Hybrid66's Replies

Just like Yanks here are obssessed with that fat orange pedo, Trumpy-ass? Because people weren't brainwashed queers (LGBH's word) and feminised neurotics like they are now... All ''offended'', ''woke'' and trans. Boo fucking hoo Not bad for an ugly ginger So what? In Trainspotting, Begbie does the same. America's a racist shithole, has IT been ''cancelled''? I was bored with the Witches one and since You're being a sarcy c*nt, then. No, we all did "Sob...sob..., a man walked on the same street as me 48yrs ago...I'm still traumatised" Translation- Women can get ahead and make a fortune from extremist Fem-Rainbow misandry. Especially now he's embarrassed the Savile-defending BBC and also Hollywood's ''elite'' paedo's and occultists. Hilarious! And has he cleaned his frilly briefs since he was choked out and crapped in them? Good post. The Nancies started off murdering [disabled] children Good. Gender war continues... I agree - then to compound the abortion, add dumb American TEENS to the cesspit of annoyance. Except when he's wrong Given that this will be a totally different show, almost a horror, then 10 will be enough. I can't imagine it being any longer no matter what they do with it. Too much horror - bland Too much of the old Frasier = boring and repetitive. I agree. The word 'best' is retarded in that context. On DISCUSSION forums, can't people name their OWN fave, and explain why? Really? You're a retarded homo then. Make me wanna vomit.