MartyMoose1977's Replies

He 100% saw it he Bob's fiance' sneaked a look at his sketch and it was his suitcase. Cate isn't a bad looking woman but not even in my top 50. Pam Grier for sex appeal might be my #1. I disagree with putting women of different races in sub categories. Pam Grier is top 5 most gorgeous women of all time. It's a damn shame her career went to hell after blaxploitation movies died. She was a stunner and Hollywood in the 1970's racist ass producers/directors missed out on a true once in a generation movie star. What other woman played in a role as an action movie lead? Zero until Aliens franchise with a women with zero sex appeal. Even 20 years later in Jackie Brown she still really had it. Absolute stunner and it's a damn shame she didn't get an Oscar for her role in that movie. For Baseball movies this film was expertly crafted and you can tell whoever made it really knew and loved the game of baseball. The accuracy of the Baseball Play is largely due to 4 former MLB Players that worked as the films Baseball Experts and played 4 big roles in the movie itself. Pete Vuckovich who played "Hayward" the Yankee that kept hitting HR's on Ricky Vaughn. IRL Vuckovich was a great Pitcher for the Milwaukee Brewers lead them to their first World Series in 1982. Another MLB Player was Willie Muller who played "The Duke" Simpson the Yankee Pitcher in the film. IRL he was a pitcher for the Milwaukee Brewers for a Couple years. The third MLB Player in the film was Steve Yeager that played 3rd base coach. Yeager told the Director a Real Life story about his son getting cocky during a Father/Son Baseball game so he threw the ball at his son while he was pitching. The director liked the story so much they had Bob Uecker tell the story and attribute it to Yankee's Pitcher "The Duke". Bob Uecker former MLB Player and Milwaukee Brewers Radio Commentator for over 54 years also helped to bring the Baseball authenticity. My 2 brothers and I memorized every line from that movie. We grew up in Milwaukee in 80's and they filmed the Stadium Scenes at Milwaukee County Stadium. We all played little league and though this was the unniest ovie of al time. We recorded the audio from our Betamax movie player to Audio Cassette Tapes so we could listen to the Movie while we went on Road Trips (5 Hour trip twice a year). When The old Pitcher Harris drinks Jo Bo's Rum he 100% says "Up your Butt Jo Bo". I assume the OP saw the televised version which may have dubbed "Bucket" over the line? When they shut down the Apartment Building Compound Nino said, "We just had to shut down a Million Dollar a Week operation". That's $52 Million a year in 1989 Money. So yeah he's living pretty filthy rich. I've watched 3 episodes and I think I hate this show. So boring stuck in same room and characters all do extremely dumb stuff. Worst sin imo is when they see someone "turning" into a zombie they just stand there and watch. Why doesn't anyone take advantage of the few minutes they have to either kill them or at least get them locked out of your commons area you are keeping safe in? Why did the dumb bitch infect the kid in episode 3 because he was on welfare and argued with her? Seriously? So we have to assume not only that this bizarre virus is making people zombies but it also happened at a school with a sadistic murderer? So checked out I gave it an honest chance because of it's positive reviews. "Get Out" was a phenomenal movie have you ever considered that you just might not like Black People? "The First Purge" is trash and I don't give af if you want to trash this film however you want but you just called out one of the best horror movies to come out in the last decade gives me pause that your just racist. Today I just read that Joni Mitchell's "Coyote" was written about Sam Shepard a famous Actor and Playwright. Sam Shepard was an actor in "The Right Stuff", "Black Hawk Down" and "The Pelican Brief" and about 60 other movies. Sam Shepard was a famous womanizer. When he "Seduced" Joni Mitchell he was married AND having an extra Marital Affair with his Tour Manager Christine O'Dell. This is what Joni is referencing in Coyote when she sings : "He's got a woman at home, another woman down the hall, but he seems to want me anyway." You don't just have terrible politics but are completely out of your mind. I'm not surprised those 2 things often go hand in hand. 1. It wouldn't surprise me if different parts of the Silo had different accents. Cities in Britain are famous for having different accents on different parts of town. 2. They put chemicals in the water that make people forget. 3. Legends may have been created and forgotten due to the chemicals in Water. 4. Deputy Billings memorizing the pact and living by it's rules to the letter like it's the Bible. 5. Why does anything last 140 years in the Silo? We have to suspend disbelief for the longevity of tech for this shows premise to work. 6. The Video playback is only known to Judicial not the commoners. 7. The Reason they can't have Microscopes is from the book so SPOILERS DOWN BELOW: 7. No Microscope are allowed because what kills people outside isn't gas it's Micro Robots that kill them and get through the bad Heat Sensor Tape. If they had access to strong magnification people could see these tiny Robots. Enjoy Season 2! Playing for Marquette is quite an accomplishment in itself. I'm from Milwaukee and was a Marquette fan at the time William played there. I thought for sure Jim McIlvaine was going to be great in the NBA player. While William Gates was a great athlete he was only 6' tall and I never expected him to make the NBA. 2 of William's teammates did make the NBA in McIIlvaine and Amal McCaskill. William was getting 20mpg before his injury and was a decent player but when your only 6' you need to really pop off as something special to get the NBA's attention. If I was in William Gates situation I would have also started looking for Career prospects outside of Basketball and use that College Education to set himself up for a nice career. Arthur Agee I never saw play IRL but based on what we know it he sees like a guy that really could have benefited from the NBA G League which sadly didn't start until 5 years after he left college. "You know, my child, for the good of our Lord, the Church was always on the side of the strong." ~Aguirre, The Wrath of god. Werner Herzog. I saw that Rob Ager video earlier today inspired me to rewatch "Revenge of the Nerds" for the first time in 35 years. it's still funny as hell but it has some jokes that certainly didn't age well. I give it a 7/10 and recommend it to anyone that hasn't seen it that isn't easily offended. Get over your shitty politics that are 3 years irrelevant. The US alone had a million people die from Covid. Why are you calling it "CONvid"? If Covid didn't happen we'd have a million more american's with us today. Are you really that heartless to your fellow Americans? I read one study said 70% of Covid deaths were Republicans because they were much less likely to get vaxxinated. My buddy that died at 44 was also antivax even though I implored him to get vaccinated due to his weight. Dangermouse I dunno if your still alive 10 years later and all but surely he meant "country". Not as in a Nation but country as in beautiful countryside. County is usually used as another way of partition of a Nation or State. County is the same as what the French and Louisiana call Parish. 17 years later and I just saw this and agree. Soon as I saw the fancy decorations on the Starship I thought of the last act of 2001. I was hoping to get 3 space shows and we only got the one but I did still enjoy Stink bomb and Cannon Fodder. This is the future chiming in. Perhaps Russians should have watched more antiwar messaging? Russians are known to be fans of Anime yet here we are with hundreds of thousands of dead Russians and god knows how many dead Ukrainians? The deadliest war since WW2 and you thought Arabs were the worlds problem? If your still alive 10 years later how do you feel about this messaging now? My best friend fell for those Conspiracy theories and refused to get Vaccinated. On Sept 14th, 2021 he passed away from Covid. He was only 44 years old. His mother passed away yesterday from Cancer. He left 2 little girls that were only ten years old when their father died. Mass misinformation like this kills so many people they are some of the most dangerous people alive. Sadly his mother died of Cancer yesterday it must have been awful for her to go through that without her son to comfort her. RIP Ken and Cindy.