MovieChat Forums > Zinger > Replies
Zinger's Replies
Season Two is better (though the Kazon are truly awful villains).
Top tier trolling. He knew what he was doing.
But it will back fire.
Trump will now begin the process of distancing himself.
Hey son, are you winning?
It's true, she's disgusting.
That being said, I would munch on her chocolate fudge box for a full hour.
By one, you mean your mother? By knife, you mean my penis?
I'm calling bullshit.
"While the article states that all of the accusers had at some point played along with Gaiman's desires to some extent by calling him "master" and continuing to communicate with him, the women allege that consent and specific BDSM activities which they say took place had not been discussed and agreed upon prior to them happening."
So they consented, just not upfront or to certain things.
Women are children. Equality isn't for them.
Try pushing a knife through one.
Yeah, big win for you. I meant read the response further up. Really can't spoon-feed you more than that.
See further above.
See above.
Eating, sleeping, loving, dying.
Pretty much.
You need to learn what trade-off and progress mean.
E.g people living longer is progress. Except it isn't because people living longer means greater instance of dementia, arthritis, age related illness etc. It also means younger people burdened by looking after them, paying for them, etc. The point being there is no such thing as progress, only change and necessary trade-off.
Progress is a Utopian ideology which acts as a painkiller and is (ironically) the thing that replaced religion in that function.
You'll learn this as you mature.
Progress doesn't exist. Never has.
It's the thing that replaced religion as your opium.
Wow, Carl La Fong is there now. I guess that means the other forum (can't remember its name but it was the biggest one) must have died.
There were about ten offshoots. Curious how many are still going.
A new year, a new opportunity to recognise your low intelligence. 2025 is the year you can do it. We have faith in you. Now remember, being owned is not the embarrassing part (if only), being owned but being thoroughly ignorant that you've been owned... is. You claimed you were leaving the thread but remained and we laughed. You claimed this was your thread and we laughed. You claimed you weren't dancing for me like a special needs boy with a disturbing erection which, brought on by memories of your mother, has been twanging to and fro for many days now.
We cannot stop you from being owned. But we can stop you from being self-owned. Please reach out to a family member or friend. Speak to someone. This is getting embarrassing. Your tiny brain clearly isn't equipped to grasp its own stupidity. I implore you. You are going to burn the carpet with all that monkey dancing.
Sir, you have been embarrassed by your stupidity. Don't keep shining a light on it.
When grown men salivate over them, they're ALL ridiculous.
Get married, start a family. Grow the fuck up.
Another bump for your thread. Aww, bless your cotton socks. Have you put any more thought into why you declared you were leaving with the histrionic"bye-bye" but never actually left? It can't just be a simple matter of low intelligence. There must be something more to it. Are you willing to explore your feelings? No Judgement.
And this assertion that this is you thread. Is that related to your immense stupidity or is it something else? You appear to have doubled down and claim I'm bumping your thread despite the obvious demonstration of your blatant retardation. Why is this? What's it all about? Did father touch you in a bad place? Did your embarrassment at being exposed as a world class cretin trigger some kind of painful memory associated with childhood? What happened?
Together we can solve this. We can discover the root of your staggering idiocy. And best of all (though improbable) we might even penetrate your self awareness sufficiently for you to grasp that I own you. Every last delectable inch of you. You are my dancing queen!!
Poor lamb, so desperate not to be embarrassed by such overt stupidity. I understand your pain. I am here for you. You didn't see the plot hole but that doesn't make you a monster. You claimed to be leaving the thread after I butthurt you with immense gusto but that was merely hubris. You claimed this was your thread (no doubt due to being so befuddled by the fact that I so savagely owned you). I understand your pain, I feel it. Let it all out. Speak to me Goose. Speak to me. No one is judging you for reaching your intellectual limit. No one.
I will always support the special needs community (even when they relentlessly make a clown of themselves). You are not to blame. It's not your fault.
U mad bro? All I did was point out that you said you were leaving like some kind of hysterical simpleton but then refused to leave, instead opting for the (entirely superior) choice of relentlessly dancing for me like the world's most retarded monkey-boy. I approve of your decision wholeheartedly. It was the right call. This was always your destiny.
I am merely here to provide you with a solid beat. Now dance!