MovieChat Forums > OnanTheBarbarian > Replies
OnanTheBarbarian's Replies
Yeah, but they don't really look like the infamous monster. I mean this one has the square head and everything, but he's kinda sexy.
I wouldn't say Martin was a sloppy drunk. He was a very functional drunk. That's a bit refreshing these days when anybody who drinks anything is portrayed as a danger to himself and others.
Yeah, he always had that slight slur in his voice.
🍻 👍
TEAM ALLABY 100%. That Polish guy is retarded. 🤣
Good point. Since the fools now insist there are 100 genders, what does that do to bisexuality, make them cissexist* pigs?
*Sorry if you're not familiar with "cissexuals". That's what they call us 99.7% of the population who know which sex we are.
But I think they have an out for that. They've invented a term "pansexual" which means you'll fuck anything regardless of gender. Lol.
But yeah, if bisexuals only like males and females, what about the other 98 genders?
I've said it before on this thread. But I believe the leadership of the LGBTQIA+ movement needs to step aside and let some more responsible folks take over.
This is a better twist on the topic. I agree, if the lead vocalist is that bad, I never listen to the band in the first place.
I think you're talking about a salmon croquette which is just salmon mixed with breadcrumbs into a patty and fried. My mother cooked them on Friday when I was a kid. But they were served with lemon and butter, not eaten on a bun.
I agree with you there. This endless division and the jumbled alphabet soup is not a positive.
As a queer man I really take offense when sexual dysfunctions like asexuality are equated with my right to love my partner. They are actually adding an 'A' now!
Chicks with dicks don't care about abortion rights. Just sayin'.
I defy anyone to spell that word. "fttfttftteteuh"?
A Eurasian minority group in Russia.
I take him seriously. His ideas have been influential. Like you said he drew on Nietszche. But he also had important influences such as Ayn Rand and Aleister Crowley.
LaVey stole and reworded ""Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law" from Crowley. He also stole the mock devil jazz from him.
Well I only disagree when you say LaVey was not serious. He meant what he said and his philosophy is echoed by many in the "how to get ahead in business" and "looking out for number one" crowd.
That's also 9 points on how to survive in prison and I've been there. It's cutthroat but very practical.
Might be a Tatar:
Just don't go within 2000 feet of any schoolyard and you'll be fine.
Eurasian, half Japanese or Korean and half white.
Okay, thanks. I respect your input. And the OP is trolling because it was a parody of a troll.
But nothing I've said in my own words in the body of this thread is trolling.
Yeah, one day I'll smoke a joint, knock down a few beers, and try and watch it. 🤣