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Enough is f*cking enough (alt angle)

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Now that a shooting has happened in a popular district where middle class to rich people eat, they and MSM are now starting to wake up to it now after playing it off for some time (even though Fox has been covering it for awhile now).

They only care when it happens to them or in their community. Now people are starting to wake up to the vicious cycle of circulating multi-felon criminals back into the streets due to progressive policies by DA's and not holding criminals to account.


Gun deaths are already happening in "their" aka: white community!

The majority of gun deaths are white men who have committed suicide!

Re: crime
Extremist guns nuts don't care! They continue to sell guns to criminals, children and crazies.

They fight ALL policies and legislation which would end mass gun sales.

Stronger gun legislation has shown fewer suicides and homicides in states where they are implemented. But, cross border sales need to end along with a strong FEDERAL response.


Meh, no one cares about white men and their silly suicides. All about gun violence in the streets and affected POC. Besides, I rather they suicide by gun than do something more gruesome be it a mass shooting or jumping in front of a train or off a bridge and the likes.

I don't get how NRA is still alive after being in debt and filing bankruptcy. Apparently they moved from New York to I think Florida to escape prosecution as well.


You're cold!

Most people change their minds after their attempted suicide. The problem with guns is they're very effective.

The bankruptcy was dismissed.


Which one is it? First you call me racist and hate blacks and now you call me cold on white men. PICK ONE! I NEED YOUR DESIGNATION SO I MAY HAVE A PURPOSE TO EXIST IN THIS REALM.


Why? They're not mutually exclusive.


you have a very strange logic! overdoses and hanging dwarf the amount of people that use guns in order to commit suicide. guns are rarely used. you have at least 200 things in your home that could be used as a suicide method. if somebody wants to kill themself there will always be something at home that will allow you to do it.

And i think that getting to the root cause of why people want to kill themselves would be more intelligent than wanting to ban something that is rarely used to do so.

i'll never understand liberal logic, it's like reading a book backwards and trying to make sense of it.


You're an example of someone who is having an argument with himself.

I never said ban all guns. You made that up. Now, you're having an argument with yourself about it.


and i never said that you said ban all guns


"than wanting to ban something that is rarely used to do so."


Our liar in chief “Rhoda” with a straight face writes:

“They continue to sell guns to criminals, children and crazies.”

Since this race warlord nitwit believes guns are sold to crazies…maybe “Rhoda” should by one. And to children! I’ve wrote all along “Rhoda” believes it’s own lies.

Notice how “Rhoda” brings into the picture:

” The majority of gun deaths are white men who have committed suicide!”?

Not a word about Blacks slaughtering Blacks in Chicago and elsewhere. Why should “Rhoda” care about Whites committing suicide? “Rhoda” hates Whitey especially White men!


That would be facing reality. Scum like Racist Rhoda don't care about reality, only their fantasy world.


Yeah, Rhoda! Keep telling that lie. Of all sins committed God hates liars above all others. I believe that is the only time God is associated with hate! When you think about it liars are very destructive. Rhoda is one of the worst. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I thought "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor" was farther down the list than "“I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt"


I wasn’t referring to the “Ten Commandments”.

Proverbs 6: 16-19

”There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers.”

Proverbs 12: 22

” Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord, but those who act faithfully are his delight.”


Haughty eyes?


You got me! Have to look up that one!




Happy I made you laugh! Selling guns to children. I would say that tops all that I’ve heard about the lefties wanting gun control. 🙇🏼‍♀️ “Rhoda” can’t help it though. Dropped on one’s head at birth has grave consequences!


Gun nuts testimonials:

"“I recently purchased one of your Davey Crickett rifles (My First Rifle) for my seven-year-old daughter and I have nothing but positive things to say about it. She loves it and looks forward to going shooting with me at every opportunity. It is obvious that a good deal of time was spent in the development of this product as it is perfectly designed for kids in regards to length and weight.

Jessie from Ohio

“My daughter started shooting, at the age of six, with one of your models. I have been impressed over and over again with the reliability, quality and accuracy of your product. When we go out plinking, eventually my daughter has to share with other adults who want to give it a try – then request more time with it. It’s a lightweight, wonderful, easily used and kid-friendly firearm. I cannot recommend it highly enough to any parent.”

J Grant

“My wife told me to do something with my daughter after gymnastics today, she recommended going for hot chocolate or a donut. I thought, that’s not special, plus once you’ve consumed the item, where does that leave you? Instead we bought a pink Crickett for my six-year-old daughter and wanted to say thanks for making quality affordable firearms for new shooters. The “girls” option is especially appreciated because, as scary as it sounds, the colour really helped get her excited about it. Bethany says thanks too!


“Thank you for supporting the next generation of recreational shooters. My four-year-old daughter thought the “pink one” was far superior to a black synthetic stock, Who am i to argue? I never would have thought that a pink rifle would be sitting in the rack.”


Keystone sells 60,000 of its children’s guns a year. Now one has killed a two-year-old girl.

Gun nut with child:


You twisted it again to suit your narrative. The dealers are NOT selling to children! They are selling to parents/adults. The parents are teaching their kids how to safely handle a firearm. People in this country and elsewhere are teaching their kids how to hunt. We still have hunters.

I was raised around firearms all my life. They were hanging in a gun rack on the walls. They were laying on an end table, a nightstand, inside of Dad’s vehicles. My brother and I were taught not to pick up or even touch one. The handguns were kept loaded. One time I had a high school friend over. He was admiring the rifles and began to remove one to look at it. I stopped him just as he had his hand on the barrel to remove. I told him no and informed him no one is permitted to handle Dad’s firearms. He apologized and understood. Later that evening my dad noticed fingerprints on the barrel and questioned me. He reminded me again no one is to be granted permission to touch his weapons. And that was that.

We had gun clubs in high school. They brought their rifles along with their school books. Never had a problem with anyone aiming at another student.

What you fail to understand is the fact you should be frightened of the person pulling the trigger. Not to be frightened of an inanimate object. You deny or dismiss the mindsets of those pulling the triggers. If not a firearm they will find away. Murderers gotta murder. Killers gotta kill. And the ignorants gotta blame the object used.


"Selling guns to children. I would say that tops all that I’ve heard about the lefties wanting gun control."

The gun nuts are selling children guns and rifles no matter how you try to sugarcoat it.

Like I wrote, gun nuts sell to criminals, crazies and children.


Without a doubt you, “Rhoda” (from the movie “The Bad Seed”) are lying yet again! Guns are not being sold to children!


Screw barbie dolls, daddy got be a pink M4.


I must be missing the joke here but, whose 'Rhoda'?


It appears you’ve missed my prior explanations of who Rhoda is. Sorry about not continuing with why I refer to MCs race warlord…🤭cough, cough, Keelai. “Rhoda” was the 8 year old character, played brilliantly by Patty McCormack in the 1956 movie “The Bad Seed”. This kid could lie without batting an eyelash while sporting the sweetest smile!

The difference between the movie Rhoda and MCs “Rhoda” is the character knew she was lying. She lied without compunction. MCs liar-in-chief “Rhoda” lies incessantly, but believes the lies, so I tagged “it” (gender neutral) “Rhoda” because “it” reminded me of the movie.


People do care about people who commit suicides.


What a joke. If you think gun crime is majorly committed by legal gun owners, you're a complete doofus. Go live in Baltimore, St. Louis, Denver, or Chicago. Suicide is not a real crime.


Strong gun legislation has been shown to lower gun violence. It would be lower if gun nuts stopped selling guns to criminals, crazies and children.


No it hasn't. You base all your ideas on false premises. Your whole world view has been debunked.


"Tougher Gun Laws, Fewer Gun Deaths

Gun violence in the United States is a public health crisis. In 2017, nearly 67,000 Americans died by suicide and homicide. And guns were involved in about half of the suicides and 74% of the murders, the researchers reported.

But in recent decades, "as states' strictness [on gun ownership] increased, their suicide and homicide rates decreased," lead author John Gunn said in a Rutgers University news release. He's a postdoctoral researcher at the Rutgers School of Public Health and New Jersey Gun Violence Research Center.

The study found that the number of gun laws in a state was a significant predictor of suicide and murder rates."


lumping suicides with homicides = misleading (no one is in a uproar about suicides, nor should they be)
trying to correlate state laws with what happens in cities where the majority of gun crimes occur = dishonest and misleading
study ended in 2017 = worthless, violent crime has been on the rise since. State laws aint doing jack shit about that.
No numbers or source given in the article= Pure bullshit (literally a news story with zero peer review AKA GARBAGE!

Evidence-based implementation of firearm regulations across the whole of the United States has the potential to significantly reduce the toll of firearm violence
What evidence? Talk about pure trash. You mean making suicidal people have to use alternate methods to commit suicide lowers the numbers of gun violence? Wow. Great study. Just what I expect from Rutgers School of Public Health of New Jersey lol

Go to school and learn a) how to find actual sources and b) what are legit studies and what is just retards using numbers to make their worthless points without doing any real research and making stupid correlations without proving causation. This a textbook case. It's literally day one statistics class lessons. Holy shit. Academia is fucked to let people like this publish news articles like this. But then again, that's the point of fake news and you phonies who cry to take away people's right to own guns.


Guns are everywhere because the NRA wants guns to be everywhere.


Guns are prevalent in the U.S. because U.S. citizens have the right to bear arms. And the founders of our country protected that right through the Second Amendment. They protected it because they knew tools like you would want to disarm citizens.
