Since they're defining human life from the second of conception. If you know how birth control works, you understand why some effective birth control methods will be Illegal.
The women-hating extremists will also charge women and girls with murder as well as anyone who helps her. Boyfriends, husbands, parents, doctors, friends, siblings, etc. imprisoned for years helping a 14 year old rape victim. Or a husband trying to save his wife's life.
The bill amends the state's existing homicide law and states its purpose is to "ensure the right to life and equal protection of the laws to all unborn children from the moment of fertilization by protecting them by the same laws protecting other human beings."
It appears to permit the prosecution of anyone who has an abortion or performs an abortion on homicide charges, opponents of the bill said.
"What this bill does is to specifically amend the crime of homicide and the crime of criminal battery to enable the state to charge people, including the pregnant person - the pregnant mother - at any stage of gestation," Ellie Schilling, a Louisiana lawyer who represents reproductive health care providers, said during Wednesday's committee hearing.
The bill's text says the state should enforce the law "without regard to the opinions and judgments of the Supreme Court of the United States" on abortion, which Schilling said "would completely annihilate" the Supreme Court's overriding authority.
ACLU of Louisiana advocacy director Chris Kaiser said the measure also would criminalize in vitro fertilization and various forms of birth control by defining a fertilized egg before implantation as a person. In a statement on Thursday, he called the bill "barbaric."
Louisiana is one of 13 states with a trigger law that would allow the state to immediately ban abortion if Roe v. Wade is overturned.
Brian Gunter, a Louisiana pastor who worked on the bill with McCormick, said in Wednesday's hearing that the trigger law was "woefully insufficient" to prevent abortions in the state because it didn't carry harsh enough criminal penalties for violations.
Your cult is now calling for violence against conservative Supreme Court justices. The DemoKKKrats are the party of evil and are essentially domestic terrorists. This is an insurrection on all levels, they are trying to destroy the judicial process and take over the government.
The left is trying to take over the government and are calling on conservative justices to be murdered. This is the literal definition of an insurrection. The modern day left is worse than the Nazis, and the KKK combined together.
I don't know about murdered but Circle Back said yesterday they had no comment on them protesting in front of the Supreme Court Justices' private residences and it was brought up how some have small children.
And parents are being vilified and targeted by the DOJ for "teacher harassment" at School Board meetings to speak out against the trash they want to poison our children with and that's a PUBLIC forum! That is allowed in the Constitution, freedom of speech and to peaceably assemble to petition the government, that means at the place of their place of work, not stalking them at their homes.
I'm sure they would have plenty of say if those parents went to the school board members residences and the teacher residences to protest. As usual, they don't recognize the Burn, Loot, Murder and instead call the vaccine protest convoys carnival love fests "extremists".
Oh, not to mention WTH went on in Portland, CHAZ or something, I think there were actual murders there.
The left doesn’t have any moral standards, they just say what they have to to push their lies and false narratives and what’s worse is that they are so smug about it.
Also the left has said that they should murder anyone they have to to keep Roe v Wade from being overturned. Example: What you need to do begins with “V” and ends with “E”, and it’s NOT “vote”
It's because Obama inserted his people into all forms of government and purged the patriots. Didn't hear about him firing a bunch of Top Brass in the military? All agencies are polluted, weaponizing the IRS, portraying the Tea Partiers as racist instead of their agenda, fiscal responsibility and protesting the bail outs. Our education system breeds the communist ways of thinking with the bias from the professors and teachers. Heck, even that BLM organization in their about page talked about them being communists and wanted the destruction of the nuclear family. WTH does that have to do with black lives mattering?
They also have the main stream media and Hollywood pumping out propaganda worse than Pravda. Our intelligence agencies are polluted.
Did you ever see that video episode of American Thought Leaders Diane West's "The Red Thread"? She did a deep dive into the backgrounds of many of those who were placed in leadership. It's all very subversive.
Did you see video of them calling for murder somewhere over the right to murder their babies?
If they want change, get out and vote, else that's the law for their state. Or move to heavily blue states for all the abortion needs they'll ever want.
Not state. McConnell said he will make abortions illegal NATIONALLY if the GOP wins both Houses.
The Supreme Court is declaring that people have no right to privacy which is what Roe was based on. Laws denying gay marriage, interracial marriage, birth control, sexual positions, etc. will be reinstated.
Since this Supreme Court is so twisted, I'm expecting them to find a way to end the separation of church and state or certainly begin chipping away at laws separating the two.