stickman38's Replies

That was a good post, Ace. I think you nailed it for the most part. It's good film-making, but I can understand why some people don't like it but I really enjoyed watching it. I don't think it was fair to Paterno though. He gave his life to that school. Sure, the sex abuse scandal was awful but Joe didn't witness it. He was just "told" about it by McQueary. I think a lot of people would have done the same thing. For example, if someone comes up to you and says "hey, I saw your friend Bob robbing a bank the other day" are you going to the police? Keep in mind, Paterno knew Sandusky for over 20 years. It's not like he could just say okay, I'm calling the cops based on one person saying it happened. I think he would have called the cops if he had witnesses it first hand. Plus, McQueary was in a position to take Sandusky's job, so he had a motive to make this claim. And seriously, why report it to Paterno? Why not go to the FBI or the police? Either way, it was sad to see Joe's legacy/memory removed from Penn State in this fashion, then months later he dies of cancer and never received any honors from PS. The purpose of this film was to give people something to bitch about on the MC boards. Ohhhh gosh, does every movie board have people bitching on and on? Come on guys, if you liked it, fine, if you didn't that's okay too. At the end of the day, who cares?? What.... are you going to be able to magically change the movie to your liking? lol.... I recently saw a movie called One Under The Sun, another artsy-fartsy sci-fi film. In which, I was very frustrated with because it really could have been a phenomenal film. But it went in so many directions that you're just like "what the hell". Have you guys seen it? check it out, it's kind of interesting in the way it's presented but then you're just like "why"... lol. I don't think people are sucking V's dick but whatever... I understand your complaints about Arrival but at the end of the day, no film is perfect. Seven was a pretty good movie but Brad Pitt is hard to watch in some movies. I liked him in Interview With The Vampire and Fight Club but he's a movie star, not an actor. haha... I really didn't like Memento. Not sure why, it was decent film-making but I guess Guy Pearce is not one of my favz either. I really have to like the characters/actors to get into a movie. Ohh well, it's funny how people can watch the same movies and one doesn't care for it and the other really likes it. :) Another film that I recently saw that makes you 'think about it' is a movie called Spring (2014). Have you seen it? It's about a guy that travels to Italy and meets an attractive woman that holds a rather dark secret. It's not on the level of complexity like what you see in Memento or Seven but it makes you think about a few things. It's free On Demand right now if you have cable. Check it out if you get a chance too and let me know what you think of it. It's a good question but probably because of the amounts involved, Madoff stole billions upon billions and it ruined over 4000 people. Plus, it was timing, the market crashed and everyone was blaming people like Madoff for it. He was the scapegoat and the judge wanted to make an example out of him. Was it a fair sentence? Probably not, I've seen murderers get less time but it was really bad timing for someone to pull off a crime like this. I do think a little buildup to the story would have made this a better movie but I thought it was still good film-making. I didn't really like the dark overtones of the film though. It was tough to watch, you just know this is not going to end well but that is what happened in real life. However, I was expecting it to be a little more like a biography since that is one category they put it under but it's more of a really dark family drama piece. I might even call it a hit job on the Madoffs. Still, I'd give it about a 6/10 as well.... but if you know the story and what eventually happens to his family, you probably don't need to see this. I do agree, sure, Bernie screwed up really bad but to cut off their mom like that was a little cold and callous. She had no idea what Bernie was doing. Or at least, we don't think she did. Perhaps the kids felt like she knew but never said anything about it. Who knows.... Just goes to show that as humans, we live in the moment. We don't really think about the future and how it could effect others. The truth is, Bernie did not have to do what he did, he was going to be a rich man for the rest of his life but greed got to him and short term pleasure exceeded long term expenditure. He took a calculated risk that weighed in on his conscience even more than the quick fix of a lavish lifestyle. Is this why they shut them down? Too many anti-liberal posts? I suppose you could say every movie is pretentious. haha... I think it seems like a more realistic approach to alien invasion. Or at the very least, not so cliche for the alien invasion category. We just assume they're going to be hostile. Well, in reality, they're probably going to be much more intelligent than we are, which means, if they can conquer space why would they be hostile towards us? To each his own you know... but I did like it. Was it the best film ever? Hell no, but it has it's moments. Have not seen Inception but I might check it out some day. Is it available on youtube? the point is, he is caveman, you are not. Deal with it.... I thought it was a decent film. However, it has kind of like an amateur film student feel to it though, which I didn't care for too much. But in it's defense, it does make you want to believe he really is thousands of years old. So, it does a good job at this. And to be honest, the dialogue is perhaps the best thing about this movie. There's not much character development going on here, I mean we just "hear" stories about them we don't see it in action. The cinematography is lacking, the editing is alright but could have been better, the dramatic scenes like the gun scene, seem a little forced. I'd give it a 5 out of 10. I've seen worse films for sure. I don't quite get the high ratings but to each his own... Brilliant film-making, huh? lol.... Brad Pitt's acting style is a little bland. I would have probably chosen a different actor to play BB. But I have to disagree, this is a very good movie. Although, very similar to Forrest Gump, I'd have to say it's better than FG. FG might be a little more entertaining but CCBB is an overall better film. I have to admit, I did laugh at the parts when they were fucking with Fin. I don't know why, I just thought they were funny. Nothing personal against little people.... I've had friends that are vertically challenged. I would never do that to a dwarf in real life but whatever. People are fascinated by dwarfs because it's not something you see every day. I'm sure the stares can be annoying but it is what it is. People are just curious, that's all. Actually, I've never seen one episode of GoT. but I've seen a few of the sex scenes from GoT on the net. lol... I watched this movie because I saw that movie Penelope a while back and thought Dinklage was good in that movie so I decided to check out TSA. I might have to watch GoT now. I agree, this is one thing that bothered me about this movie. No one would park a food truck there. But still a good movie though. I liked it.... Nahh, it's really not that funny, but I did like the first 10 minutes. That's when the best joke in this movie happens (spoiler ahead). I'd give it about 4 out of 10. (SPOILER)************************************ it was hilarious when they save the fat guy. only good joke in the whole movie. I thought it was a very good movie. People might have been expecting Independence Day and if you were, you'll be disappointed with Arrival. It's definitively a thinking man's movie. It's a different take on "alien invasion" for sure. But this is my first Villeneuve film. So, I can't really judge him by on anything else. His direction was good in my view. Will definitely check out Dune because I loved the original and want to see how this one stacks up to it. SPLICE for sure!! from 2009. link - and Splash (1984) Although, Splash is not a horror film, its similar to Spring.