MovieChat Forums > MarkDaniels > Replies
MarkDaniels's Replies
I always use THNIK because it's all subjective. Its not a fact that Eminem or McDonald's is great or trash. It's based on opinion and a majority of the consensus agree that Eminems music is amazing but they don't believe deep down that it's so called garbage when they enjoy his music like how it is with McDonald's. That's not how you critique music. If you like Eminem, then you like him period without having another thought that his music is bad. If you like McDonald's you also have another thought that even if you enjoy their food, it's not good for you in general. Therefore it is two perspectives when it comes to your likings of a certain food and one for liking a certain artist. Eminem and McDonald's aren't comparable. Who wouldve thought it made sense to compare food to an artist.
Plus you cant even justify on also why he's won many awards and such. You just keep harkening back to McDonald's.
Well obviously McDonald's is a popular fast food chain that people love to eat. Health wise it's obviously not good for you but people still eat that stuff because of the taste or whatever.
When it comes to music it's a completely different scenario. People buy Eminem's records because they enjoy listening to it because it's great music. They don't buy or stream his music because they know deep down its garbage. People know McDonald's isn't good for you but still eat it because like I said of the taste of the food. That's why they buy it. That's two different aspects when it comes to McDonald's popularity. The food is tasty to most people but they are aware it's not good for you. When it comes to Eminem, people buy his music because they think his music is great. That's it. It's nothing like your analogy with McDonald's.
To justify my point in regards to Eminem, regardless of what he sells, he's still an acclaimed artist who has won many awards which doesn't have to do with sales at all. It's about pure quality.
Your comparing an artist to a fast food chain. How will that provide a smart analogy? Ok the amount of records sold doesn't always mean great quality but when it comes to music, it kind of does. The reason why he sold so much is that people all around the world love his music. Eminem being the best selling artist of a decade says a lot. Artists like Elvis, The Beatles, Michael Jackson, Pink Floyd, etc have all been the best selling artist of their decade. The fact that Eminem is also one of them says a lot and those artists are legends in the music industry.
Have you not listened to albums like The Eminem Show and Marshall Mathers LP?
If he is garbage then why was he the best selling artist of the 2000s? Artist, not rapper. Went diamond I believe 3 or 4 times. Became the first and only rapper to win an Oscar. Got nominated for almost 40 Grammys, some including best album & best record, and won 14. Had the best selling album worldwide in 2002 and 2010. Should I keep going on?
Understandable. I don't care for any of his work past Marshall Mathers LP 2 but the early 2000s was definitely a major peak. I just think albums like Recovery and Marshall Mathers LP 2 get overlooked and are also fantastic albums as well.
Yeah I definitely agree with your take on MMLP. It's a fantastic album and defines what Eminem is and all that anger/aggression carries his name in my opinion.
Also yeah if you don't bother to listen Kamikaze and beyond, I suggest you wouldn't like them anyways. They are not bad but I just don't like that he is starting this new style of modern trap. It's just not Eminem in my opinion. Regardless of that, he is still one of the best artists out there.
I agree with you for the most part. The Marshall Mathers LP is for sure one of the best albums of all time. I perfer The Eminem Show a little more but that album is legendary as well.
Encore wasn't a very good album but he definitely made a major comeback with Recovery in 2010 and The Marshall Mathers LP 2 was great as well. Every thing else followed by that album I would say reached the end of his peak.
Tool? I'll agree he isn't as good as he used to be. I would say he took a pretty big step down after 2013s Marshall Mathers LP 2, which was his last genuine great album in my opinion. However he is still regarded as one of the best artists ever and has made a major impact on music in general.
Oh sorry I didn't understand your wording. Yes I completely agree. I don't understand the hype surrounding that franchise anymore and it's crazy how it makes so much money when there are other fantastic action franchises that don't make as much such as Bond and Mission Impossible. I'm really hoping No Time to Die & MI:7 make more than F9.
Cruella I agree. Don't see it being a huge hit.
F9 I actually do see it being quite a hit and probably the biggest since GvK due to the last few crossing over a billion. Under normal circumstances, it wouldve most likely crossed a billion but now, I predict it'll make between 500-550 mil. Do I care at all for a film like that? No. But you are right, people still tend to see these stuff.
Top Gun may do decent but yeah I don't see it being that huge do the circumstances. Pre or post covid, it wouldve done quite well but now, not really.
Black Widow I see being a hit. It'll probably cross between 550-600 mil.
Suicide Squad I see doing fine to pretty good. Probably 450-500.
Venom 2 I honestly have no clue. Probably 350-400 mil depending on the circumstances.
Dune I think will do pretty decent. Probably 500-550 mil
No Time to Die I think will be a hit but it won't make as much as it wouldve under normal circumstances. I would say 600-650 if Covid is more contained than it is now. If GvK manages to cross 450, I remain optimistic NTTD will cross 700mil
Eternals I see doing well
Mission Impossible will do good and probably the same as No Time to Die.
Spiderman 3 I definitely see being a hit.
How is that nonsense? Pretty much everything I said provides a logical reasoning on why this film would not do as good as it would do under normal circumstances.
In all reality, COVID will not be completely contained this coming August by the time of release. I'm very certain that we will have much fewer cases since probably the beginning of March of last year before it predominantly hit the US but definitely not completely gone. Not every US citizen will be fully vaccinated by then. Same goes for other countries but in regards to the US, we're not looking until the end of this year or early 2022 for every US citizen to be fully vaccinated. The United States has a population of over 320 million people and so far only about 50 million have been vaccinated so far. I know it's looking pretty optimistic that a hefty 200 million will be vaccinated by June I believe from what I've seen from the news so that's a great sign but vaccines started rolling out in late December and it took a hefty 6-7 months for 200 million vaccinated hopefully. The vaccine rate will for sure be much higher and faster than first rolled out in December since a wider variety of age groups are now eligible compared to earlier this year but it will still be a huge stretch to assume we will all be vaccinated by the films release. So by August, it's very unrealistic that all Americans will be vaccinated by then and that COVID will still have a light presence by August with still limited theater capacity.
Therefore it will be quite difficult for this film to do as good as it wouldve under normal circumstances. I'm sure it will do pretty decent and accept better than Godzilla vs Kong in my opinion but definitely knowhere a billion.
It's not necessarily a matter of everything being open or not in the coming months. Even when every theater is open chances are that there will still be limited audience capacity because COVID is not going to be completely gone by August. The vaccines aren't 100% effective and not everyone in the country will be vaccinated by then but a majority definitely will be that's for sure.
I'm sure it'll be handled much better than before but the limited capacity will still have an effect on box office numbers. Even if theaters are opened at full capacity, audience's presence will be gradual especially from general casual audiences for this film who are not really familiar with these characters but have an interest from the trailers. Not all the general audience members will be fully aware of their local theaters reopening and the general audience makes up a significant portion of the box office. It will be more of the typical fan base who will follow up with the release of the film and the reopening of their local theaters to contribute to the theatrical release.
Yes that film is actually doing much than anticipated. I think 500m is quite a stretch but I could see it being on track for 400m. However under normal circumstances, that movie wouldve probably made 750m so about 300 million less than anticipated is a pretty big difference due to the pandemic.
In regards to Suicide Squad, I didn't even see it cracking a billion either under normal circumstances due to the fact that its R-rated and yes I know Joker made over a billion but the Joker is an insanely popular character unlike most the characters in this film besides Harley Quinn. I think it wouldve cracked 800m under normal circumstances. Due to the pandemic, I definitely see it making less than 800 million. My prediction is between 450-500 mil.
As much as excited I am for this film, it is far from exceeding a billion this August. The box office will probably not be back to full swing until mid 2022 the earliest. No film coming out this year will crack a billion. The only film I think has a chance is Spiderman.
I know it's a very unpopular opinion but I absolutely hated Sheldon in Big Bang Theory. The character is very smart and I'm sure its a pretty tough role to play but he just carries way too many traits that I can't stand.
Also Walden from the last few seasons of Two and a Half Men.
I'm sure they would and especially due to the fact that Reeves said that this will be a year 2 Batman film so it's not necessary essential to have another death of the Waynes scene. It will probably be implied but I doubt we'll have another on screen representation.
Absolutely. If it's going to be more than 3 films, I'll definitely be ok with that as long as like I said, it wont be any shared universe building with crossovers/spin-offs. I also completely agree with your take on Batman being on his own rather than a group of heros. Im a fan of teamed superheros like the Avengers, Justice League, X-Men, etc but a character like Batman doesn't necessarily fit in with a group of teamed heros. I look at Batman as one of those cool badass lone wolfs like a James Bond or Clint Eastwoods Blondie. So having him as being a part of a superhero team kinda defeats the purpose of that characterization Batman has & especially since the other Justice League members don't share similar traits like that at all such as characters like Flash or Aquaman, which would kind of take away that great aspect of Batman cause he just doesn't fit it in really. In regards to a more grounded nature of him, yes having him being part of a team like that does deprive the grounded reality of him. I don't mind the villianous superhuman characters such as Poison Ivy or Clay face because these are dark foes he's facing that gives a significant challenge to him and are also in line with the gritty feel of the overall comic universe of Batman.
If this Batman franchise does end up becoming a trilogy or running long, having Joker at the end would be pretty fitting I agree. Like he is regarding as Batmans main arch enemy so it would be pretty cool to have him as the villian in the last film. If thats the case though, I really hope they do bring back Joaquin for the role to face off against Pattinson. That would honestly be the only crossover I would be OK with actually.
Yes, I have high hopes for Danos Riddler and Kravtiz's catwoman as well.
I definitely see this becoming a franchise but not a whole universe building with spin-offs and crossovers. This movie will probably be the start of a 3 film trilogy and I hope it turns out to be that way.
As for the Joker, yes I can definitely see where your coming from in regards to other villians being put aside and overlooked because of him. Joker is a very popular character and personally my favorite villian ever but I wouldnt mind if they lay low on the character for this particular Batman franchise. The only thing odd about not having the character involved in another Batman story arc in film is that the Joker is pretty much the most essential character in the Batman universe aside from Batman himself & that the Joker has had a massive impact on Batman, which made him evolve more as a hero & develop throughout his crime fighting tenure.
I'm very excited to see how they handle Riddler in the film. Paul Dano is a great/underrated actor and I'm very optimistic about his portrayal of the character.
Yeah that makes sense then why you would love it since you were always intrigued with Hughes story in the first place. I was never to familiar with him so probably that's why I was never too big on the film but I completely see why you love it very much.
Yeah it was definitely my favorite of 2019 as well and honestly shouldlve won best picture even though I loved Parasite.
Godfather 2 is a masterpiece and it deserved it's similar length to The Irishman. Also yeah crazy how everyone thinks a 4 hr Justice League film is the best thing ever while we also see complaints from that similar audience who say The Irishman is too long.