JohnnyJohnson's Replies

Exactly. Linda was a poser. I bet she was a virgin, too. All this talk of a fiance in Chicago, and she basically turned poor Stacy out with her pseudo "experience" talk. Linda made Stacy become the whore she was too scared to be. Linda was all talk. And breasts. But nothing else. It didn't surprise me that once she got away from Ridgemont she went nuts like so many inexperienced girls and was taken advantage of by her psych professor. She had no experience to draw on, except the lies in her head. Abnormal psych, indeed. "I'm not going to a morgue! I'll get my mom to write a note. No one is getting me into a room with a bunch of dead guys!" It would help if Matthew McCaunaghey would ixnay his fake "Texan" drawl in real life whenever he thinks he's being sexy. Gross. But they were up in NE Texas, and they do have those drawls in Lubbock and Amarillo, which is why I have avoided that part of the state. The OP must not be Jewish. Sure, many of us could see our mothers and grandmothers in this and we laughed, but there was no reference to religion. Many mothers of any religion are just like this. Wrong Tex, look again. The lawyer's plates looked pristine, and Jimmy's was heavily pixilated. Go back and watch the movie. The lawyer's plate showed what a normal picture would look like. Jimmy's plate was like you said SOOOOO fake and you could see the pixels a mile away. How the DA could possibly think that would not be noticed is baffling. I just watched that one! lol. The cat was so on point. Yeah, I was like, HEATHER? Due to her portfolio?!?!?! She was all about portfolio, but her autism is what held her back. So yeah, LOL. The shot at scene was strange with her delivery, but how about when she describes her father (?) assaulting her? She might as well been talking about a recipe. Also, wasn't David lovers with Jonathan? Dude was a sex machine. I'm past the hour mark, so I am more than halfway through. I still don't quite know what's going on. Missing boy, blah blah blah, gay son, blah blah, etc. I want to turn it off and in fact did for 30 minutes so I could take a shower and recharge my batteries to make it through this one. I'm very disappointed in what I'm watching, considering it's Robert frigging Duvall. Wish me luck. I'm not sure what you mean. Ray Milland was old enough to be Grace Kelly's father. It didn't make sense at first, but when the plot unfolded there was a reason she didn't care and reacted the way she did. But what a creep. If it weren't for her ulterior motives I'm sure she would have busted his ass. Exactly, and when she finally tells Brody the story I was like "That's it??? That's all???" I mean, what a letdown. The story was she was victimized as a child. I guess some people react to victimization differently. I'd have zero problem telling that if that happened to me. Too bad about the male nudity. Adrien Brody apparently has a third leg down there. If I was stranded on an island with those three, Steve Guttenberg is the only one I'd sleep with... ALOT. Wilford Brimley was born only a year before Don Ameche made his screen debut. They wanted to honor an old guy I guess. It looks like she became un-woke and turned into a typical looking Trump supporter. Amirite? I have long since stopped responding with a thoughtful reply to some moron who uses the term "woke" like a MAGAt idiot. I wish more people would follow that lead. Emma was well known before Dynasty for playing the love interest of (I think) Scorpio on General Hospital for several years. She and Scorpio were always on the cover of soap magazines. They almost rivaled Luke and Laura for a time. It wasn't that I didn't LIKE her as Fallon, it's just that she was not at all recognizable in character and spirit as the original Fallon. She shows up with a British accent that PSM never had and she was a bit of a wimp too.