MovieChat Forums > MartyMoose1977 > Replies
MartyMoose1977's Replies
Red Letter Media nailed it. They compared the 2 movies to Kill Bill Vol 1 and 2. This Film is slower paced and does an amazing job in world building and showing us how the universe ticks. It's legit the best movie I've seen in the theater since Fury Road.
I just got home from seeing it. The movie is incredible fuck these dorks.
I loved the movie it was the best prequel I've ever seen. I'm betting these guys didn't even see the damn movie.
The guy clearly has a terrible mental disorder just block his autistic ass.
Maybe they cut it because she was only 18 when they filmed the scene? She had just filmed "Pirates" directed by Roman Polanski and she later said that Polanski raped her when she was just 16 years old. Polanski was the Jeffrey Epstein of the 70's and 80's.
When Boone forces his way onto the Stage Coach the rich financeer's that made the trip happen should have not allowed him to join them.. He was a bit to urgent to get his ass on THAT stagecoach and they knew they would be traveling with a ton of stolen money.
I did love the movie with it gorgeious cinematography and I enjoyed how these 7 weary travelers whom all hated each other were stuck in each other's company for days and this would be best case scenario which obviously we don't get. The acting was very good but not amazing. I give the picture 7/10.
BTW, the film is now free to watch on Youtube for anyone interested in seeing it.
The Fun House gun shoot out with the mirrors was swiped from Bruce Lee's "Enter the Dragon" which came out just a few years earlier.
I have no agenda other than to say what was obvious. Your likelyhood of dying was much much lower if you took the vaccine. My entire family of 5 caught Covid on Christmas of 2020 and I we were only sick for 2 or 3 days then back on our feet. My entire family (In house family) took the Vaccine after my friend passed away in September assuming we had natural immunity for a while after catching it. We didn't notice any ill effects from taking the vaccine. I also won't argue that a some people probably did get myocarditis from the Vaccine but the sad fact is a much higher percent of people caught myocarditis from having a bad cases of Covid. It's sad that this shit was all politicized because all the BS being spread around about the vaccine it's what caused my friend to decide not to get vaccinated. Why were we listening to politicians instead of medical experts during a GD pandemic is beyond me? Side Note: When my family caught Covid in 2020 we took hi doses of Vitamin D and Zinc and I don't know if it helped us or not but we were over it very quickly. My wife's sister who was the person that brought the virus to us on Christmas did later end up in Hospital for about a week from the illness and I didn't count her amoung our family of 5 since she doesn't live with us.
Here is that very clip from the movie. He clearly say's "Up your Butt jobu". There must have been a TV Broadcast that redubbed the line. Here is the clip.
Here is the clip of the very scene on Youtube. He clearly say's "Up your Butt Jobo".
The Vaccine wouldn't likely have stopped him from catching Covid but it would have probably stopped him from dying. Here is a graph that shows how many fatalities occured from Covid with Vaccinated vs Unvaccinated per 100k cases. It doesn't take a genius to see you were exponentially more likely to die if you were not vaccinated.
It's now on Youtube in 4k in full for free. Just search for "The Stand 4k" and you'll find it. Feels like a new experience in such hi-definition.
Julie Lawry at the pharmacy was my favorite scene of the movie. She was so cartoonishly evil normally I hate this type of character but she sells it so good. It's downright hilarious and I loved it.
My favorite was Julie Lawry played by actress Shawnee Smith. She is cartoonishly evil and so over the top I love it! She first tells Rob Lowe "The Retard doesn't need help because they don't feel things like we do". She just wants him to take her right there in the pharmacy with Tom laid up with the belly ache. When Rob Lowe tries to give Tom the Pepto Bismal knowing Rob Lowe is deaf tells Tom the medicine is actually poison.
While I don't appreciate violence on women Rob Lowe slaps her across the face and it's freaking hilarious. She runs away screaming like crazy Bugs Bunny. Only to reaapear in the window with a shotgun trying to kill the guys.
The role is incredibly stupid and if taken by a lesser actress would have been giga cringe but she crushes the performance selling the character as just a genuinely terrible human being.
This show has such incredible casting their is probably a dozen similar roles I just as easily could have picked but hers had my laughing so hard it's incredibly memorable.
It's free to watch on Amazon Prime in HD now. Isn't the future cool? Wait, did you survive Covid? My best friend didn't he passed away in 2021 at age 44.
You still haven't seen "Fury Road"? You're a moron if you have been protesting seeing the movie because it doesn't have Mel Gibson. Sure, I was disappointed that Mel Gibson wasn't in Fury Road but it still looked amazing so I went and saw it. I went and saw it KICK ASS!! "The Road Warrior" is easily in my top ten favorite movies of all time but guess what... So is FURY ROAD! Get off your GD high horse and go see what you've been missing out on before jumping on here bitching about something you know fuck all about.
I saw "The Road Warrior" with my father at a drive in movie theater in 1982 and we both absolutely loved it. When Fury Road came out it was a tragic time in my life as my wife had just passed away so my father was in town for the funeral. We went and saw "Fury Road" together and it was spectacular! First we saw it in 3D and I went back a few days later to see it in regular format. I personally preferred the film in 2D as the 3D effects were more distracting than anything.
Watch the Fury Road while your still alive and can enjoy it and then when this comes out go see it too! If you wanna bitch about something in it then go ahead and bitch but until you've at least seen Fury Road your opinion isn't worth dirt.
It's 12 years later. just checking in. Are you still Married to the "Switchblade Sisters" fan?
AIDS jumped from Chimpanzee's to humans likely from a tribe of people that ate the Chimps. During food preparation it's easy to imagine blood from the chimp getting into a cut from the butcher.
What crazy is Logans Run had a budget of $8million and Star Wars $11million but the special effects are 20 years ahead of logan Runs.
The Coffin was sent to his P.O. Box not his office or home address. what was fake as hell was the package made it all the way through USPS sorting and delivery but never leaked until just as he's bringing it into the house?