Hybrid66's Replies

This isn't that. But Hollyweird is deffo riddled with pedophiles, occultists and predators... and their apologists. Watch the opening scene of 2001: A Space Odyssey... They're ''in'' with the shadow Govt, says Kevin Shipp, ex-CIA... https://youtu.be/LFBKvgC-vtU?t=3243 So I suppose that she's making him suffer in the shadows by her coldness? Or Jo wanted too much cash to reprise his role? I'd have worked for him. He was so desperate for admiration, all you'd have to do for a promotion/free beer and perks is to laugh at his antics, which admittedly were often funny. I always thought that Jenny was the youngest. Maybe, as with real cases, the older ones dashed off out and got married, so they would get away from the revolting pedo? No, Rev, YOU are the one going to extremes. And for illegitimate and presumptious morons like you, it's ''translation''. [quote]Anti child butchering isn't bigotry. Trans-cult mass hysteria will end one day, and a lot of evil people will have to answer for it.[/quote] Well said, I think it has to. Child abuse should never even start. She's was talentless. My mother hated her Papa knew exactly who and what he was. Nowt wrong wi' Beatles, lad. Or, Errens You Lacist. This radical extremist Stalinist indoctrinating campaign is just a warped Trojan horse for pedophilia. Isn't that nearly ALL American ''Politicians''? Yes I agree. My ex brother-in-law was one and, incredibly, admitted it. His face wasn't the same. RIP (not). I've watched the entire box set and haven't seen the guy ONCE! No-one even mentions him? So much for US Army recruitment background checks? Brainwashed Americans, more like. Bleat on about democracy and freedom endlessly, then berate and threaten anyone who expresses opinions about anti-war or the military? Until she has a car crash (*wink*) [quote]It's not true all the time. Depression runs in families (it runs in mine). My younger brother attempted suicide and two of my cousins actually did. None of them were crass or self-indulgent.[/quote] Mine achieved it. What about damaged war vets? They aren't self-indulgent, crass or cowardly? That's a retarded view by thick morons.