avortac4's Posts

Fireworks paradox makes no sense "I really am that fast" makes no sense People understand Stewie - S19 01 makes no sense Not like this. The wife makes no sense Too much realism makes no sense Trinity running to the phone booth makes no sense I can't stomach more of this nonsense Amazing how little these sequels make sense Gym vs. Nature psychological differences Berillium spheres make no sense Is the fake life ultimately better? (People's simplistic 'morality' makes no sense) This show makes you think Lots of female boxers, wrestlers, etc. The premise makes no sense Could the stupidity be intentional and calculated? Women trying to look 'heroic' makes no sense 'The Three Seashells' make no sense Superficial story out of semi-coherence bred out of episodic storyless world This movie is lackluster, not very poignant, but OK entertainment