films like this...

please suggest some films exactly or similar to mood of this film..some original genre mixes..something like that


I am surprised that no one has yet suggested The Man From Earth, The plot focuses on John Oldman, a departing university professor, who claims to be a Cro-Magnon caveman who has secretly survived for more than 14,000 years. The entire film is set in and around Oldman's house during his farewell party and is composed almost entirely of dialogue. The plot advances through intellectual arguments between Oldman and his fellow faculty members. Its rated 8 in IMDB and Its one of the best movies I have ever seen. Just sit through the first 15 minutes and I bet you will be hooked.

~Hasta la vista..Baby


Also a movie called Thale comes to mind


Also a movie called Thale, Mermaid chronicles: She Creature, and Spieces comes to mind...


This film looks intriguing and want to see it. One movie I had found on netflix a while ago was an absolute gem, great storytelling, execution and a fresh surprise in this day and age of endless mediocre remakes. Check out Castaway on the Moon, its such a good story about a man at wits end who finds meaning in simple living on an island surrounded by Seoul (Korea). It's just so good, dont pass this one up.
Link to IMDB page:


i am done with korean films. i mean i almost seen them all. including castaway on the moon. Good concept though.


Twilight..... :P


Midnight Son (2011):
This is an underrated B movie, which is similar to this one.

The History of Future Folk (2012):
I can't say it is a similar one, but somewhat the same type and comedy.

You better know what you want to do before somebody knows it for you -The Astronaut Farmer


Under The Skin has some similar themes and moods, although it is much less whimsical and much more amoral in its tone.


I don't think there really are any films remotely like this one.



SPLICE for sure!! from 2009.

link -


Splash (1984)

Although, Splash is not a horror film, its similar to Spring.
