They mention that the light was there to warn airplanes. So if they took the lightbulb out right away, wouldn’t the people on land notice after a few days? Then they’d send someone? Worth a try
Another idea is to take the lightbulb in and out repeatedly, creating a flashing light all night long. Someone on land might notice it
You'd have to hope there is someone tasked with doing a brief visual on the aircraft light at least once a day, so yes a good solution if that's the case. And yes if there are people living within line of sight of the tower you'd think they would notice and hopefully make a phone call - mind you most people would assume someone else is going to do it I suppose.
You have to think, though... If someone were diligently checking the integrity of the light every day, and if it were possible to go up and do maintenance on it, then surely the whole tower wouldn't be left in such a poor rusted state. All the way up we were given little indicators of how the whole thing is about to collapse. Do they go and replace their lightbulb using a helicopter? That would seem like a crazy operation.
My biggest problem with the whole thing is. At least if it were in England, if there were any tall structure with easy ladder access, the whole thing would be entirely secured by some sort of cage / wall that you can't get through. Local kids would be off climbing up that ladder at every opportunity... and that is without it being in such a condemned state.
Yeah. That was stupid plot hole. I was fast forwarding boring stuff. So initially I thought that tower was long abandoned when they started climbing. There was no way that someone from working stuff would climb that dusty tower to fix anything. That tower looked like it was abandoned for 30 years.
But then suddenly they showed that lights were working. Thats stupid. That lamp would go out of order once or twice a year and someone would have to change it.
It was lazy writing. Light should have never worked.