what was with the look of him in this? we didn't see him much but it was a bit distracting when he was on screen. he looked nothing like a scientist, more like a bum from the streets
I know this post you made is seven years old, but I thought I'd comment on this anyway. I wasn't a fan of Bruce Banner in this show, either. He looked like a damn hobo begging on the street corner, lol. His design just sucked. Probably my least favorite incarnation of Bruce Banner ever.
Thankfully, we never saw Banner much in the show at all since Hulk always took over.
Well there was a time in the comics from the early 2000s where Bruce was dying of cancer and looked like that. He was scared of his Hulk personality taking over completeley and that he would cease to exist. He also felt like maybe he deserved to die for the bad things Hulk did. It maybe that was the inspiration for Banner in this cartoon.