MovieChat Forums > LanceDance > Replies
LanceDance's Replies
Look it up, the natives have quite a lot of reservations all over America and even Canada, in areas where they can thrive.
What happened, happened, deal with it. All races and ethnicities have done it, and every race/ethnicity will try to make sure the same thing doesn't happen to them. The natives were lucky that the colonists were so cooperative.
Meh. Kate Bishop looks kinda hot, but I doubt I'll miss her if this show fails and she disappears without explanation. I had faith back when WandaVision turned out well, but Falcon & Winter Soldier, and Loki, destroyed that.
At this point, I'll watch only to see which is worse, this or DC's Arrow.
You could argue that, if he didn't enjoy the pain he caused, and felt remorse for all the bodies he walked over to get to the top. And whether there was actual peace and stability is debatable. Going by the movies alone, we have no evidence one way or the other, but the fact that there were rebels suggests it wasn't a stable and benevolent imperial rule. The Expanded Universe showed bigotry, racism, abuse of local resources, and other actions that would be considered crimes, or at the very least heinous acts.
The Sith may have been about negative emotions and "letting the hate flow through you" to power up in a fight, but I've only seen Palpatine get actual pleasure from hate. I could be swayed for a necessary evil, but Palpatine isn't it.
Did the fact that he’s willing to kill without remorse, order the deaths of anyone including children and his own allies, and manipulate people like a psychopath not tip you off?
Despite all the evidence presented in the movies, you still wanna know why he’s evil?
Have you not seen the movies?
Lots of people relate to Holland’s Spider-Man, it’s unfortunate that you can’t.
I don’t see him as a beta male, and if he’s “bullying” Doc Ock in the new trailer then he’s clearly not a beta 😜
I like Tobey, he has a special place in my heart, but his Spider-Man wasn’t quippy enough. Andrew’s Spider-Man was quippy but his Peter came across as a drug addict and a stalker. Tom is the best of both worlds, personality-wise.
We’re talking about Tom Holland’s casting and acting when we say he’s the best iteration.
As for now Marvel/Sony have written Peter Parker, that’s separate matter. Although some of your points are incorrect.
-Not mentioning uncle Ben doesn’t mean he doesn’t care about him. Macguire and Garfield didn’t mention uncle Ben all the time either. Uncle Ben didn’t get a death scene this time because we don’t need to see it a third time, the novelty wore off after the first time.
-I thought Tobey was quite attractive, especially with his shirt off.
-Stark didn’t give Peter money, or they wouldn’t be living in a cheap apartment.
-Peter has made mistakes just as Stark did. The difference is Peter has an older more experienced hero to help him out when Stark most of the time didn’t have anyone. That’s not from the comics, but doing something new isn’t always a bad thing as long as it works. I’d rather have that than Peter being suddenly LGBT or color-washed.
MCU Peter Parker feels more like a sidekick, and I’ll admit I don’t fully support that, but Tom Holland’s portrayal of Peter is the best we’ve seen and is the closest to the comics personality-wise.
If you have free time, it can’t hurt to give them a watch.
Might as well get some context while you’re waiting for this movie.
Harry Potter 7 had the least filler, and apparently people aren't willing to sit down and watch a 4-hour movie, so they split it in two.
Can't say the same for Twilight, Hunger Games, and Hobbit though. Many people who claimed to have read the books said those movies didn't need to be split. In those cases it was all about money.
Agreed. I supported Rittenhouse throughout the trial, but it's time to move on. This site should be about entertainment celebrities, movies, and shows, he shouldn't have been on here in the first place.
But I doubt Moviechat will do anything since this brings in more traffic.
I didn’t mention it, but I at least used the correct word in my comment.
That's like saying it's ok to sexually assault a woman because she's wearing tight revealing clothing. Is that what you're saying?
Why should it have been brought up? That's not what happened. Rittenhouse didn't go there to provoke anyone. He went there to help. The gun was for defense. Since people attacked him, I'd say it was smart of him to have the gun.
Since the rioters also attacked unarmed people, you can't argue that the only reason they attacked Kyle was because he had a gun.
He didn't walk into a riot, they went to him, chased him, and beat him. They also beat up and killed people who weren't armed at all, without provocation.
I you don't see the problem with rioting, looting, and beating up and killing innocent people, we can't help you...
We talking legal or illegal gun owners? If it's legal, then as Craig said, 99% for the sake of avoiding absolutes.
Illegal? Hard to say, we only know about the ones that get caught, with many of them not being responsible gun owners.
That said, we shouldn't punish the legal gun owners because of the illegal ones, or the 1% of legals that go off the deep end. After all, we don't punish everyone with a car or access to alcohol and phones because of drunk drivers and texting drivers.
1. Stop calling Rittenhouse a white supremacist when he’s not. Even if he was, they had no idea when they attacked him so that point is totally moot.
2. Stop calling those criminals “innocent victims” and “heroes”. They attacked Rittenhouse, and they’re the worst scum imaginable. The Left's romanticizing of these people is precisely why we keep bringing up their criminal history. They're not heroes, they're criminals. They weren't trying to protect other people from Rittenhouse, they were trying to kill Rittenhouse as we saw from the evidence.
3. They weren’t judged by Rittenhouse. It was self-defense, get that through your thick head. SELF. DE. FENSE. Rittenhouse protected himself when they attacked him and tried to kill him. That’s not the same as judgement or execution or whatever. Jesus.
4. Stop using the “State Lines” complaint when not only did he get the gun in Kenosha, there’s no law saying that you can’t carry a gun across State Lines anyway. That point is totally moot.
5. Stop saying Kyle went there to fight and shoot people. He went there to protect a car dealership, to put out fires, to remove graffiti, to provide emergency aid, and because he had family there. Basically, he went there to help. He got a gun because riots are dangerous and he would need to defend himself, which he did.
You mean how they massacred each other for years before the colonists arrived? Or maybe you’re referring to diseases that killed off natives? If so, that wasn’t massacre or genocide, that’s just nature.
For the record, many natives allied with the colonists to fight other more violent natives.