einsteinfountain's Replies

Yes it is possible to be objective. Even if I dislike a film I can openly admit areas where it did decent or even good. Rogue One and Mandalorian are the only competent things to come out of Star Wars since the OT. Thing is because of people's hatred for the Disney trilogy they will refuse to give any credit to both of those because they are not fair and objective. I do not like the prequels but can give credit to them where it is due. No I think the entire films is better honestly. The first two Star Wars films are not perfect okay perhaps Empire but a new Hope is not. I thought the chorography for that film was garbage from day one. Everyone lets it slide because they are blinded by nostalgia. 2001 is a great film which influenced film makers as well as a ton of films that came after it. Star Wars even took inspiration from it. Why don't we all be honest here? People who hate the Disney series will not be objective in the slightest to any of the films made by Disney just as no one was objective at all with the prequels. Star Wars has been put on this insurmountable pedestal. 2001 a Space Odyssey is a better film than any Star Wars film is. The Burton films are gothic. The Schumacher ones are not gothic in the slightest. Interesting perspective. So in other words everyone must share your view. Nice logic. Star Wars fans are the worst. Robert Downey Jr is arguably the best superhero performance. Only thing that could rival him would be Hugh Jackman as Wolverine, Or Christopher Reeve as Superman. RDJ is what made Iron Man an icon. Therefore he is bigger than the role itself. Ah interesting analogy. bump Your opinion will have no weight if you judge something before even seeing it. Lol and you can judge a book before reading it? Yeah say no more you are ignorant and delusional! Also the sky is the limit for me, you have peaked already. Side note I would not have a wife that liked trash movies like the breakup. Let me save you the trouble do not bother responding you are blocked! I dismissed you by saying good day but since you are not bright enough to understand that blocking you will fix that problem. No it using an example you obviously are incapable of understanding. I overestimated your thinking ability. Which you did lie. You need to call a spade a spade otherwise I would be the liar. No I said it does not emphasize shots like tfa did? I questioned it because that is not true. Notice how you never responded to my two youtube clips proving this. Also through? You mean throw? Man someone needs to get back in school. Your ignorance of this is dismissed. Oh yes I am being objective he sucked bad in those films. Ruined an iconic character. Then you are not being objective about Daise Ridley. Since you do not want to be objective I will not be either. Practice what you preach. No it is not. I have already showcased the good qualities of that film. People blindly defending it has no bearing on the quality of the film. You get angry and rate tfa lower because you do not like people defending it which is subjective critiquing. No she was objectively better with far better line delivery. Oh you have done a ton already. I am done talking with you. Honestly after this silly logic I am glad Star Wars got bought by the mouse. I hope these films keep being terrible to you and you never see a good Star Wars film again in your life. I look forward to you wasting your life on complaining about TFA It brings me joy. Go review romantic comedies with Vince Vaughn and Jennifer Aniston. Since you know you have no time for Moonlight but you do have time for films like that. Good day bud. I took many fight choreography lessons in film school already. It is why I enjoy films like the Raid my man. Superman 1 and 2 are interconnected. Are you seriously denying this? The beginning of Superman the movie setup Zod's entire story arc you know the entire theme and story of Superman 2. It is why they play the clip of Zod being banished to the phantom zone from the first movie at the beginning of the second film. Lol your attempt at insult backfired. I hope I do not turn into a salty unkind person like yourself. I am still young but good thing I am not there yet. If you evaluated film knowledge you would tell people to listen to youtubers and judge films before seeing them. Good thing you are not in that position huh. Notice I never say if because that is a pointless thing to say. You aren't so do not give hypothetical situations it makes you look bad. No I do not talk like a person who thinks film school makes me smarter than someone else. I openly said there are people who could know even more than me but you are not that person and igt is obvious with your ignorant claims. School does teach you things. As I have stated before I am getting hands on work on cinematography on work with independent films. So no hands and work and networking. I have worked on some films. Your ignorance is dismissed. Does Schindler's List follow the true story to a T? Careful now do you know your history? I can point out things which were different in the film than in real life. It is a true inspiring story but a film can be completely fictional while making a political statement and still be considered a classic. Forrest Gump is one. Can you not make any more baseless assumptions? Thanks for proving my point that all the blind Disney haters are not objective at all. You want people to be fair when it comes to films so long as it coincides with what you think. This is proven by the fact that you judge films without seeing them. Lol it is the truth though. You rely on youtubers to feed you your opinion based on movies you have never seen. Lol go ahead and report me. I am not the one who used foul language nor the poor grammar you have displayed that is a crime in and of itself. Fyi I could have reported you long ago I however am not an entitled person who cries to the administrators for help because I disagree with someone. I am replying up here because that other thread became too long. I know you are not discussing Justice League I brought it up as a comparison to TFA. You have never seen it but then say well objectively TFA is worse. You can not say that if you have not seen it. I am done playing nice. In order to have an opinion on a film you need to have seen it. Understand smart one? No retort about the Superman Returns and Superman the movie callback? Yeah I though not you disingenuous deceptive tactics are lame. Oh I am done with your claims about being fair when you want to have an opinion on films without even seeing them. I am the disingenuous one? Right... Then you are not listening to enough youtube videos about Justice League. Also yeah I get not wanting to waste your money but you can not chime in and expect your opinion to have weight if you have not seen it. You do not know if it is a fact since you have never seen it. Your ignorance on this is dismissed. Just because there is no zoom shot that goes dun dun dun does not mean it is not a call back. They are not connected as tightly but in the end there is loose continuity. I will continue more later. I asked you a question. You talk like you personally have more to offer than film school. You have completed college in computer science but not film school. I have read tons of books my friend. A class is able to teach me hands on techniques and help me network a book can't do those things. Absolutely false. To quote a famous person it is not what it's about it is how it's about it. Schindler's List is making a blatant political statement as well. So it should be dismissed off that alone in your mind. Schindler's List is considered a cinematic classic. There are plenty of films that attempt to appeal to that emotion and fall flat. You remind me of those people that say meh The Dark Knight should not be considered for best picture I mean after all it is just a Batman movie... This implies that the only way for a film to be great is fit under specific genres or story themes. Absolute BS and you know it. Since you have not seen it your view is dismissed. Do not ever lecture me about being objective and fair when you will dismiss movies you have never seen, and will dismiss them and say they should not be up for awards simply because of their themes. Word of advice do not speak on things you have not seen. Oh wait get your youtube videos to feed you information on what to think. You should be just fine. Forget examining it yourself. I did make that argument but since you want to hold me to that standard I am going to make you abide by that same standard. Since you wanted to judge it as a whole I figured okay then it is okay to use outside sources. So if we are judging it individually as I said before then lets discuss TFA. I see no issue with the way the choreography was handled. Nor did I see an issue with Ridley's performance of the choreography in tfa. That is basically what you are saying. You can beat around the bush that is what you are conveying it is obvious. If it does not effect you negatively then you are a bad critic? What if you say I did not understand the callbacks but judge every other aspect of the film? Superman 2 takes place right after the first one. Almost no time passes. That is as interconnected as it gets. Superman Returns is a sequel ignoring part 3 and 4. That is the only difference between TFA and Superman Returns. The comparison actually makes complete sense. I did not pay money for film school I got a scholarship. Your insult does not apply here and is dismissed. Way to side step my point about Lex's entire land grab scheme and some of the lines he says that are a direct callback to Donner's Superman. Lex asks his assistant in the Donner version what his father used to say to him. She says get out, Lex asks his assistant the same question she says you are losing your hair he then says before that she then says get out. Lex says mind over muscle in both versions. He says people need more land and will pay through the nose for it. This callback is just as blatant if not more blatant than the callback to the millennium falcon. Want proof take a look at these two clips. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nl9409NQPuU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GnP8nfRB4g4 I called you out on your lie. I did not say you were a liar period but that was a bold faced lie. I have no interest in reporting people who do a good enough job of making themselves look silly on their own. Oh gee the good old if you do not agree with my opinion you do not understand argument. Should have known this was coming. I am dismissing this. Christensen sucked in these films. Guess what so did Natalie Portman and she is a great actress. She killed it in Black Swan. It shows what a lackluster writer and director Lucas is. Your quote. <blockquote>Just because the PT sucked doesn't mean TFA was great or Good.</blockquote> I never said it made TFA great or good. I simply disagree when you say it is one of the worst films in history. I honestly do not even believe the prequels are the worst films in history. I have argued with people many times that the prequels while not my cup of tea do have good merits though few and far between. Your baseless assumption and strawman is dismissed. I argued Rey being better than Anakin in the prequels. I argued Daise Ridley being better than Christensen. This got you salty and made you make an assumption. Rey being better than Anakin in the prequels is no high bar to clear believe me. I think Rey is a weak hero protagonist. I just thought your criticisms of her were off base not all but a lot. Want to make any more baseless assumptions?