MovieChat Forums > VectorOfTheMoon > Replies
VectorOfTheMoon's Replies
I have really mixed feelings about this movie. I definitely prefer Into the Spider-Verse.
Across the Spider-Verse felt like it was trying to do too much. Even the animation and visuals felt like the team was trying too hard to one up the first movie by throwing everything and the kitchen sink into the film. There was no restraint with how visually insane the film was. Also, I agree that the whole "canon" thing was complete BS and pretty lame.
Yep. Behind the wall of a corny, funny slapstick show, there was some real darkness going on behind the scenes.
The first Spider-Verse movie had some pretty crazy animation as well, but it was definitely a lot more restrained.
It felt like the animators of Across the Spider-Verse tried too hard to up the ante on the first movie's style. Between the visual's in Gwen's world, the vulture scene, the chase sequence with all the Spider-Men, etc. There was a LOT going on and it felt very unrestrained.
I know this post you made is seven years old, but I thought I'd comment on this anyway. I wasn't a fan of Bruce Banner in this show, either. He looked like a damn hobo begging on the street corner, lol. His design just sucked. Probably my least favorite incarnation of Bruce Banner ever.
Thankfully, we never saw Banner much in the show at all since Hulk always took over.
The cancer stuff made me stop watching Season 3. I stopped 3 episodes in.
It just felt very out of place in a Superman show. And it hit way too close to home for me. I don't have any family members with cancer, but the whole "sick parent" angle and whatnot kind of got to me since I grew up with a very sick parent.
I think Lois' cancer arc hit close to home for a LOT of people. I mean, I get what the writers were trying to do, but I want to watch a Superman show. Not a medical drama about traumatic real life issues like cancer and sickness. As dreary as Man of Steel is, I'd honestly sit through 2 and a half hours of that movie again than subject myself to finishing the rest of S&L season 3.
That dog was so over-the-top and had some major anger problems. It wanted to kill them, lol.
It's only at the end after saving everyone from Bowser that the bros earn the dog's respect. That look on the dog's face when we see him in the crowd - "Now I don't have to kill you", lol.
There was a moment in the Avengers Earth's Mightiest Heroes cartoon, that really showed Fury isn't as clever as he thinks he is.
During the Skrull invasion arc, Fury went into hiding along with his agent Mockingbird. But it eventually turns out Mockingbird was really a Skrull in disguise (not just any Skrull either, queen of the Skrulls), and that the real Mockingbird had been kidnapped.
I remember the queen saying something along the lines of "And to think...the great Nick Fury could be so easily deceived", after she revealed her form and disarmed him. The fact that she was right under Fury's nose the entire time and he didn't even suspect it until it was too late.
Whether it's live action, cartoons, or comics, Fury definitely seems like someone who thinks he's a lot smarter than he actually is.
I don't hate the show, but some of the characters (especially Debra) are fucking intolerable, lol.
"He had to have known his daughter was no killer."
It might have been pride. Thinking that he had to fulfill his sworn duty and oath as a cop and arrest the so called "killer", even if it's his own daughter.
I have really mixed feelings about this movie.
Great animation, good emotional moments, it was consistently funny with all the jokes landing, but I dunno...I wasn't really a fan of the whole "canon" thing. It felt really forced.
Also, the whole "canon" thing kind of makes me wonder if Superman, Batman, Hulk, and most other comic heroes have their own multiverse as well. Like, is the DCEU in the same multiverse as the DC Animated Universe, and what about the Donner Superman movies?
Because it's Twitter.
Easy answer, lol.
Doc Ock doesn't know Peter and Spider-Man are one in the same, but Harry did mention Peter Parker takes picture of Spider-Man. I'm guessing Ock tried to kill Peter in order to enrage Spider-Man and bring the webslinger out of hiding.
I don't know why people on this board have such an issue with others disliking the movie.
And I don't mean you, I'm talking about people like the one idiot above you (Kowalski) that keeps calling everyone Mr. Contrarian who don't think the movie is a 10/10 masterpiece. How dare people even remotely have a different opinion about a movie. What a joke.
As for me, I just watched the movie for the first time last night. I thought it was pretty alright. Great music and colorful as heck, but would it have killed them to add at least a shred of substance to the plot? I'm not exactly expecting a deep or complex plot from Mario of all things, but sheesh. The movie reminds me of going to a fair and eating a swirl of cotton candy on a stick. Nice and sugary in the moment, but it's pure fluff that vanishes in your mouth.
I think you might be talking about Day & Night (shown before Toy Story 3). That's the only one I can think of anyway, lol.
I feel like the movie should have been R-rated, and I say that as an adult.
Especially that moment where get to see the High Evolutionary's fucked up looking face from when Rocket attacked him. It feels like James Gunn was trying to push the violence in this movie as far as possible to see how much it would take for Disney to say "OK! STOP!".
I know this post is years old, but I need to comment anyway.
Anyway, I agree with you 100%
The thing is, people online usually try to act a LOT smarter than they really are. Especially when it comes to plot twists in media. Acting like they guessed the twist in the first few seconds and that anyone who didn't is an idiot. It's pretty funny seeing these virtual nobodies flaunt their so called "superiority".
And these same people act like the movie is "bad" just because they guessed the twist early. As if the quality of a movie hinders solely on the twist alone, lol. Ridiculous.
I watched it last night since I've never even heard of it.
It was a decent movie with good animation. Some parts did feel way too similar to Aladdin, but it's still able to hold its own in a lot of ways. I like they gave the dragon more depth and a tragic backstory. Overall, the movie isn't exactly something that blew me away, but it's pretty fun and well done.
Speaking of which, the father was such a tragic character. Imagine being in such a desperate financial situation that you hire a bunch of thugs to do your work for you just to make ends meet.
And then, the lead thug just kills the Father off anyway (I know the father was brought back to life, but still...).
It really shows the lengths people will go when they're feeling desperate in their finances, and you have to be careful about the crazy and dangerous people you get mixed up with. The dad learned a really hard lesson.
I normally don't expect a show I liked as a kid to hold up when I go back to watch it years later. But damn...Dragon Tales is just annoying as fuck going back to watch some episodes. Most of the characters are just irritating, and the animation is quite poor.
Well, the animation is poor in the first season anyway. Starting with the second season, the animation improved. They actually added color, and the show no longer looked like a washed out mess anymore, lol.