TriumphReq's Replies

I know you are but what am I? Everything you accuse others are, you are describing your self. You are an omega male. BBQ sauce is ketchup with liquid smoke and cayenne added. Try it. Funny how you're talking about a college professor in the summer. Rightists hate facts. Nevermind when gas was $4.40 during Bush's presidency! Republicans are just bad for the economy. We do better under Democrats. - Donald Trump. *sigh* At Epstein's Eyes Wide Shut parties, instead of having sex with hookers Trump would forcibly rape 13 year old girls aspiring to be models. He was also good friends with one of the main pedophile child sex trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell and wished her well. You don't wish a pedo well unless you are one. Donald Trump Rape Lawsuit: Did He Abuse 13-Year-Old Girl? Facts To Know About The Child Rape Case : News : Parent Herald Huh? So you like those guys or not? Biden is a great president. Biden is a great president. Most Americans support him. He's a great president. Greatest president. Biden has had a stutter since childhood. There's no mental decline. Where are the Weapons of Mass Destruction? What happened to the Fukushima fallout? Why is Mayday never reported? What about the Downing Street memos revealing Bush was trying to fix the facts about WMDs? Just to clarify the election you mean is the 2016 one. *sigh* Trump is the pedo. All this tension thanks to Trump. Once Trump got into office and started all his anti-immigrant anti-Chinese rhetoric China started doing the same and started cracking down on foreigners in China. I have a friend who was teaching in Dongguan and I haven't heard from him since January of 2020. Hope he is ok. Watch SerpentZA on youtube. He's a South African who lived in China for over 10 years before getting out. He documented it well. Mussolini-Style Corporatism, aka Fascism, on the Rise in the US If you want Amazon and Jeff Bezos to rule your ass then you support Republicans. If you want Americans to have their choice over what the rules should be then you support Democrats or more progressive liberal candidates. It's that simple. Look up the 14 points of Fascism. Describes Trump and Trumpers to the T. It starts with rampant Nationalism. The Nazis were called the Nationalist Social party. If he walks like a duck and quacks like a duck. He's probably a duck. If Trump looks like a fascist and acts like a fascist, then maybe he is one The last 4 years were nothing but Chaos and degradation. The Bush years were nothing but chaos and degradation. The Reagan and Bush 1 years were nothing but chaos and degradation. (Yes I know you meant that). You'd think the 40 percenters would have LEARNED THAT BY NOW!! *sigh* History revisionism. Fascism is right wing. The Extemist side of the RIGHT WING. This why the Fascists first imprisoned the Socialists, then the Unionists, then the Immigrants then the Jews. Their unifying cause is scapegoatism. BOOM! A study funded by the US government has concluded that conservatism can be explained psychologically as a set of neuroses rooted in "fear and aggression, dogmatism and the intolerance of ambiguity". As if that was not enough to get Republican blood boiling, the report's four authors linked Hitler, Mussolini, Ronald Reagan and the rightwing talkshow host, Rush Limbaugh, arguing they all suffered from the same affliction. All of them "preached a return to an idealised past and condoned inequality". Yeah you're right *lazy eyes* because the allies that fought the fascists in WWII really wanted it. *Whoosh* Moron. Made up nonsense. How so? Citation please. The domestic terrorists are the insurrectionists that attacked the Capitol on Jan. 6. Kamala Harris didn't bail them out. America is a 2nd world (Or have you forgotten that concept nitwit?) shithole currently where more money is spent on the military than anything else. Biden's about to change that. I wouldn't be surprised you don't even know what 2nd world means because you were born after 1989 WHEN THOSE CONCEPTS FINALLY BECAME OBSOLETE!Yet at the same time like a luddite you're still using them. They are now called undeveloped country, developing country and developed country. We are at the developing country level thanks to Republicans since we don't have adequate health care. Europeans make jokes about us though, they say we are the richest third world country in the world. (Don't fucking argue with an IR major - you have no idea what you are talking about and I will squish you like a caterpillar)