MovieChat Forums > Hybrid66 > Posts
Hybrid66's Posts
Weird mouth
Doing a good job, Vlad!
Like an awful nightmare to me now...
Protected by MI5 because of ''links'' to Royalty
More ridiculous stereotypical Hollywooden Viking shit
Gerard Butler's twin!
Let me guess - Liam is a tough but innocent action guy...
Is this shit for dumb, spotty teen virgins to giggle about?
Racist, vile c*nt
The CIA/Illuminati in Hollywood need to deal with b*tches like this
Was great as a violent cop in 'The Offence'
Yank pilots are best at Friendly fire
3 White icons of the 80's - Clinton, Savile and Weinstein.
Bill n Hill, vile, psychopathic bastards
Don't joke about personal lives or you deserve it
Most gangs were pussies
Cringey and irrelevant speech by Balian
He was going to be cast as Terminator.