MovieChat Forums > Hybrid66 > Posts
Hybrid66's Posts
Chat shows and rich husband next
Sickener b*tch!!!
So, did he crap his pants or not?
Sickening displays - AGAIN- of American racism and petty Politically-motivated hate
Obi's WANK
Liam Cunningham (Ser Davos)
Not as good as a BBC TV production, starring Liam Cunningham
The code babble at the beginning?
Where are her tits?
Freemason c*nt
Retarded crap for geeky virgins who like teen-tittettes
Great film, but letdown ending...
Hero: Put down Hollywood's ''A'' stars to their Pedo faces...
Another cute-but-useless ''actress''
Major Warden had been captured by the Japs before?
Why do you never see Courteney Cox and Jared Leto in the same room...
What heppened to his pedophilia ''research''?