The first thing we see is a small cannon shooting towards a tower. It was above the childs bed. My thinking is very very simple with this.
The whole thing is a dream, all of it. He got the idea from seeing the cannon shooting the tower as he went to bed every night. He doesn't wake up till after the lights are done flashing at night, we don't see him wake up. There are some other images that are very childlike and could just be taken from the childs walls as well. The dream starts when he wakes up and his mom is calling him and ends with the lights, or soon after.
This to me just made more sense than a whole town who's purpose is to shoot a cannon at an unknown force.
Don't agree, I'm afraid. It's quite clearly supposed to be an anti-war satire, and having it be some kid's random dream is cliched and holds no thematic weight. The whole city has been brainwashed by Orwellian propaganda into fighting an imaginary foe. That's why the boy doesn't even know what they're fighting for but still dreams about cartoon soldiers and becoming the officer who gets to press the button. It highlights how war needs to be glorified in order for social control.
What point exactly ? Nobody likes war, as long as you arent an sociopath general. We dont fight because we love it, we fight because a lot of people ware *beep* stupid, they have no emapthy and would be better off dead. And the rest are cowards. Most of the old wars were decided by few people backed up by fear of foreign countries and culture and religion, not by the love of blood.
We, the "civilized" ( yeah, right ) people dont need an antiwar lesson, Arabs and rest of this scum of the planet needs it, but you can bet your ass they dont watch tv or anime. They are busy sucking off mohamed and beheding the non believers.
So the whole thing feels like preaching nobody asked for, and badly done to add. If it was anywhere 1984 level at lest you could say it has something smart to say, but here ? 2/10 is best i would give it.
Racist ? Im many things, but racist isnt one of them. And i wonder what im ignorant of, can you enlighten me with some basic knowledge im missing ? Or are you one of those people who use random words as an passive aggressive insult since they arent man enough to say what they really think ?
Arabs and rest of this scum of the planet needs it, but you can bet your ass they dont watch tv or anime. They are busy sucking off mohamed and beheding the non believers.
Ignorant. Racist. That is exactly what I think of you. No passive aggression here.
Straightedge means I'm better than you. reply share
This is the future chiming in. Perhaps Russians should have watched more antiwar messaging? Russians are known to be fans of Anime yet here we are with hundreds of thousands of dead Russians and god knows how many dead Ukrainians? The deadliest war since WW2 and you thought Arabs were the worlds problem? If your still alive 10 years later how do you feel about this messaging now?
Oh, and irony of my words dosnt get lost on me. I guess its ether bend over and get *beep* or man up and do the *beep*
Ether way pointless lectures like this are just a way of striking the moral ego of the authors, which really dosnt sit well with me that i have to sit through it. Too complex and reliant on knowledge about other literary works and movies to be aimed at kids, and too lazy and simplistic for adults, i have no idea who could enjoy this.
I kinda get what you mean... but I still think this is the weak part, or at least to much different from the other two... If they did put something like the other stories and the same kind of animation, could be better...