This Is BAD So Far!

We're trying to give this a fair go but five episodes in, it's already coming apart at the seams...

There's already been two episodes featuring mirror Voyagers, of which only one is real!

One episode was a time loop, which made no sense as the episode could never have happened...

And now they're struggling for decent food and coffee as the replicators aren't working. The lack of coffee is literally a plot point of the episode. Only, in the SAME episode, they have the guys off on the holodeck being served wine in some bar!

So I looked this up and it turns out that the holodeck supposedly incorporates replicator technology! So why are they all struggling for food and coffee, when they could just set the holodeck up as the ship canteen!

So bad...


Once the holodeck was invented, it became the ultimate ST universe plot armor/escape hatch. Absolutely everything the writers came up with (no matter how inane or esoteric) could be ultimately explained/justified with the holodeck.


In most of these shows it took a while for the writers to figure out how to write it.


Yeah, I'm no fan of the holodeck at all.

It's probably the thing that put me off being a fully subscribed watcher of TNG. There's something cringe inducing about it - Like watching them all indulge in cosplay... Actually I guess that's exactly what it is.


Season Two is better (though the Kazon are truly awful villains).


I saw it in its initial release, and never warmed up to it. Captain Whatshername is always pissed off. It gets tiring.


I'm currently on my first viewing of this (I'm on season 3 episode 20) and it's not nearly as good as TNG and DS9. While I like Kate Mulgrew in her role, the rest of the cast is weak, especially Tom Paris. As characters, Neelix looks incredibly stupid and is wasted and Kes feels like she's thrown in there. There's also too much technological jargon throughout each episode too.


Neelix's character / manner seems very similar to Dr Phlox from Enterprise to me.

Completely agree re Kes - As soon as they were on the ship, I said to FootOfDavros Jnr that she doesn't really have any purpose being there...

So far only the captain, Neelix and the doctor are particularly interesting. They've got Neelix set up as the chef at the moment and if he stays that and becomes a confidant for Janeway, where she goes and gets moral advice (think they're angling that) that would be a good aspect for the show...


The only way to watch Voyager is to skip straight to 7 of 9's first episode and only watch episodes that are about her character. The show is broken and unwatchable before she comes on board. Her episodes are great.


Well that was sound advice re Picard, i.e. skipping straight past season 2 and on to 3...

Maybe I'll do this, if the next few episodes don't grab us.
