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stickman38's Replies
Which means exactly what? Did he forget he filmed this or something?
If you wanna see dead people, then yes, you should watch it.
All the ones she's nude in -
At one time, she was the best looking woman in Hollywood!
Two Moon Junction
Boxing Helena
still here after all these years. I originally posted this all those years ago.
I still cant get over this sex scene... haha...
Yeah, I caught this film by accident. It was on cable one night and I tuned in. Never saw a trailer or knew anything about Nash and that's the best way to see this movie I think. Going in blind makes it even better...
when you do this, you really can't tell if he's nuts or not.
I actually thought Dr Rosen was in fact a Russian spy. haha...
However, upon further investigation, it's not a very accurate depiction of Nash's mental problems. Apparently, he didn't see people but even with this part of the movie being inaccurate I still liked it a lot.
Have you seen IWTV?
Yep, Frank Langella was Dracula in that movie.
It's good but my favorite vampire flick is still Interview With The Vampire.
Dracula (1979) is perhaps my second favorite.
Fright Night falls somewhere between teen comedy and horror film but it is entertaining and worth watching.
Red hair probably. Gingers don't do that well in Hollywood.
Yeah, this movie has a lot of 'what the F' moments.
Like -
Why does he have those little lights in his eyes? Why does he have to wear ear muffs and goggles and stuff??
Why is Adam Driver's nose so ginormous?
Why do Kirsten Dunst's boobs look so perky in that massive sweater she's wearing? And why did none of the men try to feel them?
Are those stolen cars they're in? You know, they used to hang people for stealing horses.
And how was that kid able to escape captivity like that?
How did his parents give birth to a light child?
Why did satellites fall from the sky?
Damn, the list goes on and on....
LOL... all jokes aside... I think it's supposed to be like a 4th dimension. We live in the 3rd dimension, the light people live in the 4th dimension and the kid is a link to that the 4th dimension. Something like that....
But whatever, this movie fell a little short for me, I just couldn't get into it.
I was thinking Powder when I saw this as well. And like Powder, neither film really did anything for me. they're alright but not like great.
Just saw this movie last night.
And yep, she used a workable pod at her assistance's home. But how convenient was that? "Hey, I have a pod at home you can use".... lol.
Decent movie but it was full of "that would never happen" moments. I would give it about a 5/10.
It definitely needed an explanation of his world and several other things also needed to be explained for this movie to work. I mean, if violence was such a major part of his world, how did Matt and Jane survive so long to begin with? Their world seemed like a ghost town, why was that? Was everyone getting killed off? We also needed to know why they were working on a pod in the alternate world? Were they doing it for the government for military reasons or what? The first thing we see when she gets to the alternate world are jets flying around. Are they in the middle of a war?
This might be nit-picking a bit but it would have explained a few things about why second world Matt was so much different than first world Matt.
And yeah, the ending definitely leaves it open for a sequel but the movie really isn't good enough for a sequel. I wouldn't watch it unless everything is somehow explained then maybe I might give it a look.
Saw this movie a few days ago, it's quite funny and yeah, apparently several people have actually done this.
There's an article about it on Wikipedia -
And it's Lawnchair Larry... not Larry Lawnchair.
Yeah, and what? Are you trying to say we needed Ep 1-3?
If Lucas was going to dive in and do it, at the very least, he could have made 1-3 out to be better films. Especially 1 and 2. God, they're atrocious. 3 is a pretty good movie though.
Wow, that would have been even more awkward than Rick Moranis. lol...
That too...
For god's sake, you actually witness Sandusky committing that kind of crime and you don't confront him during the act? Instead, you go to Paterno? Whatever...
Paterno didn't employ Sandusky, the school did. It was the school's responsibility to do something about it. Paterno was not the head of the school, which is the one you should go to. Sure, you could say they didn't want to disrupt the football program but to pin it all on Joe is bit unfair.
I mean, who would believe McQueary's story anyways? He claimed that he saw Sandusky screwing a 10 year old on school grounds in a shower. REALLY?? who would be so bold as to something like that where people could catch you doing it? Most likely I would have reported it myself but I could certainly understand why some people would be a little reluctant to believe that and it wouldn't necessarily have anything to do with preserving the football program. I mean, this is rape we're talking about, what does that have to do with football?
Yeah, I probably wouldn't call it 'cerebral' either but I do hate it when people call films "pretentious". I guess it's become a buzz word among movie buffs but I really find its getting old. A movie is just a movie, you either like it or you don't. All this hair splitting and dissecting becomes a bit tiresome.
I think they're all alive, Paul, Ringo, John, George but they didn't get into the music business. In the parallel universe, alternate world or whatever he lives in is only slightly different but it changes the course of history forever. Apparently, the ones that are alive have the same personalities and traits as the ones in the old world, universe or whatever...
Pretty good movie though, I liked it.
To be honest, I think this franchise needs to die. EP 1, 2 and 3 should have never been made. Although, I did really enjoy Ep 3, the more recent ones are getting quite ridiculous.