MovieChat Forums > 102000 > Replies
102000's Replies
Thank you for pointing out that gender was,(and IMO, still should be a language trait), and never had anything to do a persons sexuality.
I don't understand how people can do things like that.
Glad you were able to save him and he is going well.
That sounds strange, but I just looked again and first time didn't pick up that the building is divided into 3 units, so I would imagine the owner will get an excellent ROI.
It really depends on where a person wants to live. I don't care for urban living, but the second house looks really cool.
1960's - and they were a blast - went from 10 to 20 during that decade.
Just finished watching the Bengals/Ravens game and I'll be watching football for the rest of the day.
Ham sandwich for lunch - right now drinking a Cosmo - making ribs with sauerkraut and mashed potatoes for dinner.
We both like football and enjoy cruising.
Bonnie and Clyde (1967)
Risky Business (1983)
Top Gun (1986)
Edge of Tomorrow (2014)
Long Cool Woman - The Hollies
Switzerland - beautiful scenery and a central location for travel.
Vincents, at the Starry Night Cafe.
I got it for $8.99 a month. Right now it's a free 1 month trial membership - not sure if I have to commit to a full year or come January, when TNF is gone, I can drop it. Guess I'll find out next month.
I did enjoy the game last night - better at home in my PJ's than out until midnight at a sports bar.
That's what I did and then I can watch on my old "stupid" TV that has an Apple box attached.
I sometimes wonder if those of us who were adults during that time were suddenly transported back to the 80's if it would really seem that much different than today? Not taking about the lack of technology, but if you were just out and about - like walking through a mall, (which we still have here), how different would it seem?
Haven been fishing in years, but it didn't used to bother me and now it probably would.
Unless I lived in the wilderness and had to kill my own food for survival, I personally couldn't kill anything just to eat it.
That's not to to say I don't eat and enjoy meat - I've had rabbit and it's very tasty.
I don't. The kids in the family get money from us and I don't buy gifts for adults.
Hot Tub Time Machine - really is a bad movie, but I always laugh my ass off when I watch it.