jimmyjuliano12's Replies

i was really into videogames in my teens, i loved championship/football manager, broken sword, fifa and pes. i also had an N64 with goldeneye! multiplayer mode was really good. The internet has changed a lot over the last 3 or 4 years, and it's pretty scary. although i don't usually believe in conspiracy theories they fascinante me. theres one in particular that really fascinates me,5 years ago if i searched it in google i'd get a whole host of different opinions, information.... now if i search for it, there are only fact checking sites that say it's all nonsense. They've really took down a lot of things where people are free to comment and talk about things, the internet has become so much more regulated and sterile. i suppose the IMDB boards were just another victim... The sopranos board was a huge source of amusement back in the day. funny characters, people talking about meeting up in the real world to fight! somebody faked his own death.... there were rumors that the sopranos board actually made IMDB close their boards. These loons wouldn't have done it with trump in the white house, Dementia Joe is a soft touch, he's not respected. your friend trump was against the war..... just putting it out there... you're a loon everyone is against giving guns to crazy people. Alcohol Prohibition Was a Failure | Cato Institutehttps://www.cato.org › alcohol-pro... de M Thornton · 1991 · Citado por 146 — Although consumption of alcohol fell at the beginning of Prohibition, it subsequently increased. Alcohol became more dangerous to wrong again cum queen muslims and the left are in same bed "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" what party do most muslims in the west belong to? liberals are stupid, they think banning something makes it go away, we've been banning drugs and stuff for years doesn't work. prohibition "banned" alcohol, there was more than ever, how fúckíng naive are you morons? liberalism...... rubbish well you've changed your mind! 10 minutes ago deaths were down! you see? theres nothing? not 1% of your brain that has some critical thought? to see that most of this is bullshit? and no! i don't believe covid doesn't exist and that the vaccine is full of iluminati chemtrails! but you're seeing how the goal posts are being moved every month? that we've had 15 months of measures, lockdowns, masks, 4.8 billion vaccines worldwide, and nothing has got better? The Guardian UK reports highest number of deaths since mid-March amid 21,691 new cases – as it happened UK deaths are highest since mid-March; doctors, scientists and the government disagree over vaccinating children in Germany · US Covid ... deaths are rising. look at the facts, look at the figures instead of what politicians tell you. UK records highest daily COVID-19 death toll since March LONDON, Aug 10 (Reuters) - Britain reported 146 new deaths within 28 days of a positive COVID-19 test on Tuesday, the highest daily total ... no, that's rubbish the covid vaccines don't work, they don't offer immunity, and the global mortality rate hasn't changed since this time last year. it's still roughly 2%, some people are blind sheep who endorse things, and some think before speaking. we're gonnaaaaa change ittttt! and reaaarrangeeeee ittttt! obama! obammaaaas gonnaaaa leeaaddd! they are staying disadvantaged because we live in a society were we punish people who work and reward people who do nothing. killing you with taxes in order to give me a welfare cheque, wont help either of us in the long run. equality doesn't exist, it any shape. the left talk about equality of opportunity, but what good is it if the outcome doesn't improve anything? i mean you can give a scholarship to harvard to someone, but if they don't have the capacity, if they aren't really smart enough, then what? We aren't equal, there are people who can work hard and train at something and never will be as good as someone is naturally, we have different talents, different strengths that make us unequal. the problem with todays society is that some people want to change the outcome of our society, the natural results of our society, and when you give that much power to the state, it never ends well.