollywood. They will probably claim that it was evil whites that enslaved blacks and that tribe were fighting those whites to free fellow blacks )))) Despite that tribe working with white slave traders and catching and selling their own people for money. 1) Criminals was kind of stupid plot. But writers they had to fill time I guess. 2) I laughed out loud when truck stuck drone. It was stupid and idiotic. Lazy writing. Why would she fly drone right above road on such low altitude... 3) I have to give them credit - that plot twist was not on my bingo list. But it was stupid, she would not hallucinate her friend there. But still fun twist. But they really missed opportunity to be original and have everyone survive. So tired of those movies always killing every character except 1 or 2. And "final girl" will always be the most boring, lifeless, charisma free whining woman who will always look down at everyone else as if they are monsters and only she is the good person. I lose interest to care about anyone in those movies because from the first moment we already know who will survive and everyone else will die. So why bother. Blondie was interesting character. I wish she would survive too. But it always has to be boring depressed final girl. Honestly I didnt even thought of that while watching ))) But seriously - that was solution right there. Why would she send drone to diner when she could done that..... Thats what I kept thinking. If light will go down - someone would have to come to fix it. Did they? I missed that. Its a shame. I assume not many people watched it since Amazon put zero money and effort to promote it. People didnt even knew it came out. So there was no talk about it. He should get one. He was horrible. Someone should dig up how much money was she payed in a movies, where she was was more famous star. And then ask her what she thinks of that Like: - The Hunger Games. How much Liam and Josh were payed. I’m sure she was payed twice more then Josh Hutcherson. Despite him being main character too. - Joy - Passengers. She was bigger star at the moment then Chris Pratt despite him being lead. So she was probably payed more. - Mother! How much Javier Bardem was payed - Red Sparrow - Dark Phoenix. How much more she was payed then other supporting cast like Nicholas Hoult, Tye Sheridan. She was for a few scenes there but something tells me she was payed way more then those two. Every single person in Hollywood knew what Weinstein was doing. Every journalist, every actor, every cat. And they all went alone with it and praised him. Because he was bringing Oscars to his actresses. No one knows why. Laziness I guess and they dont believe in their own success. They dont think anyone will watch so in their mind its easier to just steal well established character thinking everyone will just come watch anyway. Keep in mind that its mostly white woketards who are pushing this narrative. And few black actors are too stupid and fall for it and join them. And as white woketards are all racists by default - they dont believe that black characters can be created out of nowhere and be successful. Thats why they dont even try. Noting stops them from hiring John Boyega as some cool black spy named Lashar Mond and give 100 millions budget and then promote it. Jason Bourne was created out of nowhere and people liked and it got popular. Because it was good movie and good lead actor. But woketards dont believe that black actors can be successful on their own and that they must steal well established white characters. I cant with this guy. He was actually fine in first Star Wars movie. No one hated his character. Everyone waited for second part. Then he embraced performative wokeness and now he is unwatchable. Its whining after whining. And yes - everytime I see his name in press I dont even have to open the article because I know it will just be another whining. Wokeness is a mental decease. Like this guy was fine until he catched it. Despite being rich Hollywodod actor - he is miserable and angry all the time. As all woketards are. I dint like that movie. Bad directing, bad acting, too much CGI. And I didnt even watch till the end the Orient Express. So bad it was. Kenneth Branagh is not a good director. I was surprised how bad those two movies were considering he is elderly British person. It looked like it was shot by some 25 years old american hipster who knows nothing about those times and never read Agatha Christie books. The only good movie Kenneth Branagh did was the first Thor where he gave life to Loki. It was the best Loki was among all other movies. Yep. I noticed how in childhood pictures she actually looks like she can be mixed race person. I thought it was the curly hair. And her skin looks a little darker. But then her adult pictures and she is completely white. I literally could not believe when press first said it. She looked white to me. But now she actually pretends that she is black and that anyone calls her white ginger son N-word )))) Its crazy. Season 3 was unwatchable. I couldnt understand what was happening half the time. They were all running there and there, meeting each other. Then there were robots who wanted God knows what. Then they were all on a planet and there was nonsense battle. And Ive got lost even more. Eventually I just waited for it to be over. They didnt have material for 3 seasons. She cant catch a break can she? :))) Its hilarious. She is fake hollywood clown who keeps saying woke stuff to please woke crowd and to prove how good woketard she is. But since its fake and insincere - its bites her in the arse. Whats with white woke women being so obsessed with Kate Middleton? I keep seeing this in posts about Meghan Markle. Out of nowhere they bring Kate as its some boyband competition like Britney vs Christina, NSYNC ws BSB. I dont care about neither of them, I dont follow RF drama. Its just funny for me how people are so obsessed with it. And occasionally I comment when its too funny and cringe. And hon they only racist here is YOU. As all woketards are racists by default. Milly Alcock is bad actress and cant sell whatever script was asking her to sell. If you dont see it then its your problem. I watched 2 episodes to make up my mind about show and characters. They didnt convince me that I have to root for any of them. Even Matt Smith is empty as Daemon. Like he doesnt know what to play. I wonder why they kept Matt Smith as older self but changed Rhaenyra to older actress. Was it plan all along or they just decided that older actress will play better older Rhaenyra. While Matt Smith is good enough actor to pull off both timelines.... Older actress is just 8 years older.