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saving for a house

having a hard time adjusting to my new home, i may not be a great scientist or musician or even a laborer but I think it's time to start saving for a house because i'm living in a bad enough area.

i have disability and I have eden housing now also have a part-time job and it is tough for me

I got the woke mind virus but can you say that I didnt struggle because I was homeless

i'm learning disabled and I need patience and time to learn

I have no criminal record and shouldn't be investigated for anything and have my privacy invaded if im not doing anything illegal (I know it's that simple if you are living a good life but I am not)

I ENJOY LEARNING and that's why holding onto the disability was important for me but I am not happy in my surroundings right now and having trouble adjusting because they are talking in the hallway and it is just a funky place and it's scaring me a bit because of my learning problems and disability ( A House is the right move )
but im good at getting cheap laughs sometimes, i wanted a brighter educational career but trying to accept it is not in the cards here at this place because of the issues i am having and the people talking in the hallway and the noisy neibors - how is that a good environment to succeed? so im dealing with that

i'm that depressed though but one step at a time. baby steps

if the government shuts down ill have to get another job on top my other one and not sure how im even gonna do that if i dont get used to this place and try to show how much of a big heart i have , or try to not be so popular


Your disabilities aren't the issue. Houses are insanely and unrealistically expensive now. My cousin recently got married and had to settle for a house she wasn't 100% happy with because even moderately sized houses are way outside of her price range. Just look at some of these houses in Toronto going for millions.


Yeah well me and you arent on the right path together


I'm lucky I have a place that I like that's affordable, but it's definitely not only Canada where this is a problem.


That's crazy.


Sadly, it's not just Toronto. It's like this in surrounding cities. The average price has risen over a mil.


It really depends on where a person wants to live. I don't care for urban living, but the second house looks really cool.


You can't see it in the article, but that house has a toilet in the bedroom. Not a bathroom, just the toilet. It's just there in the corner.


That sounds strange, but I just looked again and first time didn't pick up that the building is divided into 3 units, so I would imagine the owner will get an excellent ROI.


I love that first one but the price is crazy! That'd be around £200k - £240k in my area. It came up as still over £1m when converted from $Canadian to £UK.


I'm totally down for small houses, I've never been a fan of massive spaces. But there is absolutely no justification why that cost is so high. It's criminal.


For comparison. C.$2mil is about £1.2 mil Uk.


Lucky. You guys get a nice looking property with that money. We get get something that looks like two garden sheds combined.


Toronto is probably one of the most expensive places in North America to buy a house right now.


It used to be affordable but around 2010 I noticed the prices were quickly getting insane. I didn't think it would reach $1M on average, but I was wrong. These politicians sit on their asses and do nothing and think that just adding houses will solve the problem. And I'm not even talking liberal or conservative, both sides are completely inept at this.


i assume he would not be buying a house in any large city in north america


The worst part is that they don't even apologize for these prices. That is so un-Canadian.


This is a lot to digest Beavis. I’m impressed though that despite your disabilities and other challenges, you really analyze your situation and all the contingencies and possible solutions. You seem to think clearly on these issues and possible solutions. You should think about possible jobs where these analytical strengths are transferable. Maybe a social worker can help find such a job for you. Have you tried ear plugs or noise limiting headphones for the residential noise and distractions? Maybe also try reasoning with the people in the hallway to keep it down after hours. You have to get some peace and quiet in your own residence if you’re going to sort through the bigger problems.


The house is a good goal to look forward to, as long as you're realistic about your buying power and flexible about where to settle.

So getting a house isn't an immediate solution to the noise and other issues at your current living space, so your first step is to come up with immediate measures that will make your current home more tolerable. Earplugs are the cheapest, start with those, start pricing noise-cancelling headphones as well. A white noise generator is another possibility, and a simple cheap plastic room fan not only generates white noise so well there are youtube white-noise that are nothing future hours of fan sounds, plus is distributes heat in winter and cools the room in summer.

It's great to have long term goals, but you also need to think about short-term measures right now.


I can clearly tell you counsel people for a living. Realistic and not negative. Ideas about solutions connected to taking personal responsibility where possible. Are you a psychologist? Social worker? Counselor of some kind for certain.


I am not a professional counselor, and don't like to say what I do for a living here, as a quick look at the Russell Brand board will show anyone how many crazies there are here.

However, thank you for saying I could step up from being the sort of internet busybody who likes to give advice, to turning pro! And BTW, are we good?


Yes we’re absolutely fine. I’m glad you’re not holding any grudges. I enjoy your posts.


Likewise. Sorry about all that.


The most realistic plan for affording a house right now for the average person might be to a heist similar to the one in the movie Goodfellas.


Sorry to hear about what you're going through. Is it possible you could just move into another rental property for the time being, whenever your lease expires? Saving for a house is a fine goal, but if you need immediate change, maybe you could get a doctor to write you a letter and get out of your lease for free if you can find a more suitable place to live for right now.

Also wish you the best with your career. Is it just an adjustment, or do you genuinely feel like you're in the wrong job? It's hard to say how that could be improved without specifics, but I'm a firm believer that if you're not happy where you are, you shouldn't force yourself to stay there - again, a doctor's note could make all the difference when it comes to removing yourself from the path you're on if you feel its one you've been forced onto by others.
