MovieChat Forums > Galaxy Quest (1999) Discussion > Berillium spheres make no sense

Berillium spheres make no sense

I realize this movie is basically just parodying Star Trek and some other space entertainment stuff.

However, even for a parody/comedy, this 'Berillium Spheres' (not going to check what the actual name is, as it is not important)-thing makes no sense.

This is the exact same problem that exists in basically 'all' these space shows and movie 'Universes', so I am going to expand it a bit, but it's still applicable to this movie.

So we have some kind of super advanced future spacefaring technology. The spaceships have to look either weird, clunky or unnecessarily over-architectured (?), but in any case, they can't look 'realistic' (real spaceships of this type are usually either cigar-, or saucer-shaped without protrusions for very fundamental reasons).

Now, how do all these spaceships and other things get power, where do they get energy, how do they generate electricity? Realistically, there is (are?) a myriad of options:

- Magnetic fields of planets
- Chemical / radiosity reactions
- Highly-condensed materials (like gasoline, petrol, oil)
- Zero-Point Energy generation
- Crystal energy

and so on - there are more, but I am a bit tired right now, so I'll let you do your research - let's just say that Nikola Tesla was able to harness all kinds of energies and create ENORMOUS power that way, without ever taking energy from the 'grid' we take for granted (it didn't exist back then), plus, just look at the sky during a thunderstorm. Nature can generate amazingly massive energies that manifest as powerful typhoons, lightning bolts, tsunamis and so on. Nature doesn't need our 'grid' to generate power, so why should anyone? (Just in case you have hard time stepping out of the official box of energy generation)

Of course in sci-fi, there are even more options, as only the imagination is the limit. Enter the 'Lithium Crystals' or whatever they were back in the day.

Now, a movie has to movie, so it can't think of everything, but I always found it just RIDICULOUS that this super highly-advanced futuristic space fleet tech would rely upon... balls just laying on the ground of some planet.

I mean, really? You don't have to adjust them at all in any way? You don't have to modify them? You don't have to cut them or mold them, attune them or whatnot? They just readily all fit into your spaceship's system, just like that, and everyone uses them?

There are so many problems with this, of course. Think about other 'cultures'. If EVERYONE uses this same 'battery tech', then this planet would not have ANY of these 'spheres' JUST LAYING ON THE D4MN GROUND!

People would have already built INDUSTRIES about these things - where do they come from, how are they created/manufatured/born? Why are they in existence, what is their purpose originally? Why do these 'perfect enerty sources' simply 'exist' somehow, and just LAY ON THE GROUND with not even a dust speck on them, on a desert planet with MINING INDUSTRY but no 'sphere' or 'battery industry'?

What kind of sense does it make that these naked mino.. sorry, miners roam around in mines and probably profit somehow, and yet they won't even touch these _SUPER_VALUABLE_ spheres? WHAT? What are they mining that could be more valuable than OIL .. I mean, GOLD.. I mean.. you know what I mean! Goldrush and oil rush were that because those things were valuable, poeple needed, wanted and hoarded valuable things, so something like oil that EVERYONE needed for all kinds of purposes, WAS extremely valuable, so ridiculously wealthy industries were built on oil alone.

Oil was called 'Black Gold' for a reason!

So you are telling me that those things that can, without ANY adjustment or cutting or attuning or whatnot, power a huge spaceship, and NO ONE has landed on this planet to hoard them all?

That's like saying there's a country that has massive oil reserves and even oil drills installed, all you have to press a button to get all the oil you ever need, but NO ONE is interested in coming there and taking/buying/importing some..


Believe or not, none of this is my main point yet..

What I really meant to say is.. how come this advanced spacefaring fleet requires these 'balls' from a planet instead of manufacturing their own, more high-tech batteries that can occur naturally for their spacefleet?

I am looking at those spheres and thinking of things like diamonds. They have to be cut in a very specific way for them to be valuable. A raw diamond is of no value (except to certain people) by itself, it has to be 'cut' for it to gain its luster.

Now, I know it's a bit of apples and oranges-situation, but as a metaphor, it kinda works. You can't usually just dig up something and put it in your car to power it. Even if you find some Atlantian power crystal, you have to attune it to match your spaceship/car/whatever to be able to power it with it. You can't just replace your Tesla's battery pack with that crystal and hope it will work.


So why would some bubble rock you find just laying on the ground, be something you can pick up and install in your spaceship?

Just look at all the drivers and software that has to be the EXACT right version, or it won't work. The very least, it can't be 'this version or older' to work on newer systems, or vice versa (this version or newer to work on older)..

Just look at how difficult it is sometimes to find a working version of some old software on a new OS, or newer software on old OS, or just typical Linux software to match the distro and then it has to be either 32-bit or 64-bit and then you have to consider the shell and ..

My point is, we should KNOW by know (or by the time this movie was made) that nothing useful you have to install into your technology, can't be that easy. You can't just pick up something, install it and be good to go.

I realize this movie wouldn't have time for some month-long 'attunement ritual' for some power crystal that has to be the right type, right color, right shape and size, that would then load it with proper capabilities so it can start 'generating energy' or whatnot, but come on, this is a BIT too much.

You can't just have an advanced space battery be some naturally occurring rock freely laying on the ground without 8000 different cultures trying to get their greedy paws on them.

This planet has countries that have gone to WARS just to have oil.

But no one is coming to pick up this Universe's equivalent of FREE OIL, although it's very very useful and can be used to generate massive power?


These spheres make NO sense!


BEWARE! Avortac4 is a troll trying to waste everyone's time with such idiotic comments. Look at his posts. He doesn't think anything in any film makes sense. His post may seem like it makes sense in the first sentence or two. But he always quickly wanders off into a completely idiotic idea, and then writes a wall of text that makes no sense. And his sole purpose is to waste your time, thinking he's cute for doing so. Don't feed the troll. If you write a comment, you're giving this troll EXACTLY what he wants. Don't comment after my comment.


"some power crystal that has to be the right type, right color, right shape and size"

you can chuck any shape coal into a steam train , and it'll work.
same thing with this presumably fissile meterial.

also re linux drivers etc.
Look how much easier computers are to set up now than in 1992 , so in 23C they will be infinatley easier .


No, those little blue aliens weren't the ones mining or manufacturing those spheres. Whoever had originally been producing them on that one planet apparently had long abandoned that place (either driven out by the rock monster, or killed by them), and the little blue piranha aliens were just local lifeforms that took over the area like rats moving into an empty building.


You're a testament to the superiority of education in Asia.


But you're okay with the Omega 13 device? And the Earth nerds figured out what it would do?
