LanceDance's Replies

It's funny that people say "it's none of your business" when they keep making it our business. Hell, we're currently in pride month, where they spend the whole month flaunting their business. It wasn't that long ago when the LGBT movement was about telling everyone else that their sexuality isn't a big deal and that people shouldn't care what they do in the bedroom. These days it's "like us or else, bigot!" Like you said, I don't care unless I somehow end up dating one, in which case I'd like to know. I'm not going around harassing trans people or anything, I just don't play along with their delusions. They're getting better at hiding that uncanny valley effect, but that's not necessarily a good thing, especially if they no longer feel like telling us they're trans if we start dating them. After all, why would they continue keeping us informed if people keep pushing the narrative that gender is a social construct and that genitals don't really matter? I didn't say anything about dating on the street, that was you. All I said was if you don't care about genitals, then by all means date these trans people, you can have them. Since you hope someone would tell you if they were trans if you were dating them, then clearly you worry about what they have in their pants to some degree, which is fine, so do I. There are stories of trans men still being able to give birth despite transitioning. No matter what they do to themselves, they can't change who they really are, they're still women. You are more than welcome to date a trans person if genitalia doesn't matter to you, but it matters to me. I don't date fakes. I say again: if they were born female, then they’re still female no matter what. If they were born male, then they’re still male no matter what. Those two people might have more convincing flesh-costumes than Ellen Page based on those pictures, but they’re still costumes. Those two are women. For everyone’s sake, though, they should only use those private gender-neutral bathrooms when out in public, considering they’re too far gone in their “transition”. But is their irationality necessarily because of their religious beliefs, though? It has to do with the other stuff I said that you think isn’t true. “For whatever reason”? People noticed how bad they got after Endgame, even by MCU standards; a lot of the marketing has focused more on wokeness which is a turn-off for most people; and there seems to be no real goal in sight in terms of what’s connecting these movies. Stuff’s happening, but what’s it building towards? Spider-Man’s been single-handedly carrying phase 4 so far, with Dr Strange 2’s success arguably being reliant on No Way Home. You might be surprised at how many of the smartest and most influential people throughout history believed in magical entities. I have no idea who Benjamin Melzer is, I was still referring to your hypothetical trans woman earlier in our discussion. That link you posted didn’t open for me for some reason, so I ignored it. I stand by what I said, you are what you’re born as, no amount of surgery and hormones will change that. That’s not transphobic, that’s common sense. Eh, Jake Loyd’s acting was bad, but I never found him annoying. Child Leia is annoying, especially in the first two episodes. They’re trying too hard to make her witty, brave, and smart for her age, and it doesn’t work. It doesn't make sense to call him a woman when he's clearly a man, no matter what he does to himself. It's an absolute fact that he's a man, and wokists don't deal in facts. Trans women are not real women, they're men; trans men are not real men, they're women. If I was a straight man, I'd only date women, *real* women, as in biological women, as in people with xx chromosomes. If I was a gay man, I'd only date men, *real* men, as in biological men, as in people with xy chromosomes. As it stands, I'm bisexual, so I've dated men and women, but not trans people. They don't do it for me, their attempts at trying to look like the opposite gender gives them an uncanny look that doesn't arouse me at all. Take Ellen Page, she was hella cute as a woman, but as a guy? Ew no. "His" shirtless picture looks so wrong and is a major turn-off, despite appearing fit. Ellen is still a woman, no matter what artificial and unnatural means she used to alter her body, she's a woman, a woman with a mutated body. Correction: A hermaphrodite is someone with characteristics of both genders. A trans woman is just a man with butchered body parts. If he wants to live like that, fine, but that doesn’t mean we have to go along with it. Last I checked, angels don’t actually look like people with wings, that’s just an artistic rendition that got popular. Even then, believing in angels has on average shown to be less toxic to one’s health than wrongfully thinking you’re the opposite gender. Yes, those particular people who believe in magical entities are still far more rational than your average leftist, who at this point can’t even tell the difference between a man and a woman, that’s how far they’ve fallen. Somehow being religious hasn’t made rightwingers stupid or adverse to science. I don’t know what leftwingers believe in anymore, or what pseudoscience they’ll cook up next, but it’s destroying their brains more and more every day. I’m curious, what was the discredited leftwing conspiracy theory? It's pretty woke, but at more tolerable levels, at least for me. Some stuff still slips through, including things other posters on here have mentioned. But they're relatively minor to me and I can still enjoy the show overall. Others here have pointed out that it also occasionally makes fun of wokeness too, so there's that. I wouldn't be surprised if they triple down on the wokeness eventually, but until then I don't mind too much. I'd rather they're able to finish the series with minimal wokeness than the show getting cancelled, but then again I can just read the comics if I wanna see how it turns out. Will seemed gay to me since season 2, so if they confirm it, I'd be fine with that. If he just thinks Mike is his closest friend and misses hanging out with him, I'd be fine with that too. I never got asexual vibes, though. The way I saw it, he's either nervous around girls and can't talk to them romantically, or he's gay and likes Mike. Not sure why they thought this was a good idea. People are laughing <i>at</i> this film, not with it. Bro, eat a snickers. You’re posting cringe nonsense. Nothing wrong with being type-cast. Plenty of actors play the same character in different movies and shows, and people still flock to them. As long as he’s still giving a great performance, even if it’s the same performance, people will watch him. I pretty much agree with you. The prequels had their problems, but they weren’t purposely trying to sabotage the characters or push an agenda, and execution aside, there was genuine effort put into each movie. There was a drop-off in profits from Phantom Menace to Attack of the Clones, but then they recovered with Revenge of the Sith. The sequels suffered a much bigger drop-off from Force Awakens to Last Jedi, and it never recovered. It also helped that George Lucas and Fox didn’t attack and antagonize the fans the way Disney did. There are still people supporting the OT and prequels even now, and back then there was a bunch of EU stuff (now called Legends) stretching across various eras to keep people entertained as well. These days, Disney EU stuff like The Mandalorian and Jedi Fallen Order are practically carrying the Disney era as far as hype and interest are concerned, for now anyway. But otherwise the profits from the sequels haven’t kept the Disney era afloat as much as the apologists like to claim. You don’t see as much love and support for the sequels, not even from Disney, who seemed to have forgone making shows and video games about the sequel era and instead focus on milking the clone wars and the period between Episodes 3 and 4.