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jcd24fan's Replies
I do remember him saying about the suspect going to the drug house. I thought it was a bad move tossing out a cigarette butt during a drought too.
I also noticed Haman initially stopped him because the area has a problem with wildfires and he was smoking tobacco too.
He does bear some resemblance to Rex Evans, personality-wise.
I always thought Haman was no-nonsense, but not a jerk. I'd actually be angry too if people try to hide and eat drugs in plain sight.
He also appeared in another segment where a young couple were pulled over, and he was kind of surprised that they didn't know how strong weed smelled.
Yes. She was driving a stolen pickup truck. They did find the owners at the end.
I'd probably be upset too if someone did the same thing.
Maxfield was also in another segment of a woman who was in a stolen car. I thought he was cool in that one too and had a little sense of humor too.
At least Dowlearn was cool in that segment compared to the other one he was in.
It's been a while since I saw the segment, but I do remember the suspect crying and whining over meth. I thought the officer, Justin Maxfield, was very cool and didn't get angry during the whole segment.
The segment where the bicyclist tosses the bag was great too. I actually just watched Fincher's recap about it, and he was trying so hard not to laugh. The suspect also had another bag of weed in his sock. Fincher said he was glad he owned up to it because otherwise, he would have had a felony charge if he brought it into the jail. That was very cringeworthy.
My guess was that he was in his early 30's. I honestly believe that was one of the better segments of season 28.
The episode I mentioned earlier is the one I'm leaning towards. This guy had a slight beard and also spitted several times and tried to resist by getting out of the cuffs and almost falling. I think they had to hobble him and had to put him in a wagon too. Even the main officer mentioned he was methed out.
Was that the one where he was stopped for shooting off a gun in a neighborhood? If so, that was from 2015. Pluto TV has a 24/7 COPS channel that airs episodes from the Spike/Paramount Network era. It might run on there.
That guy was totally strange in that segment. I don't know if they actually found meth, but he was very likely under the influence of it.
Most officers are professional if there's a gun found or a potential one. Cullen does seem to have a temper. The suspects were indeed cool throughout the whole incident and weren't disrespectful and aggressive. I think at least one of the passengers was released when Cullen warning about deputies seeing guns and how they're worried, as apparently the area has had shootings.
I think his name was Brian Cullen. I didn't care for him either and something rubs me the wrong way about him. He totally overreacted and he didn't need to scream the way he did at the men. I honestly think that he would panic simply because of the race of the suspects and a gun in the vehicle. They were cool the whole time. One of them was a convicted felon and got arrested but still, that was very aggressive by the officer.
I'm sure Genuardo or any officer for that matter wouldn't put up with a suspect whining constantly. I don't think he was disrespectful towards the suspect either.
I agree that it was the suspect's decision to use drugs and probably wouldn't have gone to jail if he didn't use.
I saw someone put a comment saying Miller ruined his life by arresting him. I didn't have a problem with him at all. He really wanted him to get clean. Never did Miller raise his voice once.
I liked the officer too. He seemed really cool dealing with the suspect and also liked that he showed some compassion.
I have a hard time watching it too. He seemed very nervous and scared the whole time. I too hope he got help.
He didn't deserve to be locked up, in my opinion.