MovieChat Forums > jcd24fan
jcd24fan (401)
I was surprised Chambers too was calm, because in the two other segments with the one guy with a gun and the other where he kicked the one drunk guy, he was a jerk in both.
I felt no sympathy as well for the shirtless drunk, as he just seems like a very violent individual overall at least when drunk.
That was a great segment, and that drunk guy was totally not in control himself.
I thought Willoughby was a little aggressive in the one segment where the black driver refused to pull over and a chase ended at his house with people screaming in the background. I'm glad Chambers never showed up as he's even more agressive.
I know of the elderly guy, but what episode of season 14 was the one with the drunk assaulting a prostitute?
Season 14 was great as well IMO. The fight with a tire iron, the naked druggie who fought with cops and punched a fence, a motel fire, a lost child, a guy caught with drugs with a D.A.R.E. shirt. It had it all.
My COPS seasons start mainly at 9 since I got into the show a bit later, but I really enjoy seasons 16-18, a lot of interesting segments from that time. I must say, even with later seasons becoming repetitive, I think COPS always at least tried to make each episode interesting for an audience.
Two others:
Patrick Rose, who appeared in the famous season 17 segment in New Orleans of the drunk or high individual in the bar who got maced several times and fought with the police violently after. He died in 2017, possibly from MS complications. He had retired and had moved back to the Cleveland area, where he was born.
Hans Wagner, who appeared in season 22 segments in Houston, died at 35 in 2012, of complications from a head injury in a crash. He initially survived the crash, but the headaches never went away and he passed in his sleep.
I saw those three segments and I thought he was a jerk in all of them. Very rude and condescending, and doesn't seem to have empathy for any criminal. I wonder if he appeared in any other s9 segments and also acts the same way.
I see Tony Moreno of Pittsburgh got charged as a civilian in 2022 for aiming and threatening someone with a firearm over someone who had dogs that wasn't allowed to own them. He claimed that he would never do such a thing and the charges were later dropped, but knowing how rude and aggressive he acts towards suspects in his COPS segments, I wonder if it's really a surprise.
How about Linus and Lucy, the theme from the Peanuts specials? Just a great Jazz standard, but there are no references to Christmas at all. The composition being in "A Charlie Brown Christmas" is probably why it's a Christmas song, played by many radio stations and public places every holiday season.
I've never understood that either, especially when there's a camera watching their every move.
What episode was this?
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