MovieChat Forums > TriumphReq > Replies
TriumphReq's Replies
How the hell is my preaching against evil, make ME the evil person? Will you get real and stop deluding yourself. NO WHERE is racism considered not bad.
Hitler was Fascist. He raided your country. So WHY IN THE HELL do you cozy up with fascists? Do you really think they are going to share a piece of the pie with you. Think they're going to throw you a bone?! Well they aren't. Your maniacal hatred of the Soviet Union has driven you to the side that allowed the Soviet Union to take over Poland in the first place! Have you forgotten all about history?
And have you forgotten all about the LIBERAL Lech Wałęsa who helped free your country? Look him up if you're too young to remember.
"Also mind what was going on in the 70's. Americans never dreamed of anything like climate change,"
WTF are you talking about it. Bill Mollison's Treatise on Permaculture talks all about it (blames it mostly on deforestation) however scientists were aware of the potential since at LEAST 1912. Here I'll post a newspaper clipping up for you.
"The public and private sectors in America have consistently gotten everything wrong to such an extent that no one can really even begin to believe it now"
I don't think they got everything wrong. Specific examples?
" but, honestly the Left has just been a puppet of the right as a propaganda exercise to pretend that the US is a democracy"
Ah I don't subscribe to that bad cop good cop conspiracy. Sure people like Hillary were sketchy as hell cozying up to people of the likes of Kissinger. (she could not have been doing it out of ignorance) However, people on the True left like Bernie Sanders are no puppets.
" The things that an overwhelming majority of Americans want and support never come to be."
I disagree. The one thing both sides can agree on is we both believe government is corrupt. Both sides also opposed the 'Citizen's United' Supreme Court Ruling that allowed unlimited corporate and union donations into politics.
So there are a couple things the few good in the Right can agree with on the Left. There are some moral rightist out there. I think McCaine was one.
It was as easy as all that because Brazil did what Carter suggested and they got completely off foreign oil. Most their cars run ethanol from sugar cane and have done for 20 years.
"Those wars were to keep other countries from controlling the oil and the world economy for the most part."
Well...Iraq wanted to sell their oil in Euros. The Iraq war wasn't a failure. The intention of the Bush Administration was to destabilize the region which is why we have had high prices since.
"Can you imagine how bad the Chinese would be today if the US had not done something in Southeast Asia?"
WTF are you talking about? The Chinese are bad. Because of what we DIDN'T Do after WWII they became communist and gobbled up Tibet. Are you kidding about South east Asia? We lost Vietnam. That's one thing they don't teach in High schools. Vietnam is communist to this day. China has nothing to do with them. But what is happening if you've been paying attention is because of the centuries of abuse from the West the Chinese are starting to cozy up with not just the Taliban (you read that in the news recently right?) but also the African nations, and get this, Polynesia. France's Macron had to make a public apology for their nuclear program in Tahiti but they want more than that. Some day. Hawaii might even be allied with China because of the idiotic foreign policy the western nations have had for centuries.
" Republicans hate FDR because he actually did something to put the country right"
They're just bad people and they can't stand when good people do good things. I've made my mind up about that now. Everything Republicans do is bad. Sounds simplistic but just look at their record.
"The Republican party is controlled by those who spend hundreds of millions in R&D towards manipulating people in their media in order to grab hundreds of billions and trillions to conytrol the country's future,"
That's about right.
Oh you fascists are terrible people. The worst kind on Earth. The most evil people there are. You're racists, violent, ignorant, selfish, self centered, wicked and wish to do harm against everyone not like you. I mean you just don't get people more evil than you.
"I’m Polish. What was the first country Hitler invaded? "
!!!!! That is nuts!!!
Then you're one stupid motherfucker. My people saved your people from the kind of people like Trump that you support who invaded Poland and put many of you in prison camps. Maybe you are not old enough to remember what the Trumpers Rightists used to call Polish people? They used to call you Polocks and make fun of how stupid you are. In fact the joke back then that right wingers had about Polish people is you were as stupid as Kmart is cheap. Do you realize that?
" But then again…maybe you do realize it and wish us to be put into cattle cars."
Oh my god your wires are so crossed. The FASCISTS like TRUMP Put you in the cattle cars you idiot!
But, I've known enough REAL Polish people (dated one once, met her Spain, fucking knockout.) She looked like Helena Christiansen They were all very smart, and multilingual.
You're just a bad person. Criminal minded. Evil. You don't know shit about Islam.
If it is so backwards, then why is it the fastest growing religion? I'd like to know that. Buddhism seems better. Why don't you enlighten us you backwards screwed up confused mud wallower.
Nopah. You are. Trump says it right there in plain Engish Hoax, he called it.
I haven't revealed much about myself but you have. We all know you are a stupid racist fascist piece of this. What "color". My color is blue for freedom mfker and my tartan, well I won't tell you what my tartan is.
I bet you're a dirt bag redneck huh, just hangin out by the mud waller just drinkin yer whiskey and sittin in the mud so the bug don't eat yea huh you dirty piece of this.
Obama achieved several things.
1. Ending the Republican recession.
2. Getting us off of foreign oil.
3. Regulating oil speculation.
4. Killing Bin Laden.
5. Nipping Ebola in the bud.
Historians have rated him as one of the top 10 presidents and Trump among the worst 5.
I do think your kind should pay slave reparations and then you need to pay off the rest of us non slave descendants for the drama you've put us through.
Look fascists whatever way you look at this you're just dead wrong about everything.
You were wrong about...
- 9/11 2001 Bush allowed Bin Laden to attack us.
- Afghanistan 2001 terrorists were supposedly from Saudi
- Iraq. 2002 - no WMD
- Hurricane Katrina
- The Patriot Act - Thanks for destroying our constitution assholes.
- The Subprme mortgage scheme
- the energy crisis.
- Which all led to the Great Republican recession 2007-2008
- Obama got us out of the recession.
- Obama came to the aid of the victims of Hurricane Sandy and actually showed up.
- Obama nipped Ebola in the bud.
- Obama killed Bin Laden.
- Trump- destroyed our trading partners
- Trump failed after Hurricane Katrina
- Trump destroyed our trade agreements, lost our trading partners and caused a whole lot tariffs, bankrupt farmers then gave them a bailout.
- Trump lost more jobs that any president since the Great Depression.
- Trump Allowed the Covid19 Pandemic to run amok in American by first failing to get the test kits from the WHO, Called it a hoax, downplayed it, hoarded 3M masks in warehouses and never let hospitals have it, failed to ground planes from China in time and utterly failed to ground planes from Italy where most of the COVID strains came through.
- Was impeached twice.
Look every problem the country has ever seen was caused by conservatives. Just face up to the facts. They are trying to enslave you.
You have got to be joking. No one can be this stupid. He called it a hoax.
"were 11 cases of Ebola in the US"
Yeah and there were 11 cases of COVID19 in the US once and Trump called it a hoax and allowed it to spread out of control. Obama nipped Ebola in the bud. Great president. ANd if it weren't for term limits he'd have won a third and a fourth term. Amen.
Totally agree. Keelai glad there is at least one sane person here. The white supremacists are extremely dangerous and I hope the NSA and FBI is keeping their eye on their posts.
Trump is now being indicted in several crimes. Let's see if he get locked up.
I'm not really laughing just showing you how crazy you look trying to make us think you are.
How do you know Sunni muslims attacked on 9/11? What proof do you have?
How did they stand down NORAD?
"But muslims did invade spain for 700 years"
So what?! That was 600 years ago! The world was a LITTLE different then don't you think??? Have you ever even BEEN to Spain? I have. Several times. If you've never been to Spain you need to STFU now. I bet you're one of those nitwits that used to call Spain a third world country.
"You liberals love cherry picking facts and history,"
And liberals freed them you idiot!
Are you fucking stupid? You're cherry picking from 100s of years ago! We're talking about what has happened in the last 20 years and last century. Oh you right wing nuts are so far gone.
"Islam is backward, "
How do you know? What have you read about it? What makes it backwards? I don't know much about it other than I read one chapter in the Quran once because Mark Twain in his innocents abroad said the story of the Seven Sleepers was in it. All I know is it was written very authoritarianist, like they planned it all and everything. I can see how people succumb to it much like they succumb to fascists.
"For every adam lanza you can throw at me, i can throw 200 nidal hassans at you"
No you can't. STFU.
White Supremacists Killed More Americans Than Muslim Extremists in Recent Years, Terrorism Report Shows
You white supremists are worse that Jihadis.
You're just stupid and crazy. The person that wrote it was a HOLOCAUST SURVIVOR. THEY SAID SO you IDIOT
No I don't. Trump was the one obsessed with Hitler in the 80s you nitwit. Just because you're stupid ignorant, brainwashed, foolish, naive, conditioned, deranged and indoctrinated in idiocracy doesn't mean there's anything wrong with me. You're just too right wing extremist to see it. Look stupid people always call people that know more than them "crazy". It's the old pathway the truth goes through.
“All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.”
- Arthur Schopenhauer, Philosopher
Donald Trump's ex-wife once said Trump kept a book of Hitler's speeches by his bed
Trump told chief of staff Hitler ‘did a lot of good things’, book says
Remark shocked John Kelly, author Michael Bender reports
Book details former president’s ‘stunning disregard for history’
Holocaust survivors speak in wake of Trump's 'zero tolerance' policy
Holocaust survivor on Trump: 'I've seen this before — in Nazi Germany' - Aurora Beacon-News
'Close the Camps Rally' at Holocaust Memorial Center to protest against detention camps | News Hits
I mean I read a book while I was living in London called The Fatherland what would have become of the world if Hitler had won but I'm not into Hitler much at all. I have parents and grandparents that lived through WWII however. Well my mom was just born at the end of it and the dangers of the Nazis was no slouch. I had a history teacher in HS who showed us footage of the Holocaust. It was no laughing matter like your braindead, uneducated, dimwitted ignoramouses seem to think if was.
Trump IS a Hitler wannabe. I'm not the only one saying this. LOTS of people are including people that lived through it. You're just brainwashed, conditioned, indoctrinated and stupid. It's not my fault you are.
Trump praised Hitler to chief of staff John Kelly during Europe trip, new book claims
Carter was an Amazing guy. About that whats his name you talk about. You won't see that twice impeached scumbag pedophile building homes for anyone much less setting up a tent for someone in need.
There are no Trump supporters in London.
Speaking of Muslims. Muslims did not invade Afghanistan and Iraq killing 100s of thousands of innocent people, greedy oil men and bad Christians did.
Muslims are not the ones shooting up schools in America killing 30,000 Americans a year. Your precious gun owners are.
Adam Lanza was not a Muslim when he shot and killed 26 people at Sandy Hook Elementary School. He was one of your precious gun owners though.
Your precious 'MAGA Bomber' Cesar Sayoc sentenced to 20 years in prison for trying to kill Trump critics, including Obama, Clinton, Biden, Booker, Harris. He was one of your precious Trump supporters.
There are murderers and people committing assault everywhere. Instead of droning on about something that happened in a foreign country, just because one of them happens to be Muslim is no comparison to the 10s of thousands of your precious terrorists in America stockpiling weapons, munitions and poison gas to commit acts of terrorism against American citizens.
CBS News - WMD Plot Uncovered In East Texas
Your precious White supremists have been uncovered in a plot in east Texas to set off sodium Cyanide Bombs in US cities. A sodium cyanide bomb capable of delivering a deadly gas cloud - has been seized in the Tyler area. Investigators have seized at least 100 other bombs, bomb components, machine guns, 500,000 rounds of ammunition and chemical agents.
Citation please. Made up nonsense with no citation.
What's more that's campaign cash, as in donations to HIS campaign. Not taxpayer dollars like the Covid relief fund. Try to understand the difference snapperhead.
Do you even know what tyranny means? It means a border wall. That's what it means.