MovieChat Forums > jimmyjuliano12 > Replies
jimmyjuliano12's Replies
were you this upset when bathhouse barry wanted a "civilian army force" like something out of the black shirts?
how about when there were kids singing obama cult of personality songs at school? "yes we can can can! yes we can can can!"
and you crazy mofos are crying about some tacky card??!
I don't know why i'm answering this question, i already know i'll get a load of nonsense back, but let's see.
I do actually wear masks, i don't see a problem with it, it's not a huge inconvenience, but heres the thing, the world has had varying degrees of lockdowns since march 2020, masks have been mandatory, 2 meters safe space in public areas, we've closed down major parts of our economy, we've had people working from home, and since january we've had these "vaccines", nearly 5 billion doses of these vaccines have been given out worldwide.
so we've implemented measures in order to combat a problem, a pandemic, but nothing has improved. the global mortality rate is still roughly 2%, many countries are recording record highs of new cases.
if you implement something to combat a problem, and the situation doesn't improve, it gets in some cases worse, at what point would you have to question this strategy? you have "einstein" in your username, didnt he say that the defintion of insanity is try the same thing a 1000 times and expect different results?
i'm fúcking sick of people copying and pasting dumb links from google that mean nothing. i'm sick of people ignoring the reality. do i have a solution? no! but at least i'm smart enough to know that we know nothing!
theres two types of people, those like me that accept that we have no idea, and those that continue pushing the same solutions, and when it doesn't work scream "misinformation! misinformation! lalalalalala it works lalalalalala it works" why ignoring the fact that nothing is getting better, it's getting WORSE!
America was never going down a good path for trump to undo hahahaha, whats your definition of progress? a man with a wig on pretending he's a broad? putting perverts in womens restrooms? opening the borders to lazy backward people who don't want to fix their countries, it's easier to pack up and leave?
dems have set blacks back 100 years, telling them they are victims
he's actually a muslim convert.
you're a real fag, you know that?
start with learning what "literally" means
so whats your point, retard? more people are killed by cows than at school shootings, so?
stop pasting things from a year ago, stop going around the houses.
tell me how giving millions of vaccines to people can give us more cases that a year ago
explain that to me
you're mentally ill
i can't stop laughing at "ALI MOKDAD" and his study! a muslim who has surely escaped the conflict and violence of the islamic world, moved to america, and then talking about how unsafe it is!!!
ali boy should have stayed where he was if it was so unsafe here eh?
American gun violence is taken out of all context, if a school shooting happened in greece it's not going to appear on international news, but (and i've lived in europe) if something happens in america, a sandy hook, a columbine, then it appears even on local small town italian and french tv channels, creating a twisted concept. comparing the US with 330 million people with a european country is insane.
we've learnt that banning guns don't change anything if someone wants a gun, they will get one.
and if america was so unsafe, why have people for the last 150 years queued at it's borders or entered illegally in order to come here? i don't get it!
i don't know why i keep trying to reason with someone who is clearly mentally ill.
if you do something, if you implement measures to combat a problem, lets say a vaccine to combat a virus. you would want to see some positive results right?
so 95% of the UK has got the vaccine, wheres the positive news, when they have gone from 1000 new cases and 20 deaths last year
to 33,000 new cases and 100 deaths now? with a vaccine?
why is that so fucking hard for to understand?!??!?!
more naive nonsense.
mexico has some of the strictest gun laws in the world, it also has one of the highest rates of gun violence.
if someone wants a gun, they will get one.
the UK has 75% of it's population fully vaccinated and 95% of it's population with at least one dose, and there more cases and deaths than ever.
so listen idiot! if you implement measures to curb something, and the opposite happens the situation gets worse, common sense says that it's not the solution! how hard is that for you to understand dumb dumb?
95% of the UK vaccinated - more deaths and new cases than ever.
thats all the proof i need.
de un país que tiene agua potable jajajajajajaja
yes it was a lie, you're talking about a study of 5000 people and are forgetting what has happened to MILLIONS of people. this is too complex for you.
otro sudaca que cree que todo es racista, facha y machista? la kirchner ha hecho un gran trabajo eh?
liberal logic:
"if you ban guns, nobody can get one!"
"if after vaccinating billions of people, there are more deaths and new cases than ever, that means it's working!"
liberalism really is a mental disorder