MarkDaniels's Replies

Yeah I definitely see where your coming from in regards to a bigger re-watch value. I will admit when I first saw The Irishman, I thought it was great but didn't see my self rewatching it that much but honestly after just another rewatch, my perspective changed quite a bit and I've been watching it multiple times recently. I can see where your coming from with Cape Fear. It does have that tension I want from a film but it didn't really stick with me as much as Scorsese's other films. Margot is a fantastic actress and pulled off such a great Harley. She has so much charisma and brought such a style to the character that's also very faithful to the comics. Yeah for sure. Scorsese is an icon and personally my favorite director. Yeah Mean Streets isn't for everyone. I definitely have my flaws with it but overall I find it very enjoyable. And yes I have seen Boogie Nights and I can definitely see your analogy between Scorsese's style. I also have noticed that Raging Bull nod at the end. I was just curious to see who else really appreciates The Irishman as much as me because I feel like the film just gets so many unnecessary complaints for minor nitpicks such as the length and the de-aging. Great list, although I'm not too crazy about Casino and would replace it's ranking with The Irishman. Also liked cape fear but didn't quite crack my top 5. The Aviator I thought was decent but overrated in my opinion. Shutter Island was pretty good but not a top 5 in my opinion. Cape Fear and Goodfellas are fantastic. I strongly recommend The Irishman. It was the best of 2019 in my opinion and just top teir Scorsese in my opinion. Your top 5 is nearly the same as mines. Nice. I actually rank The Irishman as number 4 and The Departed as number 5, but still a valid list for sure. Loved Raging Bull. Casino I thought was good but nothing spectacular. Same with Cape Fear and I actually loved Mean Streets quite a bit but couldn't crack my top 5. Margot as Harley is honestly one of the best casting choices for a comic book character in my opinion. Yeah The Irishman and Wolf were fantastic. Both films were my favorite films of the year they were released. I will admit that Wolf had a pretty tough competition in regards to my favorite film of 2013. That was a great year for film. I really had a hard time between that, Prisoners, Dallas Buyers Club, Catching Fire(which I find to be very overlooked nowadays), American Hustle, Her, etc but I eventually came to the verdict that Wolf of Wall Street is my favorite. Silence I thought was great and shouldve got a best picture nomination but it doesn't have much of a replay value and I've only seen it once. Under The Skin is also amazing. I actually find it quite useful and very convenient because you could find many in depth information for films and TV all at once. You can find many in depth information such as, Every credit for any film. Box office statistics such as the total worldwide gross, opening weekend, total gross in every country released. Studio/Distribution credits. Connections such as films in the same franchise that follow up with one another, reboots/remakes, and refrences to other material featured in TV episodes. Watch options available. (It also lists whenever that film is airing on TV and would give you all the channels, dates and times). Lists every season and episode for any TV series. Metacritic score. Fun facts in the "did you know" section such as trivia, quotes, goofs, crazy credits. Taglines. Full summary and brief synopsis. Languages spoken. Filming locations. All the release dates across the world. Watchlist. Ratings. Alternate versions such as directors cuts or different versions in other countries. Technical Specs such as the cameras used, aspect ratio, and many more. All of this information for a certain film can be found in just one page on IMDB so yeah, I definitely still use it and find it completely relevant. Yeah I saw it but only because I was interested to see how the film was going to play out and see how it continued the threads from BvS, particularly the whole Superman scenario. The film was ok. I give it a 5/10. It lacked style, tension, build up, development, too kid-friendly in my opinion, story wasn't interesting, the vilian was horrible, and I hated how Batman was utilized in the film. The Snyder Cut is a major improvement but I still don't think its that great. They improved many of the flaws I had with the theatrical like I mentioned but they still couldve done a much better job with the villains storyline. Steppenwolf was set up fantastically but as the film went on, he became less interesting and I didn't care for any of his schemes. Overall, major improvement but still not that great. I'm not really a Snyder fan and I dont like what he did with the aspect ratio in this film but seriously, was that necessary to even go there? You should feel embarrassed. I agree. It's definitely a fantastic film and a masterpiece overall. Chazelles best film in my opinion. I wouldnt go as far as saying it's the best film of the 2010s but it is certainly up there as one of the greatest. I don't necessarily have a 2010s personal favorite but it's definitely between films like this, Wolf of Wall Street, Django Unchained, Blade Runner 2049, Three Billboards (as you mentioned), Inception, The Irishman and definitely many more. But Whiplash is definitely a fantastic one. You have my full respect. Nowadays I find it so rare to see positivity towards the guy on the internet. That's not really the reason why I didn't feel any tension. Im basing my opinion on this film itself and not setting up future installments. The movie itself was just very tensionless because of the overall lighthearted tone of the film as well as the villain of Ultron himself. Not because I knew what will happen in future installments. As for infinity war and endgame, I felt tension because you can actually feel how serious the stakes were in those films. Not because I didn't know where they were gonna go with the next installment. Thanos was actually a great villian who was interesting, intimidating, and not a jokester like Ultron. I actually felt the tension surrounding his character as well as the films itself. This film is incredible and was my favorite film of 2017. Yes, it's very slow but how everything was set up all ties together really well and the structure of the film was very well done. He didn't write it but directors have the freedom to add certain lines to the script themselves or tell the writers to add something specific that they would like to have in the film. The script also has to be approved by the director before starting production as well. I honestly think this film was a massive let down. It's not terrible but very disappointing. Ultron was very underwhelming. His evil scheme I thought was clever and very menacing but Ultron himself lacked intimidation and tension to his character. He didn't come off very evil or scary as I wouldve liked him to be nor did I feel a sense of tension from his character. The tone of this film should've been taken more seriously and gone in a more serious direction. I'm not saying the film should be bleak with lack of humor but the film was just way too lighthearted. The humor was childish, forced, and didn't work at all because it was shoehorned into scenes that couldve been more serious but the humor just deprived that away. It also just lacked dramatic moments and tension. The film felt rushed and nothing much really happened as much as I would like. Certain scenarios and moments just happen like that with no build up or tension. And you also don't feel much dynamics between the avengers and ultron. He literally just shows up at the end of the first act and defeats the avengers, cap faces against him in the end of the second act, and then we have our typically climactic battle. The film was just disappointing. Not terrible but just very underwhelming and thank God Infinity War and Endgame fixed these issues. Casino Royale? Skyfall? Exactly. Remember when the headline for BvS's first reactions where so called "overwhelmingly positive". I'll let the rotten tomatoes or metacritic score determine its reception in a few hours. Not very surprised. I've said this before, Warner Brothers gave Snyder the green light to develop this cut is just to increase more HBO Max subscribers. They don't necessarily care about the quality of the film but are aware of the anticipation.