einsteinfountain's Replies

Sorry but no. I can't ever get behind that way of thinking. Walt is nothing but trash in my book. Yep and same to you. The writer's word has more weight than yours ever will. Calling me kiddo or insulting my intelligence is not a good start to a sincere apology. No it does not, it simply makes you understand why someone did something, The motivation behind the crime. Also yeah sorry but no Walt is not some noble man like you are trying to claim. I do not need a friend like Walt, and I speak for most in saying you do not want someone like that anywhere near your life. If he was so concerned for Jesse he would not have aided in illegal activity. He would have seen that performing in illegal activity is destructive to someone so young. That type of lifestyle only brings sadness and tragedy. I will stick with Vince Gilligan's interpretation over yours. The fact that you think Walt is this saint is actually rather disturbing. You speak of him as if he truly gave his life for a great purpose... Which means Gilligan's intent went right over your head. Apology refuted. You knew that was an insult do not be silly. Simply because you understand why someone did something does not negate or make what they did acceptable. I completely disagree with everything you said. Walt was a selfish egotistical arrogant man. He settled for a mundane life and was unhappy. If he did not want that mundane safe bland life he should not have married Skylar. Your Batman parallels could not be more off. Vince Gilligan the creator of the show considered Walt to be an awful human being. Walt openly admitted to Skylar that he did it for himself. He lied to himself by saying that he did it for his family when in reality that could not be further from the truth, as proof by his own admission. Vince Gilligan's words have some weight I mean he is the creator/writer of the show after all. Apparently you are the one who did not grasp the writer's intent. Yet you claim I am the one who did not get it. Yes you did. You said I was not intelligent enough to understand it, which is an insult. Notice I have not sunk to your level because I can rationally debate. Yep I agree on Star Wars. Anakin should have felt like a descent where as it felt like as you said a blunt force trauma. In order for the audience to care about a character slipping into darkness we have to sympathize with them on some level. Walt may be evil but we can all relate to living a mundane life and dreaming for something bigger, but being resigned to a life of mediocrity. That is relatable. Oh no it can be done, now the advantage to a tv series is you have much more time. However as you pointed out even though Godfather is long, it can be done in one film. Yep Vince Gilligan truly crafted something special with Walt. Then it stops there. So then you just admitted Walt was wrong in breaking the law which implies he had fault in his actions which showcases he is not innocent. Again that does not give someone a free pass to break the law because they were trying to provide for their family. If someone robbed a bank that had cancer and was trying to provide for their family does that mean the law and everyone would say you know what they are a hero and forget about that person's wrongdoing? Nope they would get jail time for breaking the law. If you allow a person to have a pass for breaking the law then it becomes a slippery slope. Yes you did. You said I was not smart enough to understand it. Which is you taking a shot at my intelligence. Notice I have not done that to you. Apparently people are not allowed to disagree with you. Why do I deserve to be insulted or belittled? He shouldn't have broken the law. Anyone can try and justify why they broke a law it does not make it ok. Someone who robs a bank can say I was struggling to pay my bills and feed my family therefore that is why I robbed the bank... Does that justify their decision to rob the bank and would they be considered a hero? Nice insult, not once have I insulted you but those who can't debate rationally resort to insults. Why when I asked the questions first? When you are asked a question first you answer and then the conversation continues from there. Walt was the one who broke laws. Just because you are in a difficult spot does not excuse the actions Walt would carry on to do. Breaking Bad truly was a great character study. I must give credit to everyone involved it truly was a series I will always remember and revisit. You are correct it really does showcase why his ego got out of control. He did it to himself. It is easy to blame your own unhappiness on other it takes a big person to admit to their own wrongdoings. Oh no you can totally see why he feels the way he does. A safe boring mundane life while constantly being emasculated by your brother in law. I asked questions to which you did not answer. You responded with questions. You sure it is me who does not know what they are talking about? What bad decisions of mine are you referring to random internet user online? Do you know my personal life's story? Excellent analysis! Yes Walt never truly got over the Gretchen. It was the ultimate betrayal to him because not only did she get over him she lived the life that he deep down always wanted. Walt to me is such an excellent character because he is the example of untapped potential. We have all seen those types of people that are too smart to be doing the profession they are doing. Instead though they decide to play the safe rout and once your life has passed you by you are now resentful for your mundane life. Everyone can relate to that in one way or another, which is what in my opinion makes Walt such a compelling character even though he became evil. Thanks I appreciate that. Why do I deserve to be talked to that way? Opinion, in my opinion it had good acting, good direction, and great music. First I am not your son, second I asked first. Couldn't have said it better myself. The whole point of the show was Walt's descent into darkness. No it is your opinion. Bad films do not have great acting, great directing, great music etc. See I can spout my opinion also and you can't say I am wrong. So lets try again what are your facts? That is funny. Answer the question. So because of that, that justifies killing Mike? Tell me objective facts not opinions. So that makes killing someone ok?