MovieChat Forums > Arasaid > Replies
Arasaid's Replies
I might watch the finale again to see how it all works within the script.
Thanks for the link. Interesting discussion. But even with some possible explanations, it still seems convoluted and the way it left Loki was unsatisfying.
Episodes 4 and 5 were better. The finale seemed like the writers just kind of gave up.
Good! I enjoyed season 3 much more than 2.
His performance of that tricky baby song was pretty good. I don't think I could do that without tripping over my tongue.
The "backstory" was the whole point of the film, and words were spoken during a certain scene.
Pretty good, not great. 3/5
Seinfeld. The Office is good, but I prefer the non-stop humor of Seinfeld.
I gave the first episode a shot because Andor was so good (minus the flashbacks), but won't be watching any more.
This is all true.
See above.
Type in "definition of baby" in DuckDuckGo and this is what it shows.
I agree, leftists change the meaning of words so they can get away with whatever they want. To make the abhorrent acceptable. Riot means peaceful protest so they can burn down cities and steal. Man means woman so they can expose themselves and watch girls undress. Killing a baby in the womb is women's health so they don't have to feel guilt.
Baby is the correct term.
Definition of baby: unborn child; fetus
He looks beaten down and sulky.
Agreed, but he's done some pretty stupid stuff to fake being "normal", and he didn't do that.
He didn't bring any pets into the White House for appearance. The Clintons, Obamas, and Bidens all use them for show. Joe admittedly pulls the tails of his dogs. They have a tendency to bite. Wonder why, poor things.
Yeah it was flawed, but the "kids" making a baby was quite disturbing.
It's better than some low quality horror films, but I wouldn't call it great. I'd equate it to a Twilight Zone or a simple short story. Kept my interest. 6/10
Neither will I. As a parent of sons, I'm sick of it.