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Rep. Matt Gaetz under investigation for possible sex trafficking

GOP Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida is, according to a report by The New York Times, being investigated by the Department of Justice regarding an alleged relationship he had with a 17-year-old girl and the possibility that he violated sex trafficking laws by paying her to travel with him. After The New York Times broke the story, Gaetz released a statement saying he and his family have "been victims of an organized criminal extortion involving a former DOJ official seeking $25 million while threatening to smear my name." During an appearance on Tucker Carlson Tonight, Gaetz denied the allegations and named the DOJ official as David McGee, adding "there was a demand for money in exchange for a commitment that he could make this investigation go away."


As the saying goes...

Repubs don't care unless a dem sniffs hair.


And Eric Swalwell didn’t go bang bang with Fang Fang a Chinese spy. And Barney Frank’s apartment wasn’t a ho house for underage boys. And Al Franken didn’t grab a boob. Big difference between these and Matt Gaetz...they were proven. Until Gaetz’s problem is proven I’m not going to blast him. If so...toss him out on his ear! 🤷🏼‍♀️


Why did you add the lie about underage boys? Forget about it not being proven, Google doesn't even show results for it. When searching for it I see results for Hastert and a lie campaign against Foley.

Lying about pedophilia is all you right-wing extremists do these days. Thank you for proving you are just as stupid and pathetic as qAnon.


”Sex sold from congressman's apartment; School used as base for sex ring”

”George Archibald and Paul M. Rodriguez The Washington Times; Part A; Pg. A1 August 25, 1989,”

”Homosexual escort services were operated out of Chevy Chase Elementary School and the Capitol Hill basement apartment of Rep. Barney Frank”,91262&dq=barney+frank&hl=en

I recall it very well! I was NOT lying! You proved my point once again about you damnable pathetic lemming Democrats who will: (who don’t know their asses from a hole in the ground)

Deny, Dismiss, Deflect, and/or Dumbfound!


This is proof you don't care about the act, you just care about the political nature of it because Barney Frank was involved. The kid was using a school, and using Frank's apartment to turn tricks without him knowing about it. There's nothing showing Frank profiting off of it or having sex with the kid. You made it up because you are a twisted extremist.

Meanwhile, PizzaGaetz is accused of fucking an underage girl.


“Is accused”...the operative words. If proven cut off his testicles! And don’t give me that horse crap Frank didn’t know about it! It was an active brothel for 18 damn months! I didn’t make it up because I didn’t write Frank had sex with the kid! But as usual with your twisted alt-left mind:

Deny, Dismiss, Deflect and/or Dumbfound



A man might have had sex with a teenager or he's being framed, and all you want to talk about is what political party he's a member of. THAT is your concern?


No, I wanted to talk about how it was being ignored by the right, and that when right-wing opinions finally did chime in, they deflected with conspiracy theories to draw heat away from Gaetz like the twisted puppets they are.


Maybe he can ask the judge if they could say the pledge of allegiance before each court appearance.


If it was a leftist, this thread would have two dozen posts by now.

But MC's politics board is a haven for right-wing extremism.

So nothing to see here, move along.


Like when Hunter Biden had his laptop examined by the FBI and he was brought up on charges oh wait


Speaking of which, what happened to that investigation? Been so quiet on that end as if they didn't find anything credible.


what about?
what about?
what about?



Look at the two right-wingnut responses so far. They defend their underage sex trafficker hero by deflecting to right-wing conspiracy theories.

As expected.


Go swim fishy fishy fishy


It hasn’t been proven yet you nitwit! I don’t see a defense from any of us and until it’s proven, like most left-wingers, your ignorance is showing! If proven go after him with both barrels and toss him out on his ear!


Innocent until proven guilty, no matter what party. Dumbass.


Standard DOJ/FBI info op. They pulled the same shit twice with Rudy at opportune moments, leaking that he was under investigation ("possible charges are unclear") after they arrested his Ukrainian clients.

Hoover may be dead, but his spirit lives on...


“Trial by combat” Rudy?


It was pretty funny watching Tucker Carlson throw Gaetz under the bus like that.


That was hilarious. They both threw each other under. Gaetz kept bringing up the accusation against Tucker 20 years ago just to convey that "hey, I'm innocent just like Tucker" when nobody is accusing Tucker of it. And all the previous accusations against Tucker for that incident were mild at best.

PizzaGaetz is on the ropes.


God, I hate people. These comments are fucked. Unlike most of them, I don't care about his political party, I care if he's innocent or guilty.


Your use of common sense doesn’t mean diddly squat with the likes of “Shoot ‘em first, ask questions later” mantra of the ultraviolets, the keelais and the tillys of the world. Their damn yaps stay shut when it’s someone with their ideology! A disgusting hypocritical lot they are. When it’s a conservative or a damn elitist Republican doing the dirty deed I don’t defend him/her...I hang my head in shame...🙇🏼‍♀️


Do not act like this does not go both ways. There are people that will lie through their teeth that are right wing to defend their party. I call out corruption no matter which ideology someone has.
