LanceDance's Replies

During the end credits scene where he decided not to reveal Peter’s identity to Scorpion. It’s a stretch, but I don’t expect him to fight Peter again anytime soon since Peter dated his daughter and saved his life after fighting him. That point is invalid. You're not fully formed until you're 25, yet before that you can drink, consent, and join the military. A kid is ages 12 and below. Do you think it was a good idea for those rioters to be there, destroy property, and hurt people? Let's agree that it's not a good idea to use protests as an excuse to riot, loot, beat, and murder. Let's agree that people have the right to defend themselves when being attacked, even if the defender has a gun. If we agree on that, there's hope for you. "Hype" and "hyperbole" are two different words. Hype is excessive advertising and promotion of a product. Hyperbole is a figure of speech in which exaggeration is used for emphasis or effect. Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition. Which is saying something since there was little hype for this movie to begin with. Me too when I was a kid, same with the bird and her eggs. Thought I was the only one. People seem to confuse "woke" with "diverse". We've had diversity in movies, books, tv shows, and games before, for many years now. We've had strong women, POCs, and LGBTs before. That's not the same as being woke. That said, if the books were woke before "woke" became a term, that's one thing. But if the books were just diverse, then like I said, that's not the same. What primarily makes something "woke" is changing a character's race, gender, and/or sexuality from the source material for the sake of pandering, and pushing a biased political message, often sacrificing quality storytelling and alienating pre-existing loyal audiences. These changes are usually, not always, but usually targeted towards straight white male characters, and mythologies based on white culture featuring mostly strong males, hence why people consider wokeness to be anti-heterosexuality, anti-white, and anti-male. Since story's and mythologies made by non-whites have not been subjected to the same standards, this only supports people's negative views of wokeness and the push against it. They also don't have to be changes from certain source material in order to be "woke". In more recent decades, there have been original stories that from the get-go have negatively portrayed straight white men, are anti-conservative, and featured self-insert characters that reflect the writer's radical views. Such stories are also considered woke. Diversity is fine, but unfounded animosity is not. TLDR, being woke means making certain people look bad, where as being diverse means making other people look equally good. I haven't read the Wheel of Time books, but I read up on the lore. I'm also aware that the books were inspired by Asian mythology as much as European, so some diversity is expected. Was it revealed right away that men's ability to wield magic was tainted, or did that come later? The first episode made it seem like they were blaming men for the destruction of the world, something that many wokists preach today which will understandably turn people away. Was that how it was in the books too? If there’s a message to be sent, it’s that rioting and looting will not be tolerated, not even if you’re claiming to be protesting for something. And that message was sent. Kyle is free, not even a weapons charge. Let that be a lesson to Antifa and BLM. He’d probably gotten support from everybody, left and right. The right because he went to help his community and defended himself. The left because he was black. Maybe. Unless he posted stuff on social media that could be considered right wing, then the left would hate him and call him the “black face of white supremacy” or something. One conspiracy? The left doesn’t believe in white privilege? They don't believe in systemic racism? They don't believe in Climate Change? They don't believe in the Democratic-Republican party swap that supposedly happened at some point in the past? They don't believe everything their news reports on about Trump? They don't believe in Gamergate? They don't believe in Comicsgate? The Left has plenty of conspiracies too, own up to them. And I haven't seen a single person, Left or Right, that actually believed the water was turning the frogs gay. That's a strawman argument right there. Embarrassed by what? The right’s joked and memed about him. He looks like a Leftist's failed attempt of a right-wing caricature. He <i>is</i> one of yours, isn’t he? 😜 The Nazis and KKK have also been called “alt-right”, even though they’re not. A "little" kinder? Audiences have been loving it so far according to IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes, and Metacritic. Almost nobody trusts critic reviews anymore. They lost their integrity a long time ago, their reviews and scores mean nothing. I don’t recall him identifying as right, nor has anyone on the right claimed him. Is he one of yours? The rioters and looters shouldn’t have been there in the first place. Beautiful, simply beautiful. Now they know they’ll never be able to terrorize innocent people again under the guise of peaceful protests, inequality, and oppression. You attack us, you’ll face the consequences. Among other things, yes. Along with defunding police, and Orange Man bad. Which “white supremacists” were those? Just because you don't like or agree with someone, that doesn't make them a white supremacist. I don't agree with you, guess that makes you a black supremacist now. After all these years, you still fell for their prank? 😄 And you’re admitting it? 😆 He shot three white convicts, and went to protect a car dealership owned by POCs. The media already defends black-on-white crime by spewing "muh oppression and inequality", try harder, troll.