Loved the first one. Wasn't a fan of this one
Wasn't a fan of this one for a few reasons. For starters, there was waaaaaaay too much dialogue for something as simple as an animated action movie. It disrupted the pacing and urgency imo. As an avid Spider-Man comic fan, I appreciated the references but most more than others were pointless. I think the first one shined brighter because they focused on a core group of Spider-Men/Women and honed in on their uniqueness. Yes, it would be impossible to do that with so many in the sequel with such limited runtime but I would've rather had the same number of (but different) supporting cast members as the original. You could blink and miss somebody in this one. A trend I'm seeing in comic movies is preying upon nostalgia junkies with multi-verses. Doesn't matter the context or screen-time, as long as you see your favorite hero from (x) timeline it's enough to win most fans over.