MovieChat Forums > Joe Biden Discussion > A nice breakdown of media bias

A nice breakdown of media bias

This article is a few months old, but since Joe shows signs of mental decline in every speech lately, it's valid to point out how the media continues to give his obvious mental instability a complete pass. I think as citizens, we should be concerned with an obvious alignment with mainstream media and a particular political party.


We're kind of past the point of being concerned. Concerned is how we continue to get steamrolled by these far-left authoritarian power trippers. If we don't take to the streets soon, America will turn into a Central American hellhole!


Yep. The lies and propaganda aren't even covert, anymore.


you forgot about dear old Ronnie Reagan not a word about him queen Nancy and republicans want you to remember the the wise old man who said trickle down would work


Did Ronald Reagan show signs of dementia on the campaign trail and in his first 6 months of office? I don't remember that.


Nah, man. Let these dumb fucks live their meaningless and selfish lives and laugh when they call up for protests, ignorant to their own individualist proclivities :-)


It really is revealing that this article is a few months old now, when there's enough material to update it daily.


Where are the Weapons of Mass Destruction?
What happened to the Fukushima fallout?
Why is Mayday never reported?
What about the Downing Street memos revealing Bush was trying to fix the facts about WMDs?


Biden has had a stutter since childhood. There's no mental decline.
