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emori's Replies
Another victim of "white savior" complex. Its truly sad to see how some black people fall for that narrative from white woke idiots set that "black are beneath whites" and start to see racism in everything and start whine about it. In his mind he truly believes that white cast members are better then him because this is what his white woke mentors told him.
I’m sure that Will line was smaller then Mikes and Dustins too. Because those are most popular characters. But he cant see it and thinks its because he is black.
Lance Bass was the least popular member of NSYNC because he was not as pretty as Justin, not lead singer like JC and not charismatic like Joey. And when they did RS cover for each member then Lances were sold the least. He didnt whine that its because he was white and everyone were racist. Because he knew it was because he wasnt the most popular member.
Did this thing happened in the books? Did Alicent questioned it? Or they made that up for the show?
And was husband of Rhaenyra gay in books too? And brother of King Robet - Renly? Were kids of Rhaenyra bustards? Or they just cosplay Cercei and Jaime?
And honestly I was surprised that gay husband could not sleep with her for children. For centuries gay men lived in closet and were married and had children. Because they slept with their wives. There was no problem for Rhaenyra to have legitimate kids with her husband.
The most funny thing when Alicent was all : "Not true Targariens. Look at their hair. Must be blond and be black cause daddy is black".
At the same time no one of them cares that her children and heirs of the throne superpose to be black, meaning not true Targariens either )))) Because husband was never black in the books so all characters become woke coloblinds and pretend nothing is wrong with it )))) Yet shame kids for black hair ))) I laughed out at that.
Then 1000 years later King Robert doesnt care at all that his 3 kids have blond hair while he has brown. But Alicent is super smart yall.
And it was no ones fault. He told them to get out. Then he looked up and there was no one in the pool. Because two idiots were underrwater looking for that ring. So he close and went home.
But I dont understad why they cover pool in the first place? What is the purpose?
She is such a two face. All Hollywood people are. She gives that fake generous smile while in public and then completely different person behind close doors.
Thats why so mane woke fanatics in USA believe she is this saint victim and refuse to believe that she was this horrible to stuff behind close doors. Despite numerous people coming out and there were official complains long before she declared herself "victim of prashism" or something.
Those people just look at her public persona and say: "She cant behave like that. Thats not in her nature".
Honestly I almost salute her weirdo father for doing so much damage to her publicly when we now know what a horrible manipulative person she is. And she couldnt stop him no matter what. He just kept going to press to bash her. And she had to ate it up. Its hilarious.
She could bully Palace servants and royals but she could do nothing to her trashy daddy ))) Every time she tried - it was worse for her.
She literally is the Yoko Ono. She broke trust and friendship between brothers.
He was descent in Get out. He was bad in Black Panther.
Oscars means nothing anymore. Nominations and wins dont mean that actors are actually talented. For years they nominate bunch of random actors for getting fat or thin for a role. Like Bale and McConaughey. For wearing fat suits and ugly face like Charlize Theron. For prosthetic nose like Kidman. For being sad obese person like Precious actress. For being angry person like Monique. For being pretty hot relevant actress like Lawrence. And on and on.
Kaluuya got nomination along with the movie and not because he was exceptional. Movie became hit with audience and public and he got his golden ticket. Many actors do that.
And then he was asked to play different character and he couldnt.
No. He tried to play that character because he was written in a script like that. But he failed because he doesnt know how. Because, well, he is British. He only saw them in movies. And tried to act like one, but just looked stupid and like he was slow in mind department. And he was our main character who we supposed to root for. And I had zero desire to do so.
His sister and that other guy had at least emotions. He had no personality. Its like to root for door or house. He was miscast as he couldnt play that role. They probably didnt even audition him and chose among 10 other actors. He was just offered role because he got famous. And then it was too late.
She died because she started stupid chase with paparazzi. And paparazzi kept following her because she kept fueling press with new shenanigans. It was always scandals with her that she was creating to get attention.
I laughed out loud when that happened ))) I was like: "Good God, why are you touching it? Your hand is gone sweety".
But then her frozen hand went unfrozen and was fine... Cheating.
Seriously. She acts as if she is 18 years old angsty and moody teenager. Writers keep forgetting that she is supposed to be 1000 years old. Meaning there was a lot of time to grow up and become wisely and calm responsible person.
Seriously. Why this show exists? What showrunners try to tell us?
I dont understand anything that is happening. They are almost at the end of season.
- two women-hobbits and amnesiac tall guy that fell from the sky. They just wonder around with no meaning.
- black legolas and his side story where he likes a woman who has teenager son. Was briefly captures by orcs and released. Orc dig tunnels.
- Young Elrond hangs out with his friend dwarf. There is some precious MacGuffin stone Elronds boss needs.
- Unbearable and annoying young Galadriel that is mad at everything and swam to some city and hangs around and tries to get their army for her revenge or whatever. While swimming at the sea she found some hot guy that is just around, being hot. To make him meaningfull they made him some cheap version of Aragorn with being some prince in exile or whatever. And there is some sublpot with teenage Isildur and his friends. I dont understand anything about that Isildur subplot.
On top of that casting is horrible. Its like we are watching CW show. Only young Elrond and dwarf look organic because actors are good. All other actors are just awful. Zero charisma.
Galadriel is so bad. Like there were casting people who saw her auditions and decided that she is best among others. Maybe better actress could have sold that character less annoying.
And now Amazon stuck with this garbage show for few years because they put too much money into making it and cant just cancel. So they will have to give it 4 seasons at least. When not many will watch.
Its like this show was made for books fans but book fans hate it. And non-readers are lost at what is happening.
LOL. Stop it Meghan Markle ))))
No you )))
You are
I know woke Hollywood.
No she doesnt. She looks like any White girl with a tan. You wont call Kardashians, Jenners and Ariana Grande black just because they used tan to make their bodies more brownish. Look at her nose, lips, eyes. Nothing says black in them. They are White.
Open any picture of actual black person from Africa and compare. Black people in USA mix so mush with Whites and create those mixed raced light skinned children that people in USA started to forget what an actual african black person looks like.
Black people are being whitened by mixing. Look at NBA. Sometimes when you look at distance you cant even tell what player is White or black. Because they are mixed race and their skin is so light.
That was few years ago before Megxit. After that she started identifying herself as black and claims that british press calls n-word her white kids.
Because of pity voice I guess. The most hilarious was when Halsey proclaimed herself black and started whining how hotels dont know how hard it is for them, black people, to manage their hair )))
But hilarious when mixed people never go and proudly scream how they are white. You wont get pity and woke points for that.
Apart from her half-bloodness Meghan Markle doesnt have anything. If she would not throw black card, working on American woke press, then no one would care about her at all. If she would look the same and would not have half-black title - no one would support her and Harry and press would call them "problems of white privileged people". And would tear them apart.
But since she proclaimed herself black - they feel the need to act as white saviors and save this "poor oppressed black woman". Its hilarious when in reality she is white multi-millionaire. And somewhere in America there are poor and naive black women who live in trailer or barely have money for food and then sit, look at their phone and pity that white millionaire saying to themselves : "You poor girl. You suffer so much". )))
I have to give her credit. This woman, being white - convinced black people that she is one of them and made them to kneel to her and praise. )))) People in USA can be so stupid sometimes.
Actual black people in South Africa just laughed when she claimed they rushed to streets to celebrate her marriage. They were like : "Are you cray, white girl? You are not important enough. Stay in la-la-lend and stop mentioning Mandela"
Both shows are bad.
But Rings of Power is laughably bad
And House of Dragon is just boringly bad.
They stole thunder from each other, really. People talk more about Rings of Power just because they laugh at how bad it is. While House of Dragon is so boring that there is not much to talk about at all.
I wonder what the real ratings are. I think many people who tuned for 1 episode out of curiosity and aggressive promotion - were gone by the third episode. Its bunch of unsympathetic and common face characters being miserable because they are not in line of succession. Thats the whole plot.
When Game of Thrones was in - people discussed every episode and what happened. Here no one cares and there is nothing to discus. Im kinda shocked how mundane this prequel is. They have no material and no character for people to care about. But they spend too many money on it and are now struck with it and cant cancel so they will have to make 4 seasons now, losing money. I assume budget for next season will be much-much lower then they gave on first one.
If they would drop all season netflix style then this tv show would be forgotten completely one week after premiere.