MovieChat Forums > Politics > The Covid vaccine reality

The Covid vaccine reality

If you take measures in order to combat something, to control a problem, logically you'd expect to see some positive results, or sooner or later you'd have to question if what you're doing is correct.

The UK is a good place to look at when it comes to covid, a very high amount of the population has been vaccinated. over 90% have received at least the 1st dose.

They have also had over 15 months of lockdowns, masks have been compulsary, 2 meters of safe space in public places, people working from home, they've closed a lot of their economy, so with all these things you'd expect something to have at least got a little better right? knowing how great this vaccine is?

But whats the reality?

on this very day in 2020, august 6th, the united kingdom only registered 950 new cases of covid, and 18 deaths

but with more than 90% of the population vaccinated, today, the same date august 6th 2021, the UK has registred an amazing 31,808 cases and 92 deaths.

if you implement a strategy to fight something, and the situation doesn't get better, it gets worse, wouldn't you have to question said strategy?

i'd be legit interested in any serious comments, no sarcasm no hate, just real answers....


Israel had reached “herd immunity”. The virus has returned like gangbusters!

Do you actually expect an insightful answer from the alt-left on this board. They are akin to “Chicken Little”.

To answer your question I would say this is descriptive of their mindset:

”Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”


i've heard that phrase mentioned a lot when it comes to the vaccine.


Let’s think logically. 70% of vaxxed people still carry the virus in their noses, therefore they are able to not only give the virus to the unvaxxed, they can also give it back to the vaxxed. The virus is mutating. How can we be sure the vaccine isn’t playing havoc with the immune system which weakens the body’s ability to fight off all the “bugs”?

We’ve been dosed with antibiotics for so many years for illnesses which don’t respond to antibiotics. If we get a bacterial infection then those types of drugs should be given, but if we get a virus, the common cold is a virus, antibiotics should not be given. We need to let our body attempt to heal itself when colds strike. People who have a weakened immune system should get the flu shot. (viral infection). My husband did, I do not. Even with the flu shot thousands die every year.

Look how long it took scientists to develop other vaccines.

It usually takes 10-15 years to develop a vaccine. Mumps was the shortest, 4 years. The Covid -19 was a year. Granted they had their foot in the door with the SARS vaccine, but Covid-19 is a new ball game which is mutating. Why not use the antibodies (plasma) of those who survived and doing well? Treat with HCQ and Zinc. This way we would be building a natural immunity and could help others with our plasma.


I studied virology, the word vaccine comes from the word "vaca" which means "cow" in latin, about a 100 years ago in southern england there was a virus which was affecting millions of cows, but a vet came to realize that once a cow had recovered from this virus, that it was immune, he then came up with the idea of trying to take whatever it was (antibodies) from one cow, and then giving them to as many cows as possible, making them immune.

This became the basis of what jonas salk did with the polio vaccine, thats why polio is pretty much non existant today. a vaccine depends on antibodies, it's like chicken pox, you'll only get chicken pox once, just once, because there are antibodies.

The problem with covid, is that there are no antibodies, people are testing positive and getting it more than once, if theres no antibodies, then the vaccine will never work. because it's not a vaccine.

i don't care what fauci says, what biden says, what anyone says, it's not fake news, it's not an opinion, it's what we are seeing, with covid, there will NEVER be immunity, never ever!


You can’t penetrate the thick-headed alt-left lemmings with logic! 🤷🏼‍♀️ You studied virology. I didn’t. I researched and used plain old common horse sense of which they are bereft.


there is nothing "common sense" about virology. Its about years of studying and education. Anymore then nuclear physics or engineering skyscrapers is "common sense".

We have universities and PHDs for a reason. Because things are so complicated it takes years of studying to fully grasp it. its why we dont hand out diplomas based off someone watching a 1 hour YouTube video who all of a sudden claims to be an expert on covid and virology. with class and readings In just one year I spent about 800 hours between classes, readings and assignments. thats just 1 year, out of 7 if I wanted to get my phd.

you honestly think a degree that takes 5600 hours of studying, which then people work in that respective feudal for decades. is equal to "my common sense"

Your posts seem to be the epitome of pseudo intellectual misinformation.


Hey troll, read the post above mine. He studied virology.


You dont seem to understand how one persons opinions or comments does not speak for the entire consensus of a group, in this case virologists.

its like how I can find you a few cosmologists who claim the earth is flat. Its funny how you take one virologists word on covid, yet think the consensus of hundreds of thousands of them and other scientists in related fields who all agree are wrong.

even the fact he goes off about Biden and faucci and claims "its what we are seeing" seems to show he doesnt care much about science and evidence, if he thinks his anecdotal "what I see is true" is akin to scientific research.

"The problem with covid, is that there are no antibodies, people are testing positive and getting it more than once, if theres no antibodies, then the vaccine will never work. because it's not a vaccine."

I am sorry you believed a "virologist" (sure he is) on something so easily verifiable about the vaccine and antibodies.

here's a a study on 50k people

I am sorry you got duped by one person on the internet rather than researching the actual science and studies behind it...


Edward Jenner observed "cowmaids" who would get what was called "cowpox" from their work with cows. It was a mostly harmless virus, save for putting big lumps on their arms. These women never catch smallpox, and he realized that the cowpox had similar properties to the smallpox. He essentially collected fluid from the bumps on the cowmaids' arms, and scratched it into the arm of a little boy, who never got smallpox. His experiment worked, (though he wasn't really an expert on virus, not compared to virologists of today), and he saved the lives of so many people in England for the next 200 years.


No antibodies? None? Then what's in that stuff they keep injecting into people's arms?!


Last time I got a flu shot I ended up in bed for a month with the worst fever, sinus issues, breathing problems I've ever had in my life. That was 5 years ago, I'll never get another flu vaccine


I would never believe anything you ever say here, ever.


It only took 1 minute of research to disprove your post. Israel is at 59% fully vaccinated. that is not herd immunity levels. you have 41% (almost half) who don't have two doses. and only 61% only have 1 dose. Maybe you should do better research before you post something?


Hey Newbie Troll with a count of (5),

It only took 20 seconds of research to disprove your post. Maybe you should think about being a little more pleasant before joining a board.


1.this is a journalists interpretation. not written by any sort of scientific agency.

2. the article opens with "Israel has likely achieved herd immunity". hardly a firm statement. followed by "Herd immunity is achieved when, instead of spreading, a disease continually declines. Health officials believe that for a country to reach herd immunity, between 70% and 80% of the population would have to be vaccinated or have contracted the virus and developed antibodies."

the country wasn't even at 51% immunity at the time the article was written in June.

then theres a quote from one medical expert. literally contradicting what was written and saying "actually we already hit it"

The JNS is ever more wishy washy with "mays" and "could?"

im sorry you provided who journalists "mays" and "mights" who between them quoted two doctors opinions with no actual proof it had absolutely reacher herd immunity levels.


You're doing something that is so popular nowadays, i've always said that we live in the post truth age, too many people are impressed or only believe something if it comes in the shape of a link to some website, but it has to fit in with their agenda, you could show someone 9000 opinions from scientists, you could show them 10000 pieces of data, but they'll believe that one thing that fits in with their world view.

whats that saying? for those who believe no explanation is necessary, and for those who don't believe no explanation will suffice?

You're right, what i've studied doesn't matter, what some journalist says doesn't matter, but the truth does, what is really happening does matter.

This vaccine doesn't offer immunity, thats a fact, death rates haven't changed globally since this time last year, infact theres a lot of things to suggest they are higher and thats a fact, and theres no real evidence to say that it makes the symptons less severe, that again is a fact.

you can copy and paste all you want, you can cry "disinformation!" but it won't change the reality, i'm sorry, i'd love for the vaccine to work on any level, i'd take it tomorrow. but it's doesn't.


no its not what's popular. please stop projecting YOUR post truth nonsense on me. im not impressed, im not believing what is some link, or fits my agenda.

this is hilarious because thats exactly what you are doing.

so please show me all the studies backing your assertions. you wrote so much yet said so little. projected your own easily duped mentality on me and are trying to reverse your fringe conspiracy nonsense as the real truth and evidence, and the scientific studies and consensus as just being "post truth agenda based"

Above your re claiming the vaccine doesnt make the body produce antibodies. I gave you a scientific peer reviewed study that says it does. and another link from a reputable scientific institution.

Please stop spreading your lies and nonsense.


if it made you immune, then vaccinated people wouldn't get covid, but they are. it's that simple


you got the basics wrong (about antibodies). you dont seem to know anything about the topic and were trying to self project your own post truth nonsense on me. how you now avoid that thing you got wrong and now moved the goalpost seems to demonstrate that.

yet again. stop spreading your lies and nonsense thank you!


you're mentally ill


Yes because I can provide studies that show the vaccine creates anti bodies.

and you are here, claiming to have studied virology (im guessing you took one class and now claim you "studied it" as f you have a bachelor science in it)

then after me giving scientific studies and links you go on the classic conspiracy tangent about how others just follow follow an agenda and "believe links" (what does that even mean)

and when I called you out you became more and more unhinged and nonsensical. congrats


This long-term IMMUNITY and protection involves several components. Antibodies—proteins that circulate in the blood—recognize foreign substances like viruses and neutralize them. Different types of T cells help recognize and kill pathogens. B cells make new antibodies when the body needs them.

this is what antibodies do.....

this is the reality......

Vaccinated people make up 75% of recent COVID-19 cases in ...
Infections in vaccinated people do not mean vaccines are ineffective, experts said. "As more and more people are vaccinated in Singapore, we ...

antibodies - immunity . theres no immunity

it's that simple, your wishful thinking won't save you.


1. so the study on 5000 people was all a lie? okay lets see your analysis of that study I provided. I will excitedly wait

2. antibodies DO NOT make you immune. Hence why people who have had covid (with no vaccine) can get infected a second time. By your arguement unless people are immune after the first time their body created zero antibodies against covid

3. people who get tetanus (not a virus) and measles vaccines need to get them periodically because the lowered protection and loss of antibodies

oh look at that! only 97% protection from the measles vaccine! and you can still get measles even vaccinated! I guess the measles vaccine is a lie and doesnt work either. ohh and it doesnt create antibodies!

This is what happens when you claim to study virology (again notice how you couldn't even say you had a bachelor science. you guaranteed are the "self internet taught" type and act like you have a degree.

Lastly. why did you end the Reuters title early? oh right! because it said "but few fall ill"

How convenient! leaving out the second most important part of the title! then you did it with the first line!

"Vaccinated individuals accounted for three-quarters of Singapore's COVID-19 infections in the last four weeks, but they were not falling seriously ill, "

it's that simple, your wishful thinking won't save you.

no science will, through vaccines, which your own article shows it objectively has. Hence why you provided cherry picked quotes from your own source apparently backing your position up. because you knew it actually backed up mine.

Oh look! more crucial information you magically missed that disproves your stuff!

"While seven cases of serious illness required oxygen, and another was in critical condition in intensive care, none of the eight had been fully vaccinated, the health ministry said."

are you spreading misinformation on purpose or do you really believe this none? You read the information yourself and decided to leave out the info on purpose.


yes it was a lie, you're talking about a study of 5000 people and are forgetting what has happened to MILLIONS of people. this is too complex for you.


So you have evidence the study is a lie of course? you arent simply making more baseless assertions?

No im not "forgetting" anything. unless you have a study and aggregate data you are just spouting off "look the evidence is everywhere" like your friends on here.

its not complex for me sweetie :) its why I actually understand how vaccines work. which is not "you get da vaccine and you are 100% immune and everyone is. I apologize that I exposed that you do not. You also showed you are disingenuous and provided questionably edited quotes to push your opinion. while ignoring all the parts that disproved you and supported mine

Notice how you cant back up your virology credentials? ill take your disingenuous quote sourcing too as evidence you never actually took an academic path and attained a bachelor.


95% of the UK vaccinated - more deaths and new cases than ever.

thats all the proof i need.


I know it is. Your standard of evidence is horrendous. You dont understand how studies work, you dont understand peer review, you claim studies are fraudulent with no evidence. You dont know how vaccines or anti bodies work.

You dont seem to understand anything on the topic hence all your misconceptions and attempts to spread misinformation When I called you out you just bounce around to the next talking point. Thats why your "proof" is feelings and emotions.


i don't know why i keep trying to reason with someone who is clearly mentally ill.

if you do something, if you implement measures to combat a problem, lets say a vaccine to combat a virus. you would want to see some positive results right?

so 95% of the UK has got the vaccine, wheres the positive news, when they have gone from 1000 new cases and 20 deaths last year

to 33,000 new cases and 100 deaths now? with a vaccine?

why is that so fucking hard for to understand?!??!?!


Yes im mentally ill because I believe a scientific study and the entire consensus of scientists and you claim its fraudulent but have no evidence and know more than every medical institute in the world......

if you do something, if you implement measures to combat a problem, lets say a vaccine to combat a virus. you would want to see some positive results right?

it has had proositve results :) YOUR OWN link proved it. ill remind you since memory seems to not be your strongest attribute

"While seven cases of serious illness required oxygen, and another was in critical condition in intensive care, none of the eight had been fully vaccinated, the health ministry said."

thank you for backing up my assertion. You actually strengthened my arguement

so 95% of the UK has got the vaccine, wheres the positive news, when they have gone from 1000 new cases and 20 deaths last year

Honestly where do you pull these made-up figures from? 70% FIRST DOSE is now 95%?

Yes imagine that... various things like lockdown restrictions, mask mandates and distancing can also have an effect at reducing transfer rate and kept the infection rate and deaths low?! imagine that!? its almost like the scientists were yet again right. and you were YET again wrong?!

congratulations. I've never seen someone so vehemently disprove their own assertions.

Your first link from Reuters proved I was correct about vaccines reducing deaths once infected. Your second post here proved that various measures like lockdowns kept infection rates low.

a double whammy of disproving yourself. thank you


you're mentally ill


stop pasting things from a year ago, stop going around the houses.

tell me how giving millions of vaccines to people can give us more cases that a year ago

explain that to me


I literally did already I am sorry easy to understand information was too complex for your cranium. I gave specific policies that led to least years low numbers vs now


during a time of social distancing, strict mask rules, shutdowns. IE even without vaccines or immunity transmission was cut off period due to places not being open, no large crowds gathering, masks ect

vs now. things reopened, despite people having vaccines

what happened to 90% vaccinated in the UK? is this what you did? spread ridiculous lies then just move on to the next bald faced lie?


start with learning what "literally" means


maybe you should because I used it correctly. Holy cow this self embarrassing charade just won't stop.

you are flailing around form one point to another. finally culminating in you not even knowing basic definitions while claiming I do not.

this is just cringe...


Coronaviruses mutate too fast to vaccinate against...thats why previous tries have all been abandoned.


so why are they pushing so hard to get people vaccinated? and why do we need vaccine passports to travel?




yes they will fuck up the majority of the population who is stupid enough to trust the authorities. everyone who takes it will have fucked up side effects in the future and will have listen to the government and pay for medical alignments to keep them functioning. want to quit ur job and travel? sorry bud u get pulsating headaches now unless u take ur vaccine fixing pills three times a day. gotta stay in your job bud for health insurance or those drugs will cost u 1000$ a week. sorry bud no badass vacation for u! u gotta stay in ur wage cuck position for 50 weeks a year and if u are lucky u can have 2 weeks off bud.... u will be too tired to travel bud but it doesnt matter to government they got u working 50 weeks a year and paying taxes to them like a slave. society is already good and pushing people into this souless lifestyle without any vaccine side effects over there head just wait till people become government/medical system dependent slaves. i feel deep down in my gut they already know the side effects and what this vaccine fucks up and have drugs ready to remedy these new problems everyday normal healthy people who took this mcfranklenvaccine will start to have


It's not about implementing a strategy its about certain people making a ton of money like it has always been.




Vaccines provide immunity.

Calling untested experimental injections vaccines doesn’t make them vaccines.


Step 1. When it begins, deny there's a problem
Step 2. When it gets worse, criticize the left for being too dramatic
Step 3. When it gets out of hand, blame the left for not fixing it by themselves
Step 4. For bonus points, blame minorities


1, i've never denied theres a problem, i think theres a huge fucking problem and have since all this began
2, I've never spoken about the left
3, see above
4, never mentioned minorites, i don't know how they would fit in with my belief that the vaccine doesn't serve a purpose, but ok.

is that what it has come down to? "you hate minorites" ??? zero inteligence, zero debate, nothing? the only thing you know how to say is "you hate minorites"



It's the right-wing playbook. You weren't here to say it. And perhaps you didn't say it wherever you were at the time. But you go along with it.

Just like you will go along with B1cksurn's lie that coronaviruses mutate too fast to vaccinate against. You're not interested in the truth.

You're here to jerk off with the others who follow the playbook.


it's a typical "insult" to tell someone they are mentally ill, but i really believe you are.


2, I've never spoken about the left

"1. you people said 8 months ago that it would provide IMMUNITY, people like me were saying it wouldn't, we were right.

2. so you moved the goal posts, it didn't give you IMMUNITY but it made death less likely, but no, it's still at 2% globally."

Step 1. When it begins, deny there's a problem
Step 2. When it gets worse, criticize the left for being too dramatic
Step 3. When it gets out of hand, blame the left for not fixing it by themselves
Step 4. For bonus points, blame minorities

You weren't here for Step 1. And as I said, Step 4 is for bonus points.


with "you people" i'm refering to people who believe that the vaccine works, they are on both the left on the right.

what's the matter with you?


Wait. Are you saying the vaccine doesn't work now?

Of course there are right-wingers who say it works. No party is THAT stupid.

Right-wingers say it works, but forcing it on everyone is infringing on freedom.

Left-wingers say it works, and that it's necessary to get past the virus.

Something tells me you aren't pushing against right-wingers.


i'm pushing against stupid people, against morons, no matter what party they belong to, you've made it into a left and right thing, because you've
been brainwashed, you've even said it's about minorites! you fúcking loon!

1. 8 months ago people said the vaccine would make us immune, it hasn't

2. then it was "you won't die" but the mortality rate is still 2%

3. now it's "but symptoms will be less severe" we'd need years, not months of evidence to know that

in some countries, we're seeing more cases than ever, so i'm asking why, whats going on? why have you turned it to some loony crap about how i hate minorites?

are you ok?


1. 8 months ago, people said the vaccine would make covid go away... by 2022 though, not likely by August, which meant there was expected to be a lot of covid still around half way through 2021. 8 months ago, people didn't know there would be so much hesitation against a free vaccine that would allow variants.

2. That mortality rate pertains to the unvaccinated.

3. We have scientific evidence of symptoms being less severe on the vaccinated, but that only pertains to this new Delta variant which does not yet have its own vaccine.

What's going on is the Delta variant, caused by a lack of vaccination.

I didn't say you hate minorities. I said it was the right-wing playbook to blame them, like they are currently doing by saying the border issue is the reason for more covid cases.

Why does this need to be explained to you multiple times?


you're a loon


She legit is. I made her cry and take a break from the board last year by telling her to go swim LOL I think she's hydrophobic



He told me to kill myself in a pool of pins and needles, and then of course he had to throw in something referring to a transgender's penis. It was earlier this year though, not last.

Was funny as hell watching the mods go nuts on his posts that day.

I never left, just posted less. I did so partly because of him, but primarily because the Trumplican party lost as bigly as possible, both White House and Senate.

That's why there are so few leftists posting here versus a year ago.


What I said was "Go swim in a pool full of rusted razor blades with Greg Louganis"

Didn't say anything about a trans penis you wacko

And you did leave, you even made a thread crying about bad words I used as the reason you were leaving for a bit

Cry more


Step 2 is the opposite of what happened.

Remember Pelosi and the public parties in SF and in NYC the same thing.

They did this because Trump said not to and they changed his words around to call him racist.
Later they did exactly what Trump wanted to do.

You have a pathetically stupid memory or you are a troll.

Which one?


1. Big pharma is getting richer from the vaccine, whether it works or not.
2. They are insulated from accountability.. no late night infomercials on suing big Pharma for the bad effects of this experimental medication.
3. The frenzy from the left, in insisting.. DEMANDING, with moral outrage, that everyone should be vaccinated!
4. Constant lies, disinformation, and an obvious hidden agenda.
5. Fake 'science!' appealed to, with no questions allowed.

How is this supposed to assuage the fears, doubts, and skepticism, of an ever shrinking citizenry, who choose not to be bullied into submission by agenda driven ideologues?


1. At no cost to me. The wealth they are gaining is all speculation.
2. The vaccine has gone through the biggest trial run any vaccine could ever hope to go through, and it has passed.
3. Because the left wants to end the pandemic. Opposing vaccinations and mask usage guarantees it continues to mutate forever which will cause everyone to get it multiple times.
4. What you perceive as lies is science constantly analyzing data and adjusting their position based on the data that continues to come in.
5. Real science, you're just an idiot.

There is no assuaging your fears. You were born afraid. That's why you cling to god for protection, cling to gun rights for protection, and dislike people of a different race entering your country. Fear on top of fear.


Everything you posted is complete horseshit..


What I find stupid are the lockdowns. There is no evidence they have actually helped halt the spread of the virus, and it turns out, more people got sick by being stuck at home! (I honestly have never heard of quarantining healthy people in their own homes to stop a plague of any kind). Even worse, the virus has lasted longer because of people being stuck at home, rather than running its course and becoming no more an issue than the common flu. In fact, I have a feeling this "plandemic" is gonna go down in history as one of the biggest frauds ever visited on the planet besides using "climate change" as a money-making scheme.



Government is the only entity incompetent enough to prolong a pandemic, I agree locking down most likely dragged this out and definitely killed more people.


I noticed something interesting about Texas, when they opened up businesses and stopped forcing people to wear masks.

They were essentially following The Great Barrington Declaration, which goes like this: If you are healthy, go about your normal business, go to work, go to school, live your life the way you would have pre-pandemic. If you get Covid, just stay home for 2 weeks. If you feel your life is in danger from Covid, go to the hospital. It's as simple as that.

In just three weeks, the number of Covid cases went DOWN! Can you believe that? It shows that all the panic and lockdowns weren't necessary! :O America has been duped!


The UK is definitely a test case on how to live with covid. Can you just give up and move on? Most think we should, I don’t think so however.

I think the UK’s rising infection and death rate is troublesome to say the least.

As someone who has had covid and suffered immensely, I believe it’s a virus we should be trying to prevent. Giving up is not a strategy.

Lockdowns are happening in Australia and the “go hard, go fast” strategy works if implemented immediately. The cost is obviously the economic fallout.


People are going to get it again and again if they don't get vaccinated or wear masks. The unvaccinated are the primary cause for mutations.


You're full of shit. Leaky vaccines are the cause of mutated strains I.E. idiots like you injecting yourself with DNA altering vaccines


Get vaccinated so I can shit on your grave


But, the vaxxed are getting the virus. 70% of those vaxxed have the virus in their noses. Masks aren’t going to stop the virus. Masks are window dressings for making someone feel better. You could wear 10 masks, be vaccinated and still get Covid. You sound like Biden “Get vaccinated and you won’t get Covid!” Bull crap!

” The unvaccinated are the primary cause for mutations.”

You don’t know that as a fact. Did you ever stop to think maybe the jab is causing the virus to go into defense mode thereby start mutating?
